San Francisco Shock vs. Vancouver Titans - Grand Finals - FINAL

Seems they have only activated the sprays now, I hope we get all 3 rewards because I don’t have time to sit for another 2 hours to get what was promised by now because of a hick-up on their end.

Anyone else not have the first spray like me but has had this on for the whole time?

Widow Spark skin is mostly pink, it’s quite different.

News from Blizzard about the sprays:


What i find most unappealing about owl is how many American city teams have 0 American players

Are they trickling in? Because some have gotten the tailgate spray (#1) and I haven’t…

Alot on the twitch chat don’t have the spray either so may be slowly getting them out

Seems a weird comment on a shock victory but okay

Well the teams want to win and Korea has a lot of good players, so it makes sense.

I don’t have many details, all I know is that they are working on it.

Thats fine and all but why name teams by cities if players are from korea

Just remove the city part and creat unique team names

The franchises are based in those cities. The players play for those cities. They don’t have to be from there.

The home city part is what brings in most fans.

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I didn’t know only Americans live in American cities all the time. :thinking:

Sorry, just seen this kind of comment a lot, wanted to say something like that. xD


Teams are franchises, players come and go. Doesn’t matter where they’re from.

If the players are good enough they’ll get picked up.

Because this is franchise representation, just like all major sports leagues short of FIFA. For example Colorado Rockies, a Major League Baseball team only have one person from Colorado on their team.

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The Vancouver press conference was dire. Everyone was very quiet and sad.

The SF one is full of jokes.

I grew up loving the Houston Astros, and I feel like they had one(?) Texas player?

Ok , just know, i dont watch regular sports so in not aware of team structures. I dont care if the players are from cyrusi-nebula 2q29 quadrant

Just city names throws me off…i see american city and 6 players dont even speak english probably never even been amywhere 5mi of the city they play for lol

I figure you would have team names… city names just seem artificial for sporty reasons idk

You will understand why there is city representation next year when each of these teams play in their home cities.


Next season the teams will play at home in those cities, so it does matter in that respect.

Carbon footprint flying everyone around though, not sure about that.