Say "Support is fine" all you like but if they don't queue

Bro that team has to be next level dog and we’ve only seen beta soilder in quick play vs Mercy who dominated every tier of play.

The meta name is LITERALLY based off the fact that Nano makes Reaper ult as fast as Pegasus

Show me. I can show you how many people Brig made quit with videos and stats

Your point was a vague Ana can two tap tracer when many heroes can.

Last time I checked Zen has been more meta than Ana and the 2nd most meta hero of all time. Maybe Ana is better in gold lmao

That makes you part of a very small minority

Slight nerfs only, and there are buffs too (for Bap, for Brig, and the passive).
Overall compared to the other roles there is very little new for supports.
When Blizz adds a new Support hero in the next betas you will see a lot more people queueing for support.

Of course, the next beta can have the exact opposite problem. I am really looking forward to it.

Pretty much. It’s only around for a short time, why waste it doing the same things you can do on live?

Like, the support experience does suck right now, but really the big issue is that most people are playing the same way they’d play 6v6. Of course stuff isn’t going to work.

The problem though, is that RobotWizard is right. Reality doesn’t matter, perceptions do, and Blizz has ROYALLY screwed the pooch on that front. They’ve had 6 years to get their heads around how this community responds to this sort of situation and they still let it happen anyway.

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They actually are mostly fine, but there aren’t changed yet and probably could do with some adjustments. This is only the first beta, more changes are coming.

I play support most rounds. It was a little rough at first and still there are areas where it’s difficult, but mostly it’s been fine.

A lot of things I thought originally were in a terrible state on first impression are not. But beta will never be where all the balance issues become clear, people just… don’t play the same in test environments.

As if the queues are not already a waste of time. I do not really believe the people playing the beta value their time. And this is coming from Mr. 30k forum posts over here.


They’re no worse than the queues on live for the most part.

As if you’d just stay there and watch the timer tick up anyway. You don’t do that, do you?

They have yet to make the dps role “unfun” and tank looks fine.


Honestly, sometimes I do. If I do something else, I will prefer to keep doing that instead of playing Overwatch. But when you put it like that… I really do feel some self reflection is necessary here.

I’m laughing because my que times this entire have been less then 12 seconds. Love playing bap in ow 2.

Incorrect. You can literally watch T500 streamers and pros do PUG groups with each other and a soldier just suddenly wide flank kills their team.

You don’t know what beyblade is but that is okay you don’t know what a lot of things are.

It is on you to prove it not me. Good luck.

No, you are just as dense as a solid rock wall that you can’t realize Ana didn’t have to headshot to 2-3 tap people, and could do it as hitscan with quick scoping or hipfire projectile body shots.

Funny how you ignore the headshot part cause it doesn’t fit your narrative, classic you.

Last time I checked, Zen has only been meta in T500/GM and OWL. Everywhere else, Ana has been meta for much longer, and is constantly top 3 support. Zen is either number 1, or dead last with no inbetween.

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Going to interrupt the compilation of you crying to say this might be the single most terrible take I’ve ever seen. Beats Mr. 3 letters low diff.


Alright I’m tired of quoting the same BS over and over again (all separate replies :face_with_hand_over_mouth:) so time to actually debunk it.
a) “OMG queue bottleneck!!! Supports are so bad omg please buff!!!”
The role with 3 changes is played less than the ones with reworks and new heroes. News at 11.
b) “The wishes of support players !!!”
You want to sit in the back and braindead heal bot without needing positioning. That’s cool. It doesn’t work in OW2, and that’s a good thing. Both tank and dps players hate nothing dying. Majority wins.
c) “Supports are weak”
No. They. Are. Not.
It really isn’t that difficult to sit with your other support and pocket each other when getting dived. Makes you very, very difficult to kill. Playing Zen Mercy into Tracer Sombra - probably not the best idea? You actually need to think, coordinate, and position well to get value. I see no issue here.
But then again you are the guy that thinks Sombra doesn’t hard counter Doomfist so I don’t really expect good takes.

Ok, lets take this though one step at a time, because your reading ability is awful as always.

The thread is about game design, and that saying things like…

Doesn’t fix problems.
You can tell your playerbase to play differently as a game dev, all you can do is redesign.

That is what the thread is about.

I don’t even play support. I’m a Mei / Sombra main remember?

Where do I say that? I’ve been VERY clear in the thread…

Is this me saying they are under powered? no it is not.

This is your complete inability to read biting you. I said, ONE particular interaction wasn’t as the forums said it was, and provided a test showing it.

IN THAT THREAD, I said that sombra was a hard counter to doom, but you are not exactly good on the reading skills.

You saw me saying “if doom makes a direct slam on Sombra he will get the hit in before her hack goes off” and lost the plot.


Support isnt being played because they essentially god 0 changes compared to DPS or tank

@Isenfer, I was reading the forums and I found a good explanation for what I think is happening (about supports in OW2), but I couldn’t be clear about, now this clarified for me, here you are:


I’ve never talked to you what LMAO

Don’t like it go play a different game. Because when supports are having fun doing that, nobody else does.

“You” can also be used in the plural buddy.

I don’t know? The title maybe? What else does putting “supports are fine” in brackets mean :joy:

If they’re not underpowered then you can’t deny it’s because they got nothing new :slightly_smiling_face: So your post is still useless.

A hard counter isn’t something you can get rid of through basic awareness :skull:

Keep on lying buddy

This is what the thead is about, that doesn’t fix a problem. It is just trash talking the playerbase, and it solves nothing.

You were relying to me, if you want to make it a global, then that isn’t how to do it.

Something being “not fine” is not the same as underpowered, and if you actually read the thread you would have found that was very much made clear.

Hell I even quoted it to you, and you STILL cant read…
I’ll do it again for you.

It could be fun, it could be power, it could be just a mismatch between the player base and the power fantasy.

There, am I saying they are underpowered? No, I am SPECIFICALLY saying it could be a number of things. But you can’t read.

The fact that Sombra can cloak means you are not normally aware of where she is. If you ARE and get the drop on her, it is the smart thing for her to do is to translocate out.

She is a hard counter, HOW much of a hard counter was still in question.

You are really butt hurt over awful reading comprehension skills.

“He disagreed with me so he can’t read”

Conveniently ignoring how I stated that it doesn’t matter because when the support player base gets what they want, nobody else likes the game. And I’m sorry to disappoint you, but they aren’t the majority.

Can’t refute it so you need to resort to a technicality, great job.

Thank you very much, I can read.
You however…


You literally imply that she counters him less than ball

The support queue is an excellent indicator because it shows what people are actually choosing to do.

Why is a whole other story, and time will tell.

I’m a support player who has spent a lot of time in the beta because I want to see how the role interacts with all the other changes.

I find it interesting that when I leave feedback about the support role, many DPS players want to dismiss my experience.

If the devs dismiss my experience too, I’ll probably do something else with my time when OW2 releases.


No, he can’t read, so he can’t read. There is a difference, I’ve given examples, lets try it again…

Something being “not fine” is not the same as underpowered, and if you actually read the thread you would have found that was very much made clear.

Hell I even quoted it to you, and you STILL cant read…
I’ll do it again for you.

It could be fun, it could be power, it could be just a mismatch between the player base and the power fantasy.

There, am I saying they are underpowered? No, I am SPECIFICALLY saying it could be a number of things. But you can’t read.

But it does if they don’t queue. It doesn’t matter if they are the majority, their queuing effects your queue times.

If they’re not underpowered then you can’t deny it’s because they got nothing new

Not at all. Lets try this again…

It could be fun, it could be power, it could be just a mismatch between the player base and the power fantasy.

Nope? still can’t read it?

Yes, she counters ball SUPER DAMN HARD. She counters EVERYTHING less than ball. it would be crazy hard to counter anything harder than Sombra counters ball.

That doesn’t mean I am saying that Doom isn’t countered by Sombra, it is saying that Ball is crazy hard countered by her.