S13 - Get of low elo 100% or your money back!

Ok guys, I’m gonna share the love and try a fool proof method to climb out of low rank!

Who am I? My name is Alex and I’m a very mediocre overwatch player. I have been playing like trash at this game since release, and I sucked every single season.
I main DPS, and I’m THAT DPS you complain about. I suck at this game and rely on my ability to click stuff to win, and I got to the point where the enemy can click stuff better than me, AND they also know how to play the game.
Now, the thing about clicking things is that’s it’s… REAL hard to get better at it, it requires much focused practice and dedication and time… So…

S13 Im gonna Instalock one trick Brigitte.
If I don’t pick her fast enough it’s my fault and that game is a loss. I don’t care. Maybe I’ll pick Moira? that sounds good that one seems easy to play too.

Im confident I can hit people with Brigette, it’s like the easiest hero to hit people with in the game, so if I can’t hit people with literally the less aim intensive hero we can all agree that I deserve bronze.

I need to add that I don’t know how to brigette, so I deserve Bronze, because… I don’t know the hero.
(I have like some hours so I know how the skills work and the combo, but I don’t know when to use them.

Now that we got that out the way, the rules:

1- Brigette it’s like… Short range, so I will need like a tank to take hits for me, so I’m gonna follow a tank, and like… Heal him because if he dies I die? If like, there’s not a tank to follow I’ll follow a support? Or a DPS? Like whatever is near.

2- since she’s a support I will focus on like… Keeping people alive I guess? If I want to like kill people I heard there’s like this doomfist guy that’s like OP so I would pick that hero instead.

So, since I’m like a healer I’ll just keep my team Alive, by hitting people with my e skill and my mouse button. And Im just gonna kill people that like, come to me and my team.

3- I’m gonna be off comms and off chat because that way I imagine everyone is trying their best.

Finally, I’m gonna watch videos and streamers to actually learn to play her . At least it as much as playing. And I’m gonna spend at least 30 minutes in training range, bot practice and FFA as brig. Yes, on brig.

So, this account is like… Plat? So if I’m say… Diamond? It’s 5 plat+1 diamond on an OP BROKEN HERO vs 6 plats… we should win most of the time I guess?

If I’m… Like… Bronze? (Because I do not know how to play the hero, so I should be?) I would like… Lose my rank? (Because it’s 6 plats vs 5 plats and me).

I’ll start placements tomorrow and keep you guys updated!!! If you want to do the same and try this with me I’d be happy to hear about it too!.

Oh, also I will stop playing for like 5 minutes after every game, and if I don’t have fun for 2 games in a row I’ll stop playing for 1 hour.


So you will throw if you don’t get the hero you want? Have fun getting banned


No, it’s just that I’m a Brigette main one trick and I don’t know how to play any hero, so if you don’t give me my hero I can’t perform as well, so I count that game as a loss.

Maybe I can flex to moira or another noskill high impact hero.

Also i will not be in comms, so it doesn’t really matter.


If you make it to masters/GM you’ll be destroyed. Brig requires positioning to be effective and if you don’t have that, you’ll lose games


Bro I’m BRONZE remember? I don’t know the hero?? How would I get to GM ROFL I deserve to lose every damn game!

Also I’ll edit it out. I won’t be in comms, so I hear nothing.

If I stay at plat this means the hero is totally broken op and anyone with no brain and no skill can be plat lol.

If I climb to diamond it means my plan worked and I like… Improved from bronze to whatever rank in one season!!!

If I end bronze it means I’m literally the worst OW player that can’t climb even with the easiest most op hero and… Well, I’ll play in bronze then?

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You’re not learning from that
How to climb as Brigitte:

  • communicate with your team
  • communicate with your team
  • communicate with your team
  • flex
  • communicate with your team

You’re talking to a guy who admitted to

I think getting banned will be nothing new.


I don’t need to communicate with them. I’ll just follow the tank and heal him and people that press x.

Will I get less Sr? I don’t think so. This way EVERYONE IS GIVING 110% All the time (because I imagine so) and gets me in a better mood and so I have more fun.

Oh I need to add something else! Good catch!


You need CALL OUTS. Without call-outs you will die. Call stuff out. The team with better communication WINS


claims he’s bronze. profile shows plat. Claims he can only play brig, profile shows genji main with 84% winrate over 33 games with genji (72% with tracer). Ya, ok.

So we know he is a troll, we also know you don’t have an 84% win rate if you’re at the rank you’re supposed to be, which means he is probably diamond, masters, or higher. Essentially it boils down to some high ranker pretending to be bronze to make some troll thread about how broken brig is because said troll was able to climb from bronze to where ever one tricking her.


What? Why would I get banned? I’m trying my hardest to climb and im sharing my method which I think happens to be quite good, and you come here with all your negativity.

Yes, I’m higher on my main account. But I have literally 3 hrs in Brigette there (profile is open you can check). I don’t know how to play the hero, I’m legít bronze, but I do have experience in overwatch so let’s see how much that boosts me. It’s not a troll.

I think that ANYONE in low ranks does exactly as I say he can climb. But that’s what I think. You may disagree, I’m fine with it, but don’t ruin my post please, I’m trying to help people climb or at least have a good time.

So, how far do you think I can get if i mute comms? Silver? Maybe I can be gold? That would be nice, I love yellow, and it would mean I’m as good as the average Joe briggite main.
It would be so nice to be gold!!!
Let’s find out in a few days shall we? Maybe next season I will listen (you see what I did there?) to your advice and see how that works too! I’m not in a rush!

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My friend 1tricked her on a diamond alt I think? To masters and she never goes on mic lol.

So an anecdote right there of someone needing neither of those.


Cant say I didn’t see this coming :stuck_out_tongue:


smurf, smurf smurfs… i feel bad for those who play lower rank because this kinda guy prefend to be low rank and is highest plat player insteed. blizz where is ban for these kind people!!!

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If you’re suggesting that a Bronze player can reach High tiers with Brigitte, you’re mistaken. I’ve played in many different tiers, there are Brigitte mains within them and they do not play the same.

If a Brigitte player is GM, they deserve to be GM with that hero. Your logic is flawed.


Okay why are you telling us who you are gonna one trick with and how she works like we don’t already know? I don’t get this.

Brigitte is a very low skill floor hero. She jumps into people’s faces with her shield and once shw gets closw to them shield bashes them and holds left click. Blizzard, for some reason likes to promote this kind of a strategy. But you know what? Brigitte is a support, when she gets into my face trying to supress my skill with the characters I put 100s of hours into, I flex, oh I certainly flex until I show her where she belongs, that she can’t just hold her shield up and walk into my face, if my team isn’t being able to keep up with her, I’ll make it my mission to destroy her every chance I get so she learns her place and switches or just gives up. She is the hero that destroyed Overwatch for me. And it’s sad how people are making posts about how Brigitte can be used to climb easily and it is very true.

Dear Blizzard,

People honestly prefer dive over Brigitte, at least back then skill mattered.
If a Genji jumps on a zen, zen can still kill the Genji. If a Brigitte jumps on a zen, which she does Because no one can stop her, zen is almost always dead.


If someone reaches GM but can’t perform at the same level with any other hero then no, he doesn’t belong to GM. It’s not secret you can cheat the SR system with Brig, because simply knowing how to play her will make you able to roll people at least 2 tiers above you.

I’m suggesting that a bronze player that follows my guide to the letter will improve and climb to at least silver, yes.

So if you have any real Bronze friends please make them read this and perhaps one of them will try my method and we can see if he climbs by doing the things that made me personally climb 1k sr.

I’m trying it too in this account to see if I can improve my Brigitte. I’m pretty sure it will since again, I do not now anything about how to play her, so everything I learn will make me a better Brigitte player.

Well, maybe you know how she works. Many people in this game don’t (otherwise we wouldnt be at low rank)… So I’m trying to learn it and share it as I go so maybe it helps someone else to learn brig as well :slight_smile:

It’s not cheating! She’s in the game, and blizzard already balanced her, so she’s working as intended.
This season I will play to win, and since I find her OP and the easiest hero to play (but that’s my personal oppinion) I will try to maximize that fact to win as much as I can.


Just because other people have one tricked her to GM doesn’t mean it will work for you.

Yes she’s easy to pick up. But if you’re like me and blindly use her just to bash people,

  1. either you’ll get tunnel vision with all the turning around
  2. they will start to figure you out and counter.

She’s pretty easy to kill if you know what you’re doing. And I’m pretty sure a lot of people knew how she works.