Saying Mercy Requires Lots of Skill is Insulting to Zen and Ana Players Frankly

People will always hate Mercy for some odd reason.

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You know that every Support is not doing their job when they fight a Flanker?

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there are tons who are insulted though, and i am maining the omnic rn.

As an Ana Zen main can we stop with this idiotic ego fueled skill floor and skill ceilings obsession. I’m insulted that people seem to only play these heroes because they can act like they are good.


Except Zenyatta, Brigette and Moira. Zenyatta and Brigette both still heal while they are fighting and Moira has to fight to get her healing back anyway.

Oh so you are being toxic based on the things a few people said, yay, being garbage to each other based on a copypasta, wonderful! This certainly breeds a welcoming community and won’t put everyone into camps. Generalizing is the BEST, its the BEST, keep doing it, really really good idea.

Also that quote has a point, supporting is hard, just in different ways, i wouldn’t say its harder than dpsing, you could say its a bit easier, idk, its really not useful to compare the two things or get into a peeing contest about which role is harder, all it does it divide people.

Support has its own difficulties, similar to support in dota and league, you are very reliant on your team, sometimes you feel helpless and its kinda a thankless job, people flame you for not healing them while they do thier darnedest to make your job as difficult as possible and then they go and trash supports by saying that its no skill even if they haven’t played support ever.

Basically, just, be nice to eachother, why is that hard, cmon. Drops got it right.

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I’ve never seen anybody insulted over this.

You must be thinking about players who only picked up Ana/Zen because that’s what the meta dictated, then thought they could go around and parade their bad opinions about Mercy.

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god stop putting words into my mouth. ONCE AGAIN, I NEVER SAID SHE DIDN’T REQUIRE SKILL.

Here’s a way to resolve this honestly.

You’ve got one guy on your team to play support. (S)He is an average player at best.

What support would you prefer them on?

Purple is a nice color.
They aren’t denying the skill of Ana and Zen, they are just telling other people to stop hating Mercy players because there is more to skill than aim.

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look at all the comments bud.

are you high cmonBruh

I say this all the time, and I’m not saying it because I main Mercy…

Every hero is easy to learn, but hard to master.

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this has nothing to do with what i’m talking about. regardless, moira

You expect Mercy to kill Tracer and Genji when none of the DPS can do it either? For what it’s worth I duel Widows on a regular basis, it’s actually fun to watch how they can’t aim while I’m getting nothing but headshots on them from half a map away.

some are easier compared to others. i see your posts about being a tracer main, i would expect you to know.


Where did I ever say that you said “that she doesn’t required skill?”

You are messaging the wrong person mate.

It’s so strange. Everybody wants someone to play the healer role, but when you do you’re constantly being told that you’re inferior for selecting that hero and that your opinions on matters of Overwatch are to be summarily discarded. And as we can see from this thread it isn’t just that supports are put at the bottom of the hierarchy, but also that a hierarchy exists within the category itself with X support(s) at the top and Y supports(s) at the bottom.

The Overwatch community is a bizarre tribal meritocracy.


Not being toxic

Just explaining my issue with a certain subset of mains of a hero. I could literally give you C/P of posts from old forums done by the said mains that perfectly demonstrate what I mean with this and how they act as if playing Mercy is some super-hard task and 4d chess.

This certainly breeds a welcoming community and won’t put everyone into camps.

Actually, putting people into camps comes from other side mostly. Especially on this forums.

Generalizing is the BEST, its the BEST, keep doing it, really really good idea.

Not generalizing. I said “certain”, not all. But those certain often tend to be very loud. Stop skewing what I’m saying to straw man me.

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