✅ [Role Select] Finalizing this concept

It’s cool but idk about the concept of spliting the queue in 4 options.

LFG never worked, there is no reasons to keep it. I preffer first option and second option. Easy to understand and queue is almost the same.

You did realize if you split the DPS pickrate between 15 hero choices, it’s going to be smaller splitting between 6 healers or tanks. Even with “perfect pickrates”, right?

Role queue sounds great but is too late already.

The playerbase is so small that filling 4 modes would be impossible without 30 minutes queue specially with dps

I’d have to disagree with Mercer on this one. As someone who is forced to play tank most of the time, I don’t mind picking the tank the team needs. I support Role Queue. I do not support “Hero Queue” though (where you would be locked into a hero).

If you have 3-4 DPS on a team then pickrates are balanced.

Why would anybody care about that?

Why would anybody not care about that? Unless you just happen to be one of the few people who ended up actually liking a tank or support char most, sure. But everyone else, the majority, is boned.

Because almost anybody would think to balance Healers compared to Healers, Tanks to Tanks, DPS to DPS.

Comparing completely different Roles to each other doesn’t make sense.

This thread puts in a design what many are thinking, however the same issues still exists :

  • Many people don’t like to be forced to a role
  • Roles should be enforced, otherwise its pointless so see first point
  • Making more queues increases dramatically the queue times

I would take out 1 and 2 and just leave it as it is … which is basically LFG and what we have now. If you dont get many people clicking on “join a group” you have your answer.

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That thinking is wrong on many levels.

The hero’s all play in the game. They all need balanced to each other regardless of role. What you suggest just breeds a game where one class ends up being just better. Which is exactly what we’ve seen with tanks dominance in pick rates.

Until balance and pick rates are all within a margin of error then game isn’t right. it’s broke on some level.

All your suggestion does is lock in that brokenness and make the game a tank and support main paradise while the majority of characters get relegated to the dumpster pile.

Have we?

I think we could be almost certain DPS is picked more, if you compare AllTanks to AllDPS to AllHealers.

I can’t even take you seriously now, yes, we have. Triple tank has happened multiple times. Triple DPS has never happened despite the fact there’s far more DPS hero’s.

Too much reading. Simplify it more.

Decent concept.

instead of lfg maybe we should have a permanent 1v1 deathmatch arcade which is a true training area

To me, that just speaks to how the very concept of a “role queue” doesn’t work for Overwatch or wouldn’t satisfy the people who ask for it.

“I want a tank” but what they really mean is “I want a Rein” and from there it becomes “I want a GOOD Rein” and from there it becomes “I want a GOOD Rein WHILE I get to play Tracer … AND I want to win.” To me, this quickly boils down to “gimme everything I want right now for free you are lazy and bad.”

To me, role queue provides a false promise: you’ll be able to succeed more in Competitive when you play with Randoms. But if you want to climb ladder while playing with randoms, you’re doing it wrong in the first place.

Having the devs re-work their matchmaking system, design new U.I. elements and menus and all the coding that goes behind that, along with playtesting and bug fixing and all that /just/ to satisfy the wants of a minority of players who want to play Overwatch in a way that it wasn’t intended to be played … I just don’t see the sense in it.

This is a well thought out idea and I really think it could work I hope there is a dev somewhere that sees this or maybe I’m just naive

How much are you willing to offer?

Not fond of this fan art game select concept.

If I choose “role select”, I’d want to choose whether or not I can leave the party before the game starts just like in “custom composition”. I would never want to use this feature if it’s as random as “Standard select”.

At least with “Standard select” you get more chances to land on flex people or 3 good tank or healer players.

I would never want to land in a 2-2-2 “role select” game without being able to ask if there are flex people within the party (before the game starts). If unfortunately, no one is a good flex in a perfect 2-2-2 composition , then the game can be easily lost if we need 3 healers or 3 tanks or whatever weird composition is needed to the win (if no teammates are good in that specific role we need).

And also, if the “Role select” queue puts a “no flex team” against a “flex team”, the latter is more likely to win the game.

Your idea is good but it needs even more thoughts into it to making it balanced.

“Standard select” is a big lottery, it’s true but with “role select”, I feel like it could become even less balanced if the queue system can’t make a difference between “flex” and “no flex” teams.

I can’t see “Role select” functioning as “Standard select” queues. And if there’s no queue for “Role Select”, then it’s no different than “Custom Composition”.

You’re going in the right direction but it’s still missing something, as far as I’m concerned.

Edit : if the “Role select” queue had a “accept” or “refuse” option to join a specific group prior to entering a game, it could work for me (but it would be broken, as people would leave when seeing a bad player they know)… but it means that each time I would land in a group where there are no flex at all, I would leave the group instantly and go looking for another group to play with.

No one wants to be in a 2-2-2 composition with no flex with experience.

Just a question but doesnt this one going to horribly increase wait times?

Lets say i go role select dps because realistically they have double amount of choices than tanks or supports. All these people are going to sit out there or become horrible tanks or supports to get into the game.

The people who go with standard select will gonna suffer from the lost playerbase in role select since you obviously cant mix up these two groups.

The select both mode is going to be the least used for the sole reason that you if go and select dps to play in the role you might aswell just go with the unlocked mode since the dps would sit for eternity till someone gets into the game.

This problem can be boiled down to the player base simply being too DPS heavy, a theme in any game that has damage/heal/tank classes. You have two solutions:

  • Longer wait times for DPS but games where you are guaranteed to at least have someone on your team who queued up with the intention of tanking and healing
  • Short wait times where your team is probably mostly DPS players.

There is literally no other solution outside of using the LFG system (which I have been doing lately, when there are other people actually using it). A role queue system may force some players to learn how to play other roles; they can’t just queue up and stink it up unless they want to end up in bronze.