Save sym before it's too late ( she's too weak)

:rofl: A Genji main telling me I’m playing Symmetra wrong. Thanks for the laughs man.


a person who says new symmetra is too weak when they don’t even know how to play them trying to tell me I’m wrong about sym when the hero works completely different on ptr and is essentially a new hero. thanks for the laughs man.

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New Symmetra actually looks really scary.
Turrets randomly killing you from behind, orbs sniping you from cross map, whole team jumping on with the tp, snipers are locked out of the fight for 15s with the ult, Sym tearing through barriers…

I hate having a Sym in my team at the moment. I’m looking forward to see that new sym

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It’s not hard to decipher her potential. That’s why they’re complaints about her. Maybe you don’t see it now, but eventually you will. Have fun on the ptr where not many takes matches seriously where they do on live. The only thing appealing is the teleport sneak, but soon that will be countered.

I’m sure you are an expert at how to play the new Symmetra compared to the old one with your grand total of 1 minute on her :rofl:

they need to revert her primary fire back to the lock on. it was one of the fairest gun designs in the entire game, dunno why they changed it.

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yeah man because quick play is the only playtime I have in this game, and I don’t have 3 smurf accounts. totally only have 1 minute on her. you are dense.

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Yeah we’ve sang that song before with Sym 2.0 and back then she actually get legitimate improvements. People were calling disgustingly OP back then, look where we are now. The difference is now I can objectively say that 3.0 is absolute garbage compared to even 1.0, let alone 2.0.

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I wouldn’t worry about snipers since Hanzo isn’t one. Players can go through the barrier which isn’t a hard thing to do. If anything you do have the protection, but if your team is weak. Then there’s nothing going to stop the incoming defeat. The thing about this Symmetra is that she totally have to rely on protection now. Old Symmetra did not have to worry too much and a Mercy that pockets her is gold.

Keep crying that’s fun. Some people are saying that the tp is really Op but you won’t have your nobrain laser


You have 1 minute in competitive with her as well. Yeah and my smurf is in Top 500, never heard that one before. :rofl:

So did her last buff. Did that make her good? Half of this rework involved removing things the last buff added to her kit.


They took it out because supposedly she would be too strong, but only to players that cannot compete at close range.

Yeah can’t wait until the realization falls in.

Nobody is saying anything about the loss of the lock on. I don’t have any issue with having to aim - nor playing any hitscan for that matter. And nobody is crying, it’s called objective analysis mate, you should try it sometimes.

It made her better but not enought

Then why are people claiming this buff will absolutely be enough, when it takes several steps back by reverting half of the last buff that wasn’t enough on its own? I’m not trying to be pessimistic, I just want people to recognize that just slapping ANYTHING onto Sym won’t magically make her good.


Better on what though? She’ll mostly be used for teleport ganks mainly. If anything she’s just a incognito support locked in a damage role. Once again she has to rely on her utilities than her offense side. That’s going to be a burden on the team if the damage isn’t enough.

I don’t know if it will be enought but it will make her better

edit : Do you really need to do super high damage to be usefull ?

My point exactly. Sym 3.0 is a step backwards and is objectively worse even when compared to 1.0.