Rotated critmarkers for pellet guns?

Continuing the discussion from Roadhog Hero Update | Patch 1.28:

Since pellet guns can do both crits and hits, and knowing if you got a crit on a pellet is essential for understanding how much damage you’re outputting, here’s a thought… why not display both red and gray hitmarkers at the same time?

  • 0% crit – normal gray hitmarker
  • 100% crit – normal red critmarker
  • 30% crit – normal red critmarker + rotated “plus sign” gray hitmarkers
  • <30% crit – normal gray hitmarker + rotated “plus sign” red critmarker

Honestly they should just rework shotguns to make them deal consistent damage, no RNG involved. They could remain the same visually, just improving the logic, like so:

  • Certain shotguns’ damage could be more or less affected by damage, instead of every single one dealing half damage
  • Consistent spread pattern, no RNG
  • Damage and crit logic determined by how close the center of the shot (crosshair) is to the critbox, and therefore the crosshairs (like your suggestion)