Rubber banding Without Lag

Further testing: Swapped to the Asia servers again to see if it was as widespread over there as it is on the Americas one. Small latency drop (naturally, given I’m on the US East Coast) but not nearly as frequent spikes as before.

Could it be a queue or DDoS issue, then?

EDIT: FURTHER, further testing: This is particularly bad/present on the new maps (so Midtown, Esperanca, and the like), so it may be something to do with those.

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Made another video;

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Has anyone looked at a replay of an issue where is was really bad for your character? I thought it was just me at first, so closed/rebooted everything. Then, maybe it’s a bug where Tracer (for some horrible reason only she knows) gave everyone her blink ability but it’s random since we don’t have a chronal harness. I saw another player blinking in and out of places like something from a horror movie while everyone else was fine, and I’ll tentatively agree this seems more like a network communication issue between their hosting servers rather than an individual player’s ISP (considering the distribution). It’s 50% that I’ll see spikes up to 200-500ms in game when this happens, but my ping and network traffic for everything else looks normal (I’ve got all my monitors on another … monitor. Ping and UL/DL are pretty much flat; RAM and CPU have plenty of room; GPU stays cool since I run most settings at medium so I don’t have to worry.
I’m just curious if someone has time to replay a game where they know when and where it happened and see if it’s saved that way.

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I am seeing a hop miss between california backbone and blizzard’s server. Curious anyone else on any ISP missing a hop between

WinMTR Statistics

WinMTR statistics

Host % Sent Recv Best Avrg Wrst Last 0 13 13 19 31 77 22
No response from host 100 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 13 18 23 30 22

I contacted my ISP, it was escalated. Is anyone else having the rubberbanding issue with Comcast/Xfinity?


I’m on Verizon FIOS, so you’re right - there may be a backbone routing loop. That would explain the intermittent issues since I’m sure Blizz is load balanced so packets are resent and will eventually get there once the problem child stops talking.

“David, did you get their movement packets?”
“…I’m not telling.”
“Fine. Johnny, did you see him get those network packets?”
“Yes. They were next to the robot and holding up a shield.”

(meanwhile) 'WHEEEEEEEE!"


Same here, game is literally unplayable due to every player “teleporting” every 10-20 seconds.


I still get rubber banding worse than any posted examples I’ve seen. It’s ridiculous and totally unplayable. It’s happened every day since launch for me. I’m on a 3080 TI.


im glad im not alone in this issue, its so annoying

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A friend didn’t have the problem the first couple days, but now it is constant and even worse than in the videos.


hi motorLlama i have got same issue but i resolved this problem in the Menu Gameplay and disabled First and second option in Netwok Menu ! now my latence Int is stable at 24 all time before its was at 56 and variable


This is really helpful information, Thank You! I hope this works for everyone :slight_smile:

I have had those network settings disabled since ow2 came out and i have the same problem as everyone here. A fix must come soon, no way to enjoy the game like this


Just started having the same problem on Console. My latency stays the same and my character doesn’t move, but everyone else does every 30s or so. It’s like all of a sudden they active warp speed and get flung in a random direction. before snapping back to normal. Very annoying. Weird thing is I’ve only had it when I queue with friends, hasn’t happened yet when I solo queue.


I’m having a similar issue here on PC EU… I reached out to Blizzard on twitter with the video below and they told me to contact Tech support, so I’m waiting for a reply now- No idea how long that will take, though.


This is definetly on server side, after the maintenence and patch the issue happens to me less frequently its still there and annoying, I hope they acknowledge it soon, no way Im playing comp like this.


Having same issues now. Tried VPN to Florida, Chicago, LA, doesn’t matter.

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This is the dumbest thing and as a tech person I’m going to say this is stupid but also something Blizzard will use to say it was your fault.

I’ve been gaming on my laptop wirelessly for years without lag in any other game until OW2. No other game lags like OW2 does right now. I tried VPN to other parts across the country with no change. I just plugged in a cat6 and it worked immediately with no other changes. OW connection doesn’t seem to be playing well with some wireless adapters would be my guess.


I had this happen the last few days. I’m in the UK on my Xbox console. Overwatch 1 was fine my ping is 23 but all the characters in the game just vanish for 2 seconds then like magic reappear. Also when players leave and someone joins the game freezes up for 2-3 seconds. :frowning:


I get this issue on PC only. It does not seem to be an issue on Switch, for whatever that’s worth.

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This happens on ps5 all the time . Uk game is unplayable. Ridiculous

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