šŸ˜– Salty Tears Saloon (come here 2 complain)

"Ride to town, shoot em up, and keep on goinā€¦
I got a job to do, and I donā€™t stop for no oneā€¦"

We havenā€™t had a complain all u want thread in a while. Leave your grievances here, enjoy some pristine Apple pie and coffee, and stare into the arid canyon outside as you get it all out.It doesnā€™t have to be totally about Overwatch. No judgement here. Iā€™ll start

Hereā€™s why November has been the worst month for me in recent memory, as a gamer:

  • Was anticipating all year to hear of Diablo 1 or 2 remaster, Diablo 3 content, or Diablo 4 tease at Blizzcon, was 100% let down

  • As a Pharah main, it becomes more of a hell to play her with each new patch because theyā€™re buffing all hitscan monthly, directly nerfing two of three healers that can even heal Pharah properly (Mercy/Brig), and adding in even more counters (Ashe out this month)

  • I am a lifelong Final Fantasy megafan, and I have been waiting for two years now for them to make DLC for Lunafreya for Final Fantasy 15. Luna is my all-time favorite game waifu (hence the battletag) and it was such a waste and shame how she was supposed to be the love interest in the game but only got 15 minutes of cutscenes and SHE LITERALLY NEVER SPOKE ONE WORD of dialogue to Noctis throughout the entire game.

    Fans were really just holding out for her planned DLC expansion so we could actually see her develop as a heroine but today we found out that Tabata (the gameā€™s director) has officially left Square Enix and 3 out of the 4 planned character DLCs were cancelled (episode Lunafreya, episode Noctis, episode Aranea) as well as an official modding toolkit was cancelledā€¦

    So now we will have to deal with having the worst love interest female in any RPG who literally never talks once to the main character sheā€™s supposed to be marrying.

    She has 100% more chemistry and actual development in the spinoff CGI movie Kingsglaive and itā€™s just an all around heartcrushing news today.


This reminds me that I still need to play Final Fantasy XV. I would complain about that, but alas, that is on me. On topic though, I really wish that Genji would just leave me alone!


Haha bet.

I hate genji and tracer with such a burning passion it rivals the sun.
Like, tracer could survive a 1 v 6 for just the fact the only skill required to play her is survival skill (i.e. not getting shot.)

genji is different though. After a month or so you just expect every genji to double jump and play off of that and it works 95% of the time.
My real issue with genji is his cooldown reset on his dash.

Something as important as a escape ability and/or DMG ability reset at the same time should be rightfully earned not ā€œhey i hit that 10hp target with a shuriken, free resetā€

There should be a damage thresh hold that you need to deal for the reset on the kill, 75-100 damage seems fair for a reset.

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Itā€™s a great ā€˜fantasy RPG roadtrip with the brosā€™ type of game, just donā€™t expect much out of the romance plot, and by much I mean nothing at all. Iā€™m still angry as you can tell and I beat the game 2 years ago lol.

Iā€™m still angry theres separate stats for ā€œbiggest kill streakā€ and ā€œmost kills in one lifeā€ wtf blizzord


More or less upset with myself for not finishing my placements by now. Only 4 games left. But, but, Destiny 2ā€¦ Iā€™ve been playing it a lot lately.

What really frustrates me is how long it takes for Blizzard to get anything done. Be it WoW or Overwatch, change and important changes take too long to happen considering what they are. Whether its simple numbers tweaking of heroes or a small feature people have been asking for forever. They recycle content constantly as well.

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Brigitte will always be overturned everything about her kit is overtuned Her stun ability is the easiest ability of the game and offers no risk high reward.

Im flexing to tank quite often lately - maybe start maining tank too
I also get the feeling that all tank mains are masochist cause sometimes I really have the feeling that Im not able to play the game properly
There are games where literally every time I want to do something I get stunned and interrupted and killed

Im beginning to hate CC more than anything. Im bad at complaining.

I know some of what that feels. I am a healer main but I wanted to try out Hammond. I tried him for about an hour. Every time I would piledrive into an enemy team, Iā€™d instantly get shieldbashed, mcflashbanged, hacked by sombra, uppercut by doom, frozen by mei, and pinned by rein


As a tank/healer main, Iā€™m tired of the smurfs on the other team. Our DPS doesnā€™t know how to do anything about it. Why canā€™t the smurfs be put on my team? We get rolled, itā€™s not fun. I donā€™t mind losing, but itā€™s too much.

As a Total Mayhem lover, i would pay to see Sombra deleted, iā€™d rather go against 6 Doomfist than her.

Iā€™m bad and I hate that

i like your battle tag (i know its a ff15 reference )
before brigitte came along i used to be playing both Tracer and D.va but me playing Tracer slow down after that then came the unneeded nerf to her and i prety much dropped from playing Tracer and now they even nerf D.va
unrelated to overwatch i i would of loved to play the lunafreya story and aranea story but no they have to only release the damn ardyn story and i ABSOLUTELY HATE Ardyn and i wish we could petition square to change there minds and get those dlc stories done

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Junkrat is never going to be balanced or made viable again because the lower tiers are never gonna learn how to counter him.

That both saddens and pisses me off. That the hero I main isnā€™t balanced to the top tiers but the lower tiers as the measurement.

I am still traumatized by the Trial of Leviathan and itā€™s been months.

A bad month for gamers indeed.

While FFXV was kinda mediocre ( didnā€™t even bother to play side missions compared to the grind I did in Nier Automata ) but still, I would not mind playing a bit more of that game.

ā€œWelcome to the salty spitoon, how tough are yaā€
ā€œI got to Mastersā€
ā€œYeah, so?ā€
ā€œBy playing melee only Lucioā€
ā€œUhā€¦ right this way, sirā€

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I have several complaints.

1- I despise that the SR system, despite being a personal metric of skill, is solely impacted (after placing) by your teamā€™s performance
2- Tracerā€™s hypermobility remains very hard to counter. Even if sheā€™s balanced, sheā€™s very frustrating to play against
3- People who insta-lock Symmetra or Widow, or who pick Symmetra or Widow when we already have two DPS, really suck the fun out of the game, because 90% of the time, theyā€™re going to lose the game for us
4- M+KB players and smurfs also really suck the fun out of the game

Have you ever played Tracer, just out of curiousity?

Symmetra players drink here free right?