"Safe Side Of Strong" Needs to go

The game because a p2w crapfest for a few weeks every time a new hero is released, and it literally just makes me not want to play for a month when it happens.

The fact that the devs have somehow convinced people that releasing heroes intentionally OP is okay and has NOTHING to do with trying to sell battle passes makes me lose almost all confidence in people’s actual logic skills.

The whole “but you can earn them with play time!” argument is stupid. Because the entire problem is you have to slog through weeks of playtime enduring a broken OP hero ruining the game for everyone else. Even if you OWN that hero, if you’re not playing the right role, or you just don’t want to be forced to cheese the enemy team, it’s an awful experience.

This needs to go. I couldn’t care less how stupid Blizzard is about selling skins, but let’s not ruin the game every time you release a hero just because they’re greedy.


My strategy so far has been pretending new heroes don’t exist since I mostly play ranked and tell myself they release 2 weeks later than they actually do (when I unlock them in the BP).

Blissful ignorance if you will.

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Dont attribute to malice what can more easily be explained by incompetence.

Or maybe greed, nvm, continue on.


I’d say this. Don’t worry too much about the fine tuning.

Just update it quickly, with small changes.

It doesn’t need to be perfect. Just on time, and in the right ballpark.

I simply dont’ think Mauga’s release is overpowered and this is having played against him on a couple of different roles. The game has all the tools necessary to deal with him. However, this stems back to the usual thing. Are you a 1trick in OW? Then you are going to have an awful time anytime the game releases a hero that specifically screws up your 1trick.

Blizzard has been quick to make adjustments to heroes to bring them more in line. A change before holidays is fine to me.

The tools to deal with him, anti grenade zzzzz

I envy you more than you can ever imagine if this is what is shaking your faith in the logic of the masses…

I digress, you are absolutely correct. Pay to win in a competitive game is relatively cringe.

By “Safe Side of Strong” i think they mean its a Safe pick and its Stronger than almost anything else. Sure.

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I find Ramattra against him quite fun. He’s a big old pin cushion that you have various ways to mess up.

Nemesis block almost completely negates the value he gets from cardiac overdrive if he’s focusing you. 75% block cuts his ~270 DPS → 67.5 DPS which can be healed off. His self healing gets cut as well since he’s doing less damage. He heals about only 50%. Since Nemesis lasts 8seconds to his 5seconds, you can generally have it available.

With shield, you can equally block his damage during cardiac overdrive cutting off all of his sustain except for dmg reduction (50% dmg red is still not a huge amount when you move at like 15/30% while firing) and the size of a roadhog.

The other hting is since shield can be put behind Mauga and Mauga’s instant reaction self survival is linked to doing damage, he has no get out of jail free option like a rein can with putting shield up. Hog in breather. Winston primal rage or jump. You can cut off Mauga’s healing and he’ll die exceedingly fast with that up.

This is not even getting into the vortex shenanigans either where you can slow up his backline getting to him. Slow him down even further while firing making aiming at him even easier for those headshots.

Someone mentioned the other poke comps do well against him like Orisa and Sigma, but I’ve not seen any of them played today. There is quite a bit to abuse on Mauga as well with dive since his mobility is still pretty bad you can go for the old strat of ignore the tank and kill the backline. His raw DPS at range is accurate at about 90 DPS, but that’s pretty trash for a hitscan option and not super lethal. Which makes ignoring him all the easier.

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I do know it’s really because of the selling BPs, but tbh I prefer it this way anyways. It’s more fun than when a hero releases to the fanfare of a wet fart like Lifeweaver and Ram and you forget they’re in the game by the end of the day, except to get mad when they’re throwing your games. Mauga isn’t even that strong compared to how Illari was.

It’s not like it their logic for safe side of strong (hero is fun + they get more data to balance around since people are actually playing them) is contradicted by the battlepass motive either. They were willing to totally murder Illari after like a week too, so there’s no reason to think Mauga won’t get the same treatment.

also anyone else noticing that like every other thread about him is “Mauga is completely useless if countered at all” or “Mauga completely gamebreaking OP”

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his damage is insane, but his sustain is mid. Doubt he’ll be that broken.

I was shredding as him, he’s too much fun when there isn’t an Ana

Sigma, Orisa probably outpoke him since they havebroken levels of sustain

How else are they going to sell BP’s?

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He has a bunch of polarizing mechanics. As I mentioned above, all of his raw self survival as a tank is linked to cardiac overdrive and the self heal. If you block the healing in any way from shields, being evasive (high mobility, small/skinny), invincibility, or damage reduction his survival tanks.

Glass cannon is hell of a design flaw imo. A feast or famine design I think is not the way to design heroes even if they are fun to have from time to time.

They could try releasing better skins. That might help.


If you’re being honest with yourself then these are not equal parts.

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rather a glasscannon then an unkillable piece of crap called sigma

He gets a fair bit of sustain from his berserker passive, which isnt blocked by anti nade, and was buffed to 50% from 40%. Add in 150 armor to his base health, hes definitely feeling tougher to burst down than he did during the trial weekend.

Same clip title by the way:



I’d need to play more games, but the activation of it is rather a tall order. You either need to land headshots or land enough shots to set someone on fire, then keep hitting them for the crit passive.

Its still overall linked to actually hitting things which makes it a rather high skill activation and something the enemy team can intentionally make more difficult by running evasive heroes, smart cover play, playing spread out, playing at range, and running shield blocking abilities.

One of the core reason Reaper isn’t super scary to Winston is that you have incredibly high mobility compared to Reaper’s rather short range of like 10m before massive fall off and spread coupled with his survival is linked to life steal. Shield is up and Reaper is incredibly killable.

Bastion is a different matter because bastion has the 50 armor AND iron clad making him more difficult to burst through when other support heals. Mauga’s ability to ensure he has his own high self survival is rough.

When where they quick? When bastion gatekept tanks for a month and then they removed his armour upon shift. Then a month+ later reduced his spread, a change that did absolutely nothing for tanks since their hitbox is large.
After 9 weeks they touch mei leftclick, after she held leftclick and dominated tanks for 9 weeks straight.
After 5+ seasons they make a change to ult charge retention upon swapping a hero, from 25% to 15% a change that as it feels does absolutely nothing on controll maps because its still effective for 4 people to counterswap the tank entire game. It even feels like it hurts tanks more since they need more ult charge to even get their ultimates online and they get them slower it feels like compared to allot of other heroes.
After 6+ seasons they make a change to discord to stop zen from permanently discording tanks entire game.

How are these updates fast by any means?

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