Saying Mercy Requires Lots of Skill is Insulting to Zen and Ana Players Frankly

How, how are you thinking this?



oh right, sorry lol. my bad.

For being a Mercy player and having played Zen;
Zen need much more skill, in any and more ways Mercy need it. Plus, you best have a very good ballistic aim added to this.

There is no escape or fly away, one mistake, you assume it and you are toast. Period.

As Ana… she is so hard in everything, i do not even find her fun to play.

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but you dont even play these 2 in competitive???
have you tried them???
ranked up with them

I’m not cherry picking anything. I’m simply saying that the size of her projectiles severely reduces aim/lead requirement since it’s drastically more likely to hit than Ana’s projectiles for example.

You are exaggerating as Hanzo too have ‘enormous hitbox’ as well.

No, it’s not. I mean, yes, it’s bigger than hitscan but it’s noticeably smaller than Mercy. I can ADAD him without getting shot once if I properly do it. It’s impossible with Mercy since it will still graze you.

Not to mention that Tracer and Baby have just about the same body frame hitbox compared to Hanzo which is a bigger hit box, so it makes sense honestly.

Eh, what? Lower hitbox is an advantage, not a disadvantage.

That is untrue :sweat_smile: I am not surprise that this is the way you are thinking, but oh well. :heart:

Not really. But you’re free to disagree.

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ok, sure, whatever, lets say mercy doesn’t require any skill, are you happy? what do you want to do with that information, are you suggesting we remove the hero from the game or make it impossible to use mercy at higher tiers because “she doesn’t require skill” whats the endgoal of this topic, do you actually want anything to come of it or is it just meant to dump on people who enjoy playing mercy.

i find it kinda amusing that you say mercy doesn’t require skill and in the same post you say “thats what your pistol is for” OH so we are supposed to use our pistol are we? Do you think the pistol doesn’t require just as much aim as zen or ana? Cause it does, we just cant use it constantly while also healing.

are you in favor of letting mercy shoot the pistol and heal at the same time, that certainly would make the hero more skillfull, or do you just wana whine.


not what i said. she requires skill. are you happy?

no not really, you didn’t answer any of my other questions, you just parroted the start of my post

I don’t think the goal here is to remove Mercy or anything like that

Simply that certain Mercy players tend to be very obnoxious when it comes to discussing their hero and severely overstate the difficulty in playing her. There were literally memes such as this one floating around, which were based on some actual things someone on r/mercymains said in an actually serious manner:

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What’s up with the random Mercy hate today?


lol saying healing is harder than headshotting as mccree is a joke (ik you don’t agree with this but i found it ridiculous)

That’s a copypasta. But it illustrates the mindset, somewhat.

As a Zen main, I’m not insulted at all.

Please do not put words out on my behalf.

Every hero requires a different playstyle and skillset to use well.


You are though, because we already established of course her hitbox is not the same as Ana.

I already listed the reason why too.

This still doesn’t ignore the fact that she still has to lead her shots, she still has to aim and she still has to track. Plain and Simple.

You can literally go into the training room and tell all these theories out for yourself. Hanzo’s hitbox is still relevantly big too.

Have you ever thought maybe since Mercy's Pistol is a low damage and high RoF, maybe her projectile hitbox will be a little bigger?


Hanzo’s which is a Low RoF and High Burst Damage, maybe his hitbox will be a little bit smaller?

But thanks for that link though.

I literally said that it was an advantage mate, not a disadvantage.

I know, is which why I am still disagreeing, but doing so in a fashionable and respectful way. :wink:

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Alright people, let’s let this topic drop, please.

It’s posts like these that cause me to visit the forums less and less.

Yes, Ana is harder than Mercy…she was always designed to be a more difficult hero in the Support category.

Why are we arguing about it right now?

Just because Mercy is easy doesn’t mean that she doesn’t require skill.

Some heroes just require more than others and we should stop beating each other up over it.

- Ana-Main / Flex-Player

People will always hate Mercy for some odd reason.

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You know that every Support is not doing their job when they fight a Flanker?

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there are tons who are insulted though, and i am maining the omnic rn.