San Francisco Shock vs. Vancouver Titans - Grand Finals - FINAL

Thanks man! You’re the real MVP!


Her skins are nice… at least I think so, I fear what will be done with an MVP skin… I have slight faith, but also not. :thinking: Just my own opinion, I respect yours though.

I think the problem is that it’s easier for some heros to make really good skins. Blonde angel? Girl in big mech? Cyborg Ninja? Awesome potential. Buff lady with big gun? Eh, not so much potential.

There’s potential, problem? Nobody likes what’s given, why? Basically part of what you said in a way, buff lady, skin for Mercy? Probably one of the greatest according to many, Zarya? Oh, just another bad, blah blah. That’s honestly what it feels like. xD She’s different… that’s life is it not?

This top 10 list just reminded me how little Tracer was used, and how she got multiple explosive plays despite such little use.

Makes me nervous about the Tracer buffs all over again.

It never felt Tracer was the reason for the loss but moreso the dive tanks being bad.

I guess we’ll see how it turns out. It might go over pretty well. The game is a lot different than it was last time she was best girl.

Wyoming represented!



Best discussions on the forums were your OWL threads imo. :+1:. Hope you do some World Cup threads.

Sorry not this year. Will be at BlizzCon so I won’t have the means to do so.

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Just got my 3rd token drop notification. No sprays yet.

3-4 hours in and got 1 spray…where is the rest

Did you get a twitch notification or check in game? I have been getting tokens all day each hour but no sprays yet… I have had this on since 2 PM EST.

Twitch notifcation, just checked ingame, no notice but it is unlocked in my sprays but it doesn’t say NEW or anything so easy for people to miss

edit: It is the last spray before any LOCKED sprays

I saw you on that twitch bits leaderboard on stream. :eyes:

Thanks imma go check now too

Oh yeah, since Shock ended up winning, we can now just laugh at this as a silly image instead of true heartbreak:


I only have the tailgate spray but I’ve been watching since a bit before 3:00…

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I guess they’re trickling in, but I still don’t have the first spray…

Yeah, I got the Tail Gate, but I started before the pre-show. I’m just leaving the stream on. They’re doing the press conferences now.

Seems they have only activated the sprays now, I hope we get all 3 rewards because I don’t have time to sit for another 2 hours to get what was promised by now because of a hick-up on their end.