Rubber banding Without Lag

started having this exact problem yesterday, that video is a perfect example of it and I have tried rebooting, restarting, changing video quality and nothing. my FPS and ping are fine, tis only the models of characters which aare rubberbanding and I cannot hit or land my shots.

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Yes! Exactly; there must be some commonality we all share. GPU’s, CPU’s, Motherboards? Anything. Or would this be an issue with Overwatch itself.

Windows 11? I don’t know, I’m just trying to think of common things.


Having the same problem on Xbox. Makes the game unplayable.


Yeah same problem its aggravating and would love to know if/when there’s a fix for it

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To the people who showed those videos, yes, that is exactly what I’m talking about. It happens less now, but it’s still in every game at least a couple of times. Again, with no frame drops or anything.

Is the best video I got of this. Yes it is the same match.
As some were saying, this occur in every match. Heck even in custom games this occur.
However I have not had it do it in the training range for some reason.


I’m having the same issue. Worked fine yesterday when the player queue was up now it’s basically unplayable :confused:

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This is actually becoming an even bigger issue tonight. Of course they won’t even bother looking into it unless it affects their precious streamers who have dedicated connections or their Asia markets.


Okay so I’m not the only one getting this, it’s really frustrating and happens frequently in a match


Seriously ActiBlizzard, communicate with us already on this game breaking bug. To many of us are reporting the same issue. This really started when the que system went away. I am seeing things I have not seen since I was on 56k over two decades ago. I am seeing the game attempting to catch back up, missing frames populating out of the blue, and projectiles not even being shown. My ping/latency is great until a hop before the server location.


Any input from Blizzard yet about this issue?

Have they addressed it etc.

What about people on PC; anybody playing Windows 11, 30 series GPU’s?

Anyone think of any similaraties we may all share.

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Problem has gone away for me (for now). Didn’t do anything, just came back to the game after a few hours passed.

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Can confirm this exists even on Chinese servers (Mainland China). It’s not a region problem but a global problem. Maybe some network code in Gen2 Overwatch sucked and made this rubber banding situation happened?


I think its a problem with OW itself seeing its also on Console.

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I’ve been getting rubber banding as well, but only when connected to the “ORD1” (chicago) server. When I’m connected to “LAX1” (LA) or “GUE4” (DC), I have no issues.


I’m getting the same thing ever since the most recent downtime/hotfixes. So annoying.


Getting same issue, no drastic fps drops but ping will spike from 25 to 40 range and makes enemies rubber band all over the place making it hard to aim or even play


Can also report the same problem, made a thread about it before I saw this one. Game worked literally fine yesterday, minimal server disconnects, now there’s this massive latency spike of anywhere from 60 to 140, which is absolutely unplayable. Someone at Blizz broke something somewhere, AGAIN.


Having the same issue today.


Just had this glitch in a game, and then it literally kicked me out of the match? No server disconnect message, it just kicked me back to the menus. It doesn’t make any damn sense.