Hog is such a stupid hero. A ‘tank’ that is really the best dps in the game. More importantly makes tanking miserable for other tanks. You need three people to kill him, and that’s when he’s WILDLY OUT OF POSITION.
They gotta stop making these dumb heroes where the onus is on the opposition to have teamwork to counter a solo hero. It’s just crap to have hog that punishes solo plays, while able to do whatever the heck he wants.
I can’t tell if you’re being genuine or not anymore. Regardless of what you believe, it’s not going to happen so you might as well adapt.
What is disingenuous about this post? I am surprised anyone disagrees with it, to be honest. Well, other than Hog players, of course.
There’s a similar post by the same guy on the front page about Ana, and who knows how many more are coming.
I just saw that one and you are right. Hog is definitely problematic, but I think this guy is pulling our legs.
Dang it I really wanted a legitimate venting thread to talk about how much I hate Roadhog but now I feel duped.
Go for it, Hogs another insanely frustrating hero to fight. Blizzard needs to start prioritizing fun. Fighting hog is not fun. Playing with hog is not fun. The only thing he helps is Q times.
Sounds like you don’t know what positioning is.
If he’s safely getting to locations, accomplishing a goal, then getting out safely. Then he’s positioned just fine.
The fact that turret mode Bastion is needed to do any kind of damage to Hog while using take a breather says a lot about how horrible the game balance is. No tank should have that kind of defensive power when they have the attack power to instantly kill everyone as well. Adding 50% damage reduction caused CTF and Deathmatch modes to be permanently ruined by Hog to the point that it’s not worth joining them anymore. Remove the damage reduction or cut it in half but please JUST DO SOMETHING BLIZZARD.
The way people talk about hog, you would think he is wildly overpowered and a must pick at all lev… o wait.
This is about damamge fall-off revert right? Well this is happens when they try to balance all the heroes to the same level. The fun hero becomes less enjoyable to play, while the already boring heroes only becomes slightly less boring to play.
The moment when projectile heroes gets balanced to the level where they can equally duel hitscans is when hitscans will no longer be fun to use. Because you can’t make hitscans less OP without severely nerfing them. It’s impossible to balance this game in a way that all types of hero are fun to play imo.
It’s not that he’s op, but favors a playstyle the devs want. So he remains untouched, unlike other tanks.
Hog is such a stupid hero. A ‘tank’ that is really the best dps in the game. More importantly makes tanking miserable for other tanks. You need three people to kill him, and that’s when he’s WILDLY OUT OF POSITION.
They gotta stop making these dumb heroes where the onus is on the opposition to have teamwork to counter a solo hero. It’s just crap to have hog that punishes solo plays, while able to do whatever the heck he wants.
It is so unfair because Hog mains just use him to dodge dps queues and throw everyone’s games. I wish they would just swap to a barrier if it wasn’t working.
I disagree with the post and I don’t main Hog. In fact, he’s tied with Ball as my least played tank by a country mile.
Hog doesn’t need a nerf.
i mean, i hate that he has a one shot but that’s the only thing that prevents him from being in the dumpster even with insane amounts of buffs. imo he doesn’t need a nerf
My only issue with hog is his damage reduction.
50% is waaaay too much. Needs to be closer to like 30-35% come overwatch 2
This post is incredibly Stupid. Things that basically render you useless:
- Teams who stick together and play around whenever you throw your hook.
- Anna literally just existing (wish they would make this interaction less garbage)
3.Basically just running mei
4.Good brigs
5.Good DVAs
6.Reaper if you miss your hook - Creative lucios
- Good shield management
Hog is only great in vacuum. Guess what? This game not played in that. Coming from someone with 500+ hours he’s so meh right now I only really use him to warmup.
Get good.
Hog is disgusting on almost the entire ladder, cause he can get away with murder and not be punished. It does take 3+ people to kill him, which is why he’s way weaker when people are good.
My problem is the length of his hook, 20 meter threat range from ANY tank is ridiculous, particularly one with as much damage as he has.
He also ruins FFA for everyone. So at least ban him from that mode.
It wouldn’t make sense to ban him from FFA. I don’t care about his take a breather and damage output. Why punish players that want to use him because you’re frustrated?
Most heroes get away with murder in one way or another. All get punished. Some it requires more effort than others, or the right circumstances to do so.
I hate the hook length too, but it’s fine. If I get killed by him, I likely should have positioned better, or been more aware of what was going on around me.