I can't figure out how to rank up in Silver

well it works even in 4-6 dps teams, what matters more then anything is that the people are playing heroes theyre “good” with.

that being said, the amount of teams that actually go 3-6 dps is pretty rare. when it happens mid match though, its because of tilt. which doesnt happen when your good enough to climb, because your team is winning so they rarely if ever tilt xd

Well, maybe if you’re good enough to dps your way up…

When I’m playing a support (Lucio) and I’ve got gold elims, heals, obj kills and gold obj time and my team decides to trickle 1-3 v 6 onto the point, not heckuva lot more I can do…

1: I doubt you get near that many throwers/leavers/trolls.
2: If you’re losing 40 SR a match then the matchmaker is going Egad! this player is nowhere near this good and I need to fix that ASAP! Your average loss should be like half that.
3: You might be currently inflated/recently atrophied skills and the matchmaker is doing point 2. You’ll land where you win and lose roughly equally assuming SR gains and losses are roughly equal. If you’re losing more then you need to hit that equalizing point.

And yourself*
To the person you quoted. People point out others’ incompetency yet are blind to their own. Odds are you make equally bad decisions regularly. Or your mechanical skills are abaolute trash and your game sense is what keeps you where you are.

well medals mean actually nothing.

the guy who carries isnt always the guy with 900 golds. sometimes its the guy who gets the 1-2 kills on key targets just as his/her team pushes

even in low elo this can work, now obviously sometimes you do infact have to solo wipe a team. but generally speaking, its about WHO you kill not how many.

this is why medals mean nothing, its possible for instance for a lets say hanzo, too have gold elims and dmg. maybe even 15,000 dmg and 35 elims. do the math on that and he did 428 dmg PER kill. in short, he fed

this is why its dumb to brag about having gold dmg, or any medals for that matter. the only time id actually say it matters is when you have a moira/ana and somehow a lucio/zen are gold heals. otherwise its just a matter of knowing who to kill, how to kill them and then being able to do it

then ez rank up. this just so happens to be easier as a dps

Now that s13 is starting you can try my method with me!

I promise you that you will get at least gold if you follow my guide to the letter.

When 5 of my team instalock dps I have an expectation that they’re good at it…

I still remember my 5 golds Moira game when our team had a Bastion, and I was prioritising heals…

Ignoring the medals point, not a lot you can do when team just feeds after 1st lost fight.

Unless you’re playing a godly dps that can get 2 to 3 picks per fight you’re not doing much carrying…

You just need to grind through the unwinnable games, be thankful for the stomps in your favour and win as many of the close games you can.

yeah some matches are lost, you cant help that. but those matches are a minority

again gold dmg doesnt mean much. the bastion likely got focused fired down while shooting at shields because of the lack of one on your team. you had 5 dps, so it wasnt a very good pick from him. but you having 5 golds is just because your the only hero on your team that could survive enough to actually deal dmg.

most of the ppl who picked dps on your team likely did it because they perform well in most cases. dps rely heavily on tanks/healers to enable them

outside of smurfing a dps isnt going to 1v6, he/she needs help. so your team not having tanks to create space or an ana to burst heal the likely highly spread team (moira is only good in tank heavy comps/brawl style comps. so shes useless with 5 dps. you dont want more offensive power when you have 5 lul) led to them dying.

yes the dps could of swapped and gave you a good comp, or you could of just healed them as mercy/ana and pocketed the best dps on your team. thats an easy win

moira is just a trash hero. but shes super popular in bronze-gold. shes does low but consistant dmg in a burst heavy meta. she runs out of healing and her heals are very limited (even though theyre in theory the highest hps of any healer). mercy on the otherhand only heals 50 hps but she can fly between the spread team and dmg boost ppl ulting/anyone just fragging. ana can shoot from a distance (also letting her heal the spread team on some points) and ofc she can nade and sleep dart.

the main issue is, when ppl pick 4-5 dps the 2 who dont pick t hem always pick the worst possible heroes.

like why pick hog when you can pick rein. “no ones going to work around my shield” dont really need them too. just need someone too take focus, a guy with a shield standing on point is a pretty big threat. aslong as the rein doesnt do somthing dumb like swing hammer around in a 1v6. he’ll draw there attention. meanwhile the mercy or ana, is keeping him alive as the 4 dps come in and deal so much dmg the enemys 2/2/2 comp cant compete

obviously this wont work every time. sometimes the guy picking rein is trash. sometimes you get very tilted dps players who are playing worse because of it. and sometimes the healer is bad

but more often then not this 1/1/4 team comp will work, its when people pick heros that arnt helpful…when theyre bad. picking a solo tanking zarya when your not a zarya god is bad.

picking moira when your not the unstoppable moira carry is bad.

this is why so many people are stuck in those ranks. its always our fault we lost

even if our teams are hard feeding. because we can make a single swap to give em the best chance to win. if everyone did this. we’d have an amazing comp experience. but no one does it, were all seflish and we pick heroes in bad situations that make them even worse then blame everyone else.

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No need to stop at silver and bronze, you can add gold and plat to that list too.

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Thanks for taking the time to write such a comprehensive reply.

I’ve already taken on board several of those points. If team is 5 dps, I go Lucio as mobile and doing twice as much healing as Mercy, plus can make frags and actually has an Ult.

In the Bastion game we had an Orisa, hence went Moira to keep her up. Orisa and Bastion, match made in heaven, right? Nope, not when the Bastion sets up away from her as often as possible. Not sure if the guy just throwing to be honest…

Had some funny games with Rein. I recall one on Oasis where I followed him to the point. Meanwhile our 4 elite instalock dps had gone a different route and lost the subsequent 4v6 vs the grouped up enemy team. Or the classic game when I’d killed 3 of the 6 enemies with Orisa. My team then rushed ahead of my shields and enemy Reaper killed the lot…

Maybe I’m just super jaded at the stupidity of several past teams and it’s impacting my ability to advance now?

I’ll bear your points in mind.

Just going over your stats on overbuff. You are doing far to little healing and not nearly enough damage. The biggest culprit here might be a bit to much passivity. You have a high k/d ratio but very little damage done. Meaning your hanging back and not engaging. For Moira damage and healing go hand and hand. Her primary heal heals over time as well so you can dump some healing on a target immiediatly transition to damage and heal again. You can pop a health ng orb and damage at the same time as well. Supports are the backbone to every team so don’t be suicidal but get more aggressive and don’t be afraid to die if it will win the team fight.

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Yup, I’m regularly getting 90%+ on Oversumo. So good survivability, but far too passive.

To be fair, most of my games are 2-0 blow outs, ie quite short. I generally manage 30-35% heals, which is okay I guess. But no 5 gold games I’ve actually won.

Master overwatch was my fave stats site as it gave stats per 10 minutes. Alas that site is no more.

being jaded screws you

it screwed me, season 3. i had previously been 2400-2500 but when that season started i changed my sens. i was at that point a dps main who flexed

but by the end of that season i was a tilted ball of hate…who was a dps main that fell into silver. i eventually climbed up the last few days, but i couldnt help but blame my team

see the problem for me then, was after i become a pure dps main (i flexed alot in season 2) i started too main very specific heros. like genji, hanzo tracer type stuff. and because my aim was being destroyed by my constant sens changing i was basically useless 24/7. i refused too play the consistant dps that the meta at the time demanded. who were also far easier to get kills with

it wasnt until season 4 when i finally tried the easier dps that i started to make real progress. i went from 2400-2800 in a day (after a few days of qp practice) as pharah+soldier.

its very much like in the example of the 5 dps, lucio isnt bad. but his key flaw is he cant really out heal anyones dmg long term, he carrys by fragging and peeling. this is why i said mercy, not only does she heal 50 hps but you can rez and dmg boost and she doesnt require aim. lucio stat wise you could easily come out with more healing then a mercy because your aoe healing. but the mercy would be more impactful overall in terms of actual heals. a good enough lucio would carry with 5 dps, its just a matter of do you really want too learn that hero that indepth.

the bastion positioning himself in odd ways away from the shield was honestly probably him trying to find better angles (atleast it could of been, because i do the same thing). sometimes tanks pick really bad positions to stand/drop shield and as bastion youd sit there doing nothing. in this case bastion should of said something even if was only in text chat.

as to the dps, if you go path A but they constantly go path B. follow them

its been said many times, but if one person does something stupid its throwing but if a team does it, its a strategy.

one of the more interesting aspects of comp is the perceived “thrower” “bad player” count.

anyone whose anyone has complained about how every match has 5 dps and they lose or how everyones constantly feeding. but this only happens when “we” play poorly. when i started to play better heroes, i noticed my teammates were far less toxic. and because of that, i had fewer throwers, fewer rage quiters and far less trickling. its hard to trickle when your absolutely destroying the enemy team.

as a test, i decided to play mercy on one of my accounts again. the account was placed at about 1700 last season and climbed too about 1840 or so across a few days then season ended. through placements this season it hit 1940 and is now 2050 as mercy

im not a mercy main, i barely even play support/tank anymore. but as a healer i was able too stay alive (no voice coms btw) while keeping my team up. thats all it took for me to climb 300 sr into gold as mercy

the unkillable mercy, is da best mercy xd


How about stop going for medals and use Lucio’s kit to help your team regroup? Speed away from the fight (objective time doesn’t matter if your team isn’t there to capture it,) get back to spawn, and speed the stragglers back to the rest of the team? That’s what the best Lucios I’ve seen do. Maybe you should try that, just an idea.

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Feel free to add diamond to the list too.

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I’ve also seen the best Lucio, such as Eskay, frag out and win constant 1v1s vs. Hardcore GM dps. If I was a GM Lucio I’d just help us win a 3v6.

Sure, I can ferry people from spawn, but that doesn’t magically make the team group up and coordinate if half the team are massively out of synch and just feeding like morons all game.

It’s a pet peeve of mine. If my team is attacking Hanamura point B in a conga line of feeding after I’ve stayed back and spammed “group up” 20+ times then they’re either very stupid or throwing.

All I can do is put blatant idiots/ throwers on my avoid list and hope that they’re not in my team again.

I don’t understand, are you here on the forums to try to find a solution or are you here to get people to make you feel better and agree that your teammates are bad? Because GM Lucios got to GM because they try to find solutions instead of just whining.

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They get to GM as they’re very talented and grind through tons of games.

I just have little patience for feeders. This is why I’m hoping that with guilds we can get coordinated teams from the off and have proper team fights and other fairytale stuff that only the pros manage.

I understand the concept of ferrying post fight, but sometimes you’re gonna lose whatever…

At least I’ve been able to work around a single feeder. Myself and my 4 sane team mates waited for him to feed and die yet again. Then we just backed him up next time he blindly charged in and we ended up winning. But 2 or more feeders, no real chance…

And as to whining. Lots of my friends have just straight up quit. They’re fed up with Leavers, throwers and idiots in their comp games. Guilds needed pdq. Is impossible to police billions of matches. Let the player base do it.

It’s really interesting, I’ve spoken with many Bronze and Silver players who have a defeatist attitude and blame any number of things. The most common are probably leavers, throwers, smurfs, and feeders but some fixate on perceived hackers (I’ve even heard tales of hacking Reinhardts, Brigittes and Junkrats lol)

It’s interesting because it feels like there’s a definite correlation between that kind of mentality and inability to climb. I know for myself, when I hired a professional coach (ioStux) and asked him how I was supposed to climb as a support when I have bad teammates, he explained how that’s absolutely ridiculous and that if I want to climb all I have to do is improve myself. I started climbing after that coaching session, and I’d probably still be low gold if I had decided to stand by my guns and just blame everything that isn’t me.

It’s sad because in the few times I’ve seen people accept that blaming others doesn’t help and that the way to climb is to improve yourself, they’ve invariably climbed. Most people just want to complain though so ¯\ _ (ツ) _ / ¯


Stop making excuses like this and you will climb. Focus on self improvement.

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