Samito places gold

I steamrolled first 3 gold match on a fresh account in placements, the 4th game is really strange, we got enemy team with all diamond and plat, while all our teammates is silver and gold, which I failed to carry, and that account placed in gold lol, but a part of the reason could be that I didnt play QP on that account, and level up to 25 by farming in custom games, while the account that placed me in diamond, I tryhard in all qp match, and even played against some GM and one T500 player during QP. QP does play a important role for your MMR before your first comp match.

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He’s a top 500 player, 1 in na at one point, what do you mean lol

You should mention that he played on Zen, not a huge PBSR fan but when I’m talking about obvious stats its usually those kind of stats…

Yeah he didnt play hanzo, the hero he’s best known for but cmon. The game sense alone should ensure he secures at least plat. If he can get placed gold anyone can and that’s not very encouraging at all.

He is a top 500 player…

quickplay and arcade have separate mmr from ranked, until you start doing your first placements you don’t even have an mmr

and you always start at the 2500 in your first game

maybe qp mmr affecting comp was a thing in the past, but since they removed pbsr for 3000+ and winstreaks it definitely hasn’t been

usually you don’t notice because you get matched with not yet placed players over placed ones so your first few games nobody has a rank yet. but when you do it near the end of a season (but not in the very end when everyone rushes to place their new alts) you get golds and plats in your first game

Initial placements have absolutely nothing to do with QP MMR. QP is 100% separate. Everyone starts ranked at the same SR (2350, not 2500, you can prove this by trying to group up with a 3400 friend, it won’t work), and a win gives you a huge boost in SR gain, a loss gives a reduction. The most crucial games to win are your first few games. It also includes your performance… but you have to out perform not only the other team, but your team by a wide margin. It looks at more stats than just how many elims and damage done. It also includes how many times you died, and how much time you spent on point, along with on point kills.

If he spent all of his time killing the back line, never on payload, never killing enemies on payload, lost his first few games… then it def makes sense why he is lower.

I have done all my placements with fresh accounts with friends, and our SR was not even close. Thus, it’s not based purely on wins and losses.

On a win, SR gain is multiplied by performance factors (more than damage/elims), and when you lose, the amount of SR lost is multiplied by your performance again. However, in a loss, you cannot gain SR, you will only lose it.

Basically, play the game as a team, do your best to win, win more games doing your best, gain more SR.


T500 player placed in gold because he wanted to place in gold so he can troll. Nothing new here.


And you believe them?

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why not, it’s true cause it’s math. math doesn’t lie

but it’s also based on past data, and even if you are top 500 you won’t get into top 500 after 15 games when you played like a gold for 5 of them

even though you might deserve it

also you can only get that much SR per game

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Pretty sure mmr is all linked at least a year ago, on the account that I tryhard in QP, I got in diamond games with in first 3 placement matches. Also I have a bronze account for fun, and when I play arcade comp mode, it always place me in bronze even I win all placements.

not my experience and i remember watching jake (the houston outlaws jake) play on a new account with gms in qp then do placements and he got golds in the first game

i mean if you’re good enough you probably see diamonds after 3-4 game in placements, sure

He wasn’t trolling as you say. He even stated on the video if he didn’t get placed plat he’d be heated. Look, his games didn’t all result in a win but his personal performance was generally good, definitely above gold level.

This is 100% not true because I have different results on first initial placement game based on how I played in QP. First initial placement works with your QP MMR, after that its separated. I have done many placement too, 99% of them solo q.

I am not saying QP mmr will affect your initial placement a lot, In my experience ist just usualy in 750 SR range based on how you played in QP or other modes.

I am not saying initial placement its purely based only on win or loss but its doing a lot. In my experience every loss or win is boosting your SR by like 150 SR up or down, it could be more for sure based on your performance.

If you will be plat player and lose your all initial placements you will most likely be placed in bronze anyway, no matter how well you played.

It’s been proven many times over, along with Jeff stating, QP has 0 impact to MMR in competitive. I’ve done multiple alt accounts throwing in QP and still being at 2350 in my first ranked match. All you need to do is queue with a friend to see if you can place or not.

I just placed on my PC account doing absolutely terrible in QP. It was my first time playing FPS on PC (i’m always on xbox). My game sense is good, but my mechanics were terrible. I looked through every profile I could and I started in bronze, then slowly moved to gold. I was never really in plat games.

During my first placement game, I do extremely well, carried our team, same with our second game, and our third (teammates were low plat at this point… The 4 game I lost, and I had a leaver on my team. My 5th game, teammates were mix plat and gold, and we tied, my 6th game, same thing as my 4th. My 7th game I do extremely well and won. 8th game was mixed diamond and plats and I won. 9th game was pure diamonds. 10th game I do extremely poorly against with a mid diamond, and master players. I then was placed 2812 (you can look at my stats right now).

On Xbox, I threw hard in QP intentionally for testing, hopped on my main, went 10/10 and I was in Diamond on my placements. I’ve also played as good as I could in QP, and went 8-2 in placements, and ended up 2800 on xbox.

All I can say is, the most important part is winning, and doing well when you win. If you lose, make sure you’re not playing terribly in that match. Winning while doing bad doesn’t give a huge SR bonus. Losing while doing really well, doesn’t lose a lot of SR. Conversely, winning and doing really well nets a lot of SR, and losing while doing really bad loses a lot of SR. All that is mixed in for each win/loss you achieve.

10 games isnt an accurate way to display someone’s skill

He played mercy too pistol style. So stop


there are a lot of throwers in low plat. I feel more and more consistent as I get into midplat, but in low plat there are too many players that have hit plat but don’t care anymore and may lock random champions, while mid plat contains more people actually trying to climb

Splitting time between accounts doesn’t mean they’re playing any more than you are on one…

He played a lot of mercy and support. He’s a dps player… He is not a GM mercy player

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