šŸ˜– Salty Tears Saloon (come here 2 complain)

  • Iā€™m super sad about Blizzcon. I was expecting something great for OW, and we got another DPS/Sniper/Burster. The whole Diablo/mobile thing feels bad.

  • I secretly hoped BoB would be a new tank.

  • Iā€™m tired of the forum threads asking to nerf the tanks.

  • Iā€™m tired of the stomping games, and how tiresome is it to play QP or comps because of this. The only arcade I play is total mayhem, and itā€™s usually on once a weekā€¦

  • I hate that Blizzā€™s games have occupied a huge chunk in my life because of the story telling and good gameplay, and how things have gone downhill for more than a year, now.

Actually made a whole smurf just for tracer. one tricked tracer for 40 levels on that smurf and i came to the conclusion that tracer takes minimal aim and maximum amount of survival skill.

Reliably one clipping most squishyā€™s and only having to worry about occasional CC or sombra is incredibly easy.

Now if you wanted to be that kind of tracer and train just like everyone else that can press the shoot button then, yea it sheā€™s like everyone else.

Oh! I have stories!

Life related:

  • Accidentally closed my finger in my car door. Closed completely shut. Fracture finger, jacked up fingernail
  • My car got hit by a drunk driver one night while it was parked in the street
  • Water pipe burst at my apartment and my water was filled with rust and dirt for 2 days

Gaming related:

  • I am a Diablo fanā€¦

you mean was a Diablo fanā€¦

we all heard the news.

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Tracking, survival, cooldowns, movement, not to mention being aware of the fact you only have 150 HP- all factors of a good tracer player. There are even more subskills to call out such as pulse bombs, recall placement, baiting out bash or flash, etc.- how high did you get on the smurf?

One can hopeā€¦I am hanging in thereā€¦just like my fingernail.

Mercy problems on top of console problems. I hope that this says it all.
(Also I heard rumors about PS5 or sth like that ;___; )

Just like me and Symā€¦ going for over 3 years now.


Made a thing: šŸ§žā€ā™€ Memorial to Old Sym and what could have been; Youtube Highlight (what I consider the best abilities Sym ever had.)

Around 3350 not the highest but for a OTP its acceptable. On to the conversation, everyone needs to watch cooldowns and track.
To me, Sheā€™s based purely on how well you can survive.

Pulse bombs are easy to land with her insane mobility, charges pretty fast too.

Most of tracers ā€countersā€ are very counterable with simply staying away from the 5m mark for brig or McCree. Sombraā€™s usually hacks me if im not paying attention or the scramble hides the sombra.

Not gonna lie, in my eyes its harder to play junkrat than it is to play tracer. Got enough hours for both to make a opinion anyway.

All my friends that plays competitive ditched the game. One friend of mine reached top500 and proceeded to dc for the next two games.

So this really isnā€™t a complaint but more a comment I wanted to share.

When I read the title of this thread, I didnā€™t read it as the Salty Tears Saloon. I read it as the Salty Spitoon.

ā€œWelcome to the Salty Spitoon, how tough are ya?ā€