"Safe Side Of Strong" Needs to go

The armor also stacks with Cardiac Overdrive to grant him 50% damage reduction. It’s not easy killing him when he takes half damage, lifesteals 70% of his damage, and generates overhealth all at once.

Fwiw: His left click sets them on fire with roughly 10~ shots, in about half a second. Then his right click is pure shield generation.

With his changes, even at range, its pretty easy to land 10~ shots to set someone on fire, and then just farm shield off them.

To be fair i like the concept of safe side of strong but Magua isn’t that he dominates the game.

Safe side of strong imo is strong but not unbeatable. Tracer is strong, but you’ll neg her if she’s worse than you.

I mean its not unbeatable sure, but no one is.
The problem is that huge amount of damage in mid and close range with a minimal aim and a bit of Support/healing basically overwhelms almost any enemy Tank.

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I personally think the head of the balance team needs to be sacked, he is completely out of touch with the game with some of these god awful changes they keep making.

Just suffer for 20-30 hours to get him for free, its totally fine!

Isn’t it alway like this? New hero come out, everyone have no idea how to do with them and got annihilated then call them p2w.

And then 2-3 week later everyone familar with their weakness then no one care about them any more.

Problem is consoles. It takes time to certify the patches with MS and Sony and they can’t just roll out PC ahead of consoles due to cross-play. So we’re stuck with patches every few weeks unfortunately. A lot of these issues can be quickly bandaid-ed with simple number tweak hotfixes until they have time to address the underlying issues.

Well yeah, they can change pretty much any number variable, without doing a full patch.

Which is usually plenty to adjust tierlist positions within a role.

Patch 1.43 clarification - #7 by GreyFalcon-11737