Role Queue vs. Open Queue

This horse has been beaten into atomic dust and reassembled only to do it again so many times but I feel like we need to get some form of closure or at least anything close to it.

I want to see what people feel about this topic after we have had RQ for a while now that we have both played it and some of us have watched the pros compete in this format.

Basically which do you prefer as the official mode of the game, Role Queue or Open Queue (this would include changing the format for OWL).

I have posted the poll in a couple of overwatch discord servers, 2 subreddits, twitter and here so hopefully we get a decent sized group of people responding to it.

Here’s a survery made by the user Yourself from last year, only 8% were against RQ at the time.


Didn’t Blizzard already showed as data that majority of players play Role Queue than Open Queue? And Open queue is only popular in Korea.



Thank you, I keep forgetting how to do that.

Yes, but it was a snapshot of a day a short period of time after the change was brought to live servers, this to some isn’t valid data so I’m trying to get some new data even though this method has its flaws as well.


Point taken. Hopefully it will show some players that their preferred mode of play is not as popular as they think it is.

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I already know open queue is not as popular as role queue, that has been obvious from back before it was implemented. I think there is a misconception, we don’t need to be told it is unpopular.


There are some who do think that it’s secretly more popular or there’s enough people who prefer it to revert it or invest more ressources into it.


Well, they invest TONS of resources into death match and it is almost certain open queue is at the least on par with that. Albeit, they already kind of spent the resources by adding it in the first place, not sure what else they could do.

I risk sounding like a jerk when I write this, but please know that it’s not my intent: if your poll does not tell people what they want to hear, it will be dismissed and called invalid due to having too small a sample size, or for other similar reasons. There will be no closure. :pensive:


Yeah, I know but at that point I atleast went through the effort to find something to backup my arguments. If they don’t like it then the burden of proof is on them.


It’s best to keep it how it is now. I just prefer Open Queue, as it has way faster queues, almost instant always.

Also Open allows me to choose the role based on the map. And in those rare situations also switch between roles with teammates, if we must. Lets just keep both of them in


100% this, what we have works and there are no problems with it.


Open is only faster if you queue for DPS.

And I hate Open Queue because games are often thrown by selfish DPS picks.


Honestly I wasn’t expecting the results to be the way they are, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t part of the majority.

Role Queue has its problems - Namely the devs not accommodating the new system quickly enough where certain heroes and their niches are concerned, and the addition of multiple generalist heroes despite Role Queue being designed in a way that ensures you are stuck on one particular role that was created with a particular purpose in mind, and generalists negate the need for these “roles” at all. Why pick a Support hero when you can pick a Support hero that’s also a DPS, right?

That said, I do believe it’s the superior system to Open Queue these days. I tried about two games of Quick Play Classic recently and it was quite chaotic and, admittedly, not fun at all to play in today’s Overwatch. So much has changed since the days when Open Queue was the default state of the game. If the remaining issues brought about by the abrupt addition of Role Queue were addressed (ie, powercreep, generalist heroes being too powerful, and tankbusters), I think the system would be fantastic.


This is just flatout wrong, I play in relatively low sr (plat-diamond). I usually play tank as support is always taken and dps role has no impact :D.

My queue for OQ is always under a minute, if I solo queue into tank in role it takes 2-3 minutes usually, but i dont really like playing tank in RQ. Support queue into RQ is like 5-7 minutes, its annoyingly long. I like to duo with my friend as supports into RQ sometimes and it takes like 7-11 minutes sometimes.

RQ = super long wait
OQ = always instant or under a minute


Just out of curiosity, what did you expect it to look like?

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I think answers in this are kind of weird, i mean, what would you pick, if you dont care about role lock existing, if you still play open q over it anyway?

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That is not my experience at all. RQ into Flex/Tank is almost instantaneous. Support is marginally longer. Only with DPS do I get 6+ minute waits.

Open queue is very variable. Sometimes it takes a while…

:roll_eyes: “Flatout Wrong” :joy: Because I don’t have 3 minute tank wait times? 7 minute healer wait times? Your experience is very different than mine.


In that case, I guess you’d cast a ballot in favour of OQ. You might not feel passionately about it, but you’d benefit if the devs decided to return to OQ as the main mode and balance around it accordingly.

Its a poll made in an OW forum now and communities, its quite expected.

The majority of the player base are “Mains X” or one tricks, so Role Queue, encouraging lack of versatility will win everytime. Doesnt really mean anything though.

PS: Also the players that left the game due to RQ will not vote there so … :man_shrugging: