Samito Is Right...Again

While I’m no fan of the sequel and the shift to 5v5 the man simply isn’t wrong.


Ah yes, the person who “follows an moira orb” to proof moira’s orb is “OP” :clown_face:


Maybe they should just bring the previous beta back, then do new stuff after June 16th.


Summary of the video: The Ow2 beta shouldn’t have been closed after having 2 years of no content, alongside all the competition (valorant, apex, etc) all being free to play with consistent live service updates. The beta also shouldnt of ended because now were forced into playing a dead version of the game.

Ow1 is essentially dead not because of a lack of playerbase, but because ow1 has been made irrelevant by ow2’s 5v5 existence. Being forced to play a version of a game thats going to inevitably be replaced has killed the majority of peoples interest in the game, as well as killing peoples interest in taking ranked or any game mode seriously.


i mean hes talking about viewership declining because they forced us back to overwatch 1 but i get the feeling EVEN IF the beta was never taken down viewership still would be the same as now (maybe a bit better) since IT IS essentially the same game lol

i think hes talking from his point of view and is upset he lost viewers

i do agree on his take about mismanagement of the game. that is totally correct and blizzard/activision doesnt have a clue how to compete with their competitors or even try heh


I know sam has a pretty bad rep on the forums, but he brings up pretty good points


tell a bad thing once and all you good points become questionable.


OWs viewership was lower even during beta.

For a supposedly brand new game, the viewership wasn’t good.


I forget who’s post it was in but I said as much the other day:

Releasing OW2 pvp in this trickle format…where they toss out a tiny bit in the form of a beta…and then (presumably) add a little more next beta and more and more until it’s finally released….is horrible for both OW2 and 1

A) because it’s just little by little people are never under the impression that it’s going to be that big of a deal when it launches, and it really shouldn’t be because it’s only part of a bigger game but still…it doesn’t look like all that much so it underwhelms and disappoints in that fashion

B) it kills off any desire to want to play the game we do have for presumably another half year to a year more than likely….we’ve already seen a ton of this sentiment expressed in forums this past week

And I know a lot of it is due to unplanned pandemic/scandal delays….as well as pressure from the community and investors (mostly the latter)….but I honestly wish they had just stayed mum about it and just launched the game when it was ready

Like I don’t really have much issue with the game itself so far or the direction it’s going……but the fashion in which it’s being done is just awful for the game I think


Because it’s mostly just appears like the same game.

People want to be wow’ed by visuals and new content. For as much as I really did enjoy the beta, it felt like a big experimental patch.

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He makes good points, but what I don’t understand is why they’re only complaining now. We’ve known the beta would be ending since it was announced. It was only a couple weeks into it that people really started suggesting it go longer, but now they’re acting like they’ve been saying this all along and the team just wasn’t listening. Clearly by the reaction, none of them were expecting such a drastic loss of interest.


Oh no, you mentioned him on the forums…


Even a stopped clock is right twice a day. :smile:

Seriously, there is a population and game interest problem, but I don’t know if continuing the beta would make that much of a difference. Until significant changes or new content are pushed live, there won’t be any noticeable uptick in population or viewership.


the problem is shutting down the beta killed the viewer ship and playerbase numbers

Because who wants to go back to the mess that is ow1?


That is basically his entire position.

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“As of today Overwatch 1 is officially dead.”

:rofl: Dude took it upon himself to make the official announcement of the game’s death.

Obviously I would’ve preferred if beta was left up, but it sounds like he’s criticizing them for not including all the features from the complete game, which likely aren’t even close to finished.

Betas generally don’t provide access to the full game, so this shouldn’t have been a surprise. They could’ve kept beta open then added new features/maps/heroes over time as they were completed, but is that really a good business decision? The eventual full release would’ve just felt like a formality that would land without a splash.

I do agree that OW2 probably can’t succeed in today’s market unless the PvP goes f2p for all players though. The game did not fizzle out as a natural result of age. CSGO, Minecraft, Fortnite, LoL and GTA V are all doing perfectly fine. People just lost interest in OW because they no longer perceive it to be a good game after years of baffling balance and design decisions.

Even if OW2 PvP is much better, I’m afraid it may still look very much like the same game to most people. That was totally fine when the plan was to release it alongside the PvE, so that the complete package would feel like an enormous fresh experience. I’m not sure it’s fine with the current plan though. Many new players aren’t going to try OW2, a game that looks very similar to the predecessor their friends have been complaining about for years, if there’s a cost.

Even if the finished PvP experience is bigger and better than any of us imagined, it’ll still be divisive since Blizz is moving it more toward the competitive end of the spectrum. Bad word of mouth from fans unhappy with the new direction could also help dissuade potential new players.


People are allowed their own opinions… that doesnt mean they are correct

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and yet our community managers? : zzzzz

He is talking about Viewership… personally I don’t see a reason to watch Overwatch. I play it. You only watch it when you can’t access the features. As well as other games. Overwatch is something I can always play. It’s only worth watching with new content, or changes to play and test out. And see what other people can do. The next beta will be interesting though I can’t wait for that.

They shouldn’t remove content from OW in general after 2 years of no content, but most of yall clapped when Paris and HLC was removed. You guys actually got less content and loved it.