Samito now wants Baptiste nerfed

You’re analyzing this in a vacuum. You have to understand how to interpret stats if you’re going to rely so heavily on them. The two most-picked combos in GM right now are Brig/Bap and Brig/Ana. But Ana/Bap usually don’t happen. This is going to put Ana above Bap. All you can really see from this is that Brig is clearly the preferred pick and that Ana is seen as an alternative to Bap.

I didn’t say he was OP. I indicated that he might get nerfed. Not everything that should or probably will be nerfed is OP.

He did it with Moira before. I think he’s capable.

Just…doesn’t happen often, unfortunately. lol

Just because someone was #1 13 seasons ago does not mean they’re suddenly free of bias. That was 2 years ago. lol


Ugh. If he would be a dev, every support would be removed from the game.

Your correct, just ignore them.

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He doesnt have nade, so theres that

No it wont.

If the combos are Brig + Ana and Brig + Bap then it doesn’t give Ana an edge. It gives Brig the edge since she works with both so she can be run in any duo but since by your own words Ana and Bap do not happen then there is no reason for Ana to have a higher pickrate than Bap unless she is stronger than him.

Yes but a stand in will have a higher pickrate than the OG. If Bap is stronger it stands to reason that Bap + Brig would be more popular than Ana + Brig but the stats show that it isn’t.

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I meant Samito not Baptise :slight_smile:

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Ohh lol my bad im dumb

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The only reason I’m on the fence about whether Ana is stronger in this meta or Baptiste is because Baptiste has slowly been climbing and closing the gap between him and Ana. So I’m a little weary. I wonder if he’ll actually get picked more, but…that’s sort of what the stats are saying; he’s increasingly being picked more.

I think that might be because Baptiste works better in this meta. But overall I think Ana is stronger since she’s been meta for over a year. For this one, though…I dunno. I feel like Bap might be more helpful in a double shield meta, and it might be reinforced with his Immortality Field if the Sigma nerfs go through. Double shield doesn’t go down easy.

I feel like it’s been 2? I might be completely wrong idr


But not only is Ana picked more, she also has a MUCH and I emphasize MUCH higher rate of success than Bap as his winrate is below the average winrate necesary to be in GM. He is picked less and when he does get picked he loses more.

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The person you’re responding to said that he was “pretty meta” and being the 3rd most picked hero in his role is pretty good evidence of that. It feels like you’re implying that Bap is somehow weak or not very good and if you believe that, we’re just playing different games.


Ana is used in more non-meta comps than Bap is. That’s where the extra pick percentage is coming from. You’ll rarely see Bap paired with anything other than Brig, whereas Ana works well with most other supports. Neither is necessarily stronger than the other. One is just more flexible. The reason Bap might get nerfed is his immortality field.

Ana is at 54% and bap is at 52%. That’s pretty negligible.


Isn’t it true?
Immortality field is the friend of mass rez.
Both abilities are equally toxic. Not now, since his release.
In my opinion they can get rid of IF and give him another healthier and funnier ability.

I’m not disagreeing with that.

I think if we’re talking in this specific meta, we’re seeing an increase in Bap becoming more meta than Ana. In that regard, I wouldn’t rule out Baptiste possibly becoming stronger than Ana in this meta.

I think historically, though, Ana’s proven to be the stronger one. Bap is more of a, “when I’m meta, it’s niche” whereas Ana has been more fluid between metas.

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It’s not. In a game where 2 supports are always necesary, hello 2/2/2 the meta support would be picked more but he isn’t.

He is weak. GM is the only place he reaches significant pickrates, even in masters he has a 3% pickrate and 47% winrate while he has the lowest winrate in GM among supports and a half the pickrate of the non meta support (Ana). So again, how is he strong?


I love Bap, but I gotta say that I would actually be fine with some changes to his kit. Bap is weird because he’s OWL meta and decent in GM but overall sees extremely poor use on ladder. I actually think he could benefit from some adjustments and not being balanced around current immortality field.

My dream Bap has immortality field as an ultimate and amp matrix as an ability on cooldown that has a lower boost value but moves with him. I miss faster RoF Bap and this would bring some of that feeling back.

If we reach the point of nerfing Bap before Ana this game is actually lost. Pure bias and favoritism are both killing this game. Rightfully so, if devs refuse to stop crawling up the buttcracks of the OWL players and steamers.

Bap is basically Ana in worse. If we are currently nerfing all the 10+% pickrate heroes like Sigma and Brig, then Ana shouldn’t be left out like she always is. It kinda gets really ridiculous how she is the only hero allowed to sit at must pick pickrates for years.


Low ranks dont care about it?
There are a lot of T500 that dont create hate-trains against specofic heroes… espacially supports. As soon a support dosnt die samito spreafs hate against that hero but makes fun out of Zen beeing a free-kill for every flanker.

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Orisa only has a 48% win rate in masters. Is she bad, too?

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