✅ [RoleQ] Solution for DPS queue times

im not using loaded questions. I literally took your point and applied it to every comp, and said “where is this not the case”

this is a fundamental misunderstanding of the game. there is no comp where cooldowns are not more important than aim. because at the top level everyone has top tier aim. it stops being about who can hit shots, and starts being about “who can play with their team and manage cooldowns to set their team up for the fight win better”

even in double sniper the most aim dependant meta proper use of your grapple, saving bubble to save dove dps, and DM management was much more important than moment to moment aim.

You lack an understanding of the game, which is why your entire idea of “the game will die if its cooldown dependant” makes sense to you, because you don’t see the importance of cooldowns in other comps.

if rien doesn’t manage his shield well teams are open for fire.

if dva doesn’t manage DM teams are open to grav strike

If zarya doesn’t manage Bubble well her teams are open to dive.

if lucio doenst manage boost his team cant get away from dragon strike in sticky situations.

cooldowns are more important than raw aim at the top level in EVERY COMP.

Your lack of understanding of high level play doesn’t change that.