Samito places gold

holy cow that’s a lot of reading

I’ll bookmark it and read it some other time, too early in the morning after a 3 day weekend to read it now

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If you are intetested you can check my topic where i was writing down a lot of stuff.

Competitive Experiment - 158 games played - #11 by Vex-21489

In my placement mercy one trick i placed in plat after 5/5.

Someone who is top500 placing in gold after tryharding is total nonsense.

Placements on a fresh account often lands you in gold or plat.

Blizzard haven’t revealed how placements work really but there’s threads both on this forum and places like reddit in which people have analyzed fresh accounts placements and been able to spot patterns.

From my understanding it’s been established by lots of experiments that your QP/Arcade MMR don’t matter at all and I’m not sure but I think blizzard have confirmed this either directly or indirectly.

So essentially all none-placed accounts should start off with the same SR, probably around gold, but with no MMR until after first game is played. The fluctuations in the beginning are probably huge and PBSR probably play a huge part in terms of what kind of opponents you are getting matched up the game after in order to prevent a bronze/silver get smashed by gold/plat players 10 straight games as well as ensuring no plat/diamond player get lots of easy wins on the expense of golds.

Anyways, the SR given to you after the 10 placements seems to mainly be based on win/loss record however the opponents MMR and your PBSR also seems to play a significant part.

People have claimed getting diamond with 6 wins but you would probably need to play outstanding against very good opponents in order to achieve that, more then likely you need 7-8 wins to get diamond while playing good. The highest you seem to be able to get if you go completly godmode and smash opponents for 10 games straight is 3550 SR.

Then again after your 10 placements your SR can swing up to like 100 SR per game in either direction based of your performance until the matchmakers been able to match your SR to what it believe your MMR is.

Blizzard have said that they can tell with pretty good accuracy after 15 games where someone belongs.

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If a t500 tryhards in placements and goes 10-0, they are going to place master.


I don’t think you can get placed after 1 single game on a brand new account…

If it takes 15 games, then make initial placements 15 games.

So fed up of seeing players in gold that have no business being there. Great example was 700 Sr Soldier initially placed 2200. That’s a heckuva error. (unit lost coaching vid, 700 Sr Soldier).

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I can believe that.

Is she a support main?

I’ve easily won games at 2600 as support with great team mates.

I’ve lost games at 1200 trying to support the unsupportable. If I was ever that low for any reason I’d lock dps and frag my way out.

“You dedicate more time to this and enjoy it, and since you have exhibited more experience I’m gonna call you a no life”


gold border hardstuck omegalul

Don’t you know, more time on anything is ALWAYS a bad thing.

Says the one with more accounts :triumph::triumph::triumph::triumph::triumph:

At least I’m not silver border on any of my four accounts, you hardstuck GM. :joy:

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The default placement on a fresh account is usually gold no matter how good you are.

Gold is super easy to climb out of if you don’t belong there though. I placed like 2025 at the start of the season and now I’m pushing 2800

I know right! Rather be sub 4100 than gold boarder :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

She is a mercy/Moira main.

But she did all her placements with Mei, who she has not nearly the experience on. I think it was mainly me telling her to die less when she was doing QP (initially she was too aggressive), and wall placements. Her wall placements were quite useful (unlike most mei’s).

We both laughed and think she will drop for sure though. But after 2 games she is 3207 only down 2 sr.

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Yeah and it’s a good thing he is doing that because fools believe it and point out how broken this games competitive mode is. Which in all honesty it is broken, I wonder how long it will take Blizzard to finally accept it.

if you lose any games in the first 5 placements you basically told the game you can’t beat golds

you get a massive hit in SR

and for the first placements a rule of thumb of 100-200 SR per game difference is about right

you start at 2500, you go 4-6 so you have - two games worth of SR overall which is about -200 SR (+whatever your performance says)

you don’t get SR for losses, no matter how hard you carry and how good your stats are

Im a samita fangirl, specially now that he has glasses

:lol: You need to put /sarcasm with your post

Right…this post, another hilarious out of reality post.

Placement is strange sometime, I got placed in diamond on one account where Im not even trying, but our team is just always better and easy games, while on other account, I got placed in gold, when Im tryharding, but cant carry games because I keep getting diamond evemy players, while our teammates is silver, which is kinda shocking that this match making can even happen lol. Yet, climbing in diamond feels easier than in plat somehow.

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