Savagely nerf hog

He was helpful and fun to play with at least for a brief stint when Orisa could solo barrier.

I know you’ve hit 4k SR, but is Orisa just a complete non-factor against Hog at that SR?

Or is she just too fragile vs the rest of the enemy comp?

the only reason they should get rid of hog is so that people stop picking him on my team

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It depends, something like orisa dva, then hog could shread orisa when he waits out the fortify but against double shield he has no chance

If Widow had 600hp. Then she’d be a pretty strong tank.

Hog and Hammond give their team positioning advantages by making the enemy team positioning be worse.

That’s what “making space” means. A positioning advantage.

Blizzard needs to learn not to constantly buff character like Roadhog, thought they learned from giga hog.

I consider Hammond to do that. He doesn’t instakill.

Hog just hooks you in and you’re instantly dead. It doesn’t positioning you worse. It just kills you. And considering Hog does that from quite a distance…I don’t really agree that he “makes space” with positioning. His form of making space is by being a 600 HP hero with high kill potential.

Figure it this way.

To avoid getting hooked, the enemy needs to take worse positions.

Similarly, if Hog is on the flank, they have to split their attention away from the frontline. And you can’t shoot the frontline if you aren’t aiming at the frontline.

Dividing your attention between the backline and the frontline is going to make your aim worse, when you are shooting the frontline.

The real zoning isn’t the hook, it’s the threat of the hook.

Heck, as a Sombra player, you’d think this sort of “psychological zoning threat” should make a lot of sense.

Oh, and of course most ultimates can get shut down by either a Hook or Whole Hog.

And Hog is one of the few heroes that can really shut down a good Ball, Doom, or Sombra player.

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Ok, so you mean GM games, right? Because not even in master we see teamplay in this game.

Hmmm, zoning through burst damage and pick potential… Does that sound like a DPS job or a tanks job? You can bend the definitions all you want, but zoning with high damage is not what most people think a tank should be doing.


“Brutally nerf Ana”
“Cataclysmic nerfs to Tracer”
“Savagely nerf Hog”

Your topics are kinda funny, I am curious what kinda violent nerf adjective Pharah will receive when you get to her :laughing:


Tanks in Overwatch just need 2 things, at a fundamental level.

  1. Stand on objectives really well
  2. Give their team a positioning advantage
    • Which includes making enemy positioning worse

Considering he doesn’t have a big damage blocking ability for his team, the only way he can give a positioning advantage to his team is by zoning.

Tbh, anybody who insists a game derived from the Class Based Shooter genre, needs to follow strict MOBA/RPG archetypes, can quit.

Their concerns aren’t more important than a game with good queue times, and fun tanks.

They won’t be missed. Because there’s not enough of those people in the playerbase to matter.

I miss any "Tanks from FPS games"?

Throw in that a huge chunk of those players will be exiting PVP anyways, and heading over to PVE.

Hog… is why Ana will ALWAYS be meta.

Hog should be based on hooking people into his team. That would fulfill point 2 as is the model Pudge from dota created, and Stitches from Hots followed. They don’t have burst damage because it’s too strong to have that on a character with hook.

I get that, but the game does follow tank/dps/healer archetypes. You’d need a complete redesign of the tank class and support class. If you make a tank have DPS level damage output, then what’s the point of being a dps. Hog comes from a time before role lock, but not really balanced for roles


First off, Overwatch 2 is already doing those sorts of reworks.

I’d also argue that having role limits allows them to

  • Not have to worry about “Well what if DPS heroes don’t get used in team compositions”. That scenario doesn’t exist anymore.
  • Tanks can be substantially more overall value than DPS because there is only one of them. I.e. The opposite Tanks would need to be weaker if you could have 4 of them.
  • With Role Limits comes queue times, which leads to 3 conclusions
    1. New tank players will primarily come from the largest population group of existing players (I.e. Existing DPS players)
    2. Tank playstyle needs to be fun for those players. (I.e. Existing DPS players) Which means making Tanks have similar playstyles to DPS heroes
    3. Because the threat of losing players due high queue times and unfun tanks is so severe. (For both existing, returning and new players), then making Tanks fun can be justified in causing a significant amount of players to quit. Up to the point that you are still losing fewer players than you would for not fixing queue times.

So, especially with that last point. The game can suffer losing a substantial amount of players who have an RPG/MOBA design preference.

Like easily, 1-2% of the total players could quit, and it wouldn’t matter overall if it saved/gained them 3-5%.

Heck, even if they lost and save/gained an equal amount, it would still probably be a net positive to get “fresher wallets” in the mix.

And PVE is a pretty solid way to still maintain those RPG/MOBA minded players that otherwise would quit.

If you obliterate Hog, you will lose like 50% of the tanking playerbase, or approximately 31 gamers.

Here’s how I feel about being locked into the tank role:

  • Wretched healers? Hog.
  • DPS doing absolutely nothing while you create space or shield them? Hog.
  • Nobody breaking barriers? Hog.
  • Duo tank partner kinda :poop:? Hog.
  • Nobody dealing with Tracer? Hog.
  • Effective Ball? Hog.
  • Bastion? Hog.
  • Hog? OutHog.

Outside of 4v4 Hog is never my first tanking instinct. I play Hog because I have to, not because I want to. If you nerf Hog I will be forced to go Ball and you will never see me again, or I’ll probably end up throwing on Zarya trying to play through the blur of bleach or tears in my eyes.

Ana handles Hog quite handily.

No, I was referencing Orisa+Hog comps.

Like you have Hog, they have Hog. I’ve found pretty consistent success with and against Hog’s while on Orisa. I was just curious how viable she is in +4k without Sig.

I just wish I would stop getting hooked through objects. If they just fixed that then they could keep the rest of him the same for all I care.

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Ah you mean the pull pork combo. It can work, but it’s no where near as consistent as it was 2 years ago when it was hard meta. The problem is them gutting orisas shield and the halt range made it harder to pull off but it can definitely work. The main issue is your off tank shouldnt be picking hog over sigma when you are on orisa