Samito now wants Baptiste nerfed

Is this actually a controversial opinion here? He is correct.

Yeah, that’s the one. It was fun to watch. Very fast-paced.

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i mean he’s not wrong, it’s a countermeasure to the over abundance of one-shot mechanics in the game which is why it’s a pretty legit ability.
but it’s only there because there’s a need for it.

but a single feather doesn’t make a bird.

“I cant kill it immediantly… it has to be food to be a Support, if it dosnt die when I hit it once, must be unbalanced and broken.” -Samito everyday he starts a stream.


If you go to his stream, you’ll rarely if ever find him blaming himself for a loss. Apparently he’s a God’s gift to the game because he played in contenders.

I remember several occasions where he was a trashcan of a human being.

  1. He had a Mei OTP. Sure not optimal but you shouldn’t harass someone for 15 minutes over VC just because you’re in a match with someone who isn’t playing the game to go pro. Maybe once or twice is fine. But not for 15 minutes straight. Every death was their fault apparently.

  2. Moira main in King’s Row. The dude said I like the hero and I don’t have mechanical skills to play other heroes. Same result.

  3. It was when Orisa was a throw pick.

It’s really funny how people like your or I would be suspended for 2 weeks if we acted in the same manner. Hell, I’m silenced in a seperate account and got warning for abusive chat lol (I rightfully got silenced but doesn’t change the fact that I can’t even type for the last 4 days :3 )


If he can say what his views on Baptiste are in a calm manner and actually explain it thoroughly, I’d consider it. I don’t think demonizing him for that alone is fair, since I can’t even count how many people I’ve seen on the forums who have stated that opinion long and far before he did.

However, if he did that in a rage moment, then…I would take that with such a grain of salt. He’s hard to take seriously when he’s babyraging.

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Lolwut? Baptise/Brig is pretty meta at high ranks and Baptiste is the third most-picked support there right now. How is that barely relevant?


Just for context, this was after he dove said Baptiste on Doomfist, WHILE he was surrounded by a brig and both tanks.

Obviously the Bap didn’t die and he got insta killed.

Queue rant.

I guess all supports just need to have one button that says HEAL, with no utility.


3rd most picked support but is pretty meta? Shouldn’t a pretty meta support be among the top 2 supports in a game where 2/2/2 role Q is the rule?

Shouldn’t a meta support also have a higher winrate than the non meta supports who are both above and below his pickrates?

Just checked again, Brig and Ana double his pickrates. They aren’t just above him, they literally picked twice as much as him.


I mean yeah, dude has AOE heals, an ult that charges at the speed of light and whose only counterplay is “just wait it out 4Head” as well as an extreme amount of vertical mobility and a COOLDOWN that PREVENTS DEATH.

Bap is literally a swiss army knife but instead of having small tools he has ginourmous knives coming out. Same as Sigma.

Bap arguably needs more of sledgehammer nerf than Brig.

I actually expected Bap to be nerfed alongside Brig thanks to Surefour’s twit longer on the subject.


No because Ana is picked almost any time that Baptiste isn’t (rarely together), which has made her #2. Brig and Baptiste are almost always picked together, though. They’re the best Genji counter combo. It’s not a strict meta but Baptiste is picked over twice as often as the next support down (Mercy). And all the supports’ win rates are within 3% of each other at GM right now, which is a good thing. It’s negligible and not cause for freaking out about it.

No they aren’t . Bap is at 17% and Brig and Ana are at 31 and 30. 17x2 is 34. Neither of them is picked twice as often as Bap.

Yes. What is the confusion here?

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i mean he isnt wrong immortality shouldn’t exist in the game

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And appearantly Baptiste ISN"T picked so much that Ana ends up being picked twice as much and having a tremendous lead in winrates. So she is picked more than him and the teams where Ana is picked over Baptiste has a higher rate of success. But sure, Baptiste needs nerfs, he is OP.

ana and Brig have 10%+ pickrates in GM, both with 55% winrate.

Baptiste has a 5.7% pickrate and a 52% winrate.

Clearly Baptiste is OP

Sounds like he needs to “Get gud” if all he can do is cry for Nerfs.

top500 player, #1 season 10

have you considered that he complains about things you dont find to be unbalanced because hes playing at a different level where people are getting more value with abilities than you’re experiencing

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Because the strongest support would be picked the most as well as have a higher rate of success. Baptiste is picked less and has a lower success rate. Lowest among supports actually. How is he strong? Explain in a way that isn’t just “I think”.


All I ever hear of this person is “Samito calls for… to be Nerfed.” so no don’t care what he or other say about him, all he does is cry “NERF THIS!!”. Time to “get gudder”

He can’t.

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