Role Queue Update

So you are changing nothing. We’ll be seeing people who aren’t really Masters or Top 500s in a certain role for months until that person plays a lot of games and is where they belong? That is what I read and I have seen people placed in Masters or Grandmasters in Beta and are now Diamond players because they played like 150 games.

Is that what we have to do is play the waiting game until people are where they belong in their correct roles? Man, I wish 2-2-2 was forced years ago.

We’re in for a long ride folks.


Okay… So here is the thing. Stats are stats. MMR data is MMR data. I am not trolling because you people chose not to read.

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So people threw my SR down from 3800s to 3600s is okay (Support)? People who weren’t really Masters or Grandmasters and soft throwing games because it was beta?

Well, my feelings just got hurt by this news. Sigma shouldn’t have been in Beta then if he affected people’s Season 18 competitive


My hope is that they place people generally where they were in season 17 on their main role, or roles, that they have enough of a track record on.

And that they generally place offroles with lacking track record, with a weighting to bias them to place lower.

That way, you got people generally climbing, or maintaining SR, instead of deranking.


I feel that SR doesn’t vary THAT much between roles. Sure, that tank may be better at damage than tank. But if they have been playing long enough to reach GM their game sense has to be good in any role they play. Frankly, the team that is down a player would deserve that kind of handicap. Like I said, I would be hard pressed to believe a player that was at GM level would be so inexperienced in other roles that they completely break the game by getting to damage.

Just want to say that yes, I’m glad that information got across and I want to agree. I was very apprehensive about role queue at first as someone who flexes tank and healer, but losing that ability was so very worth the effects of role queue. There’s so, so much less anxiety going in and seeing who picks what and wondering if the person who lastpicked tank after a big pause is actually comfortable playing that.

I even feel relaxed about the notion of branching out to DPS now because my MMR is separate.

The game is just as exciting to play with less stress. It’s flat-out better. Thank you for implementing it. Sincerely.


I think that it does matter quite a lot.

As you’ve seen with players like Shroud, a god amongst men in shooters, placing in Plat, and taking weeks to get Diamond.

“Game Sense” of a role is really important.
And raw mechanical skill has it’s limits.

Where as I think the Game Sense within a Role is largely transferable.


Well that’s patently not true. It’s entirely possible to be in matches where nobody wants to play tank. It’s just that now two people are forced to play tank and some such people will be doing so because they may have a very long queue time if they opt for the role they’d prefer and thus have felt coerced into tanking just to get into a match. (And I say this even as a ‘flex’ player who primarily prefers healing and tanking.)

I also simply can’t agree that match quality has improved. I’ve already gone over this in comments before so I’ll spare the big post this time, but the short version is I have been championing some form of role preference or lock for years now, and it was definitely good on the PTR, but in the wild west of the live game it has made my match quality much worse both in terms of plain match making and also in terms of toxicity and frustration. (Doubly bad here in the EU where it’s still blind luck if two people on the same team even speak the same language, so 80% of matches end with slurs being shouted in broken English.)

It may be ‘fairer’ on paper, and yes, it’s what I thought I wanted and what seemed like it’d be best for the game, but the reality of it on live so far has been, for me, nothing more than a convincing reason to play 100% Mystery Heroes from now on.


Stop thinking DPS players should carry. DPS has the least amount of carry potential of all 3 roles. Don’t believe me? Ask Surefour.

Sure, there are games where the dps pulls the team down, but the vast majority of the times the DPS can’t kill is because of other factors, such as team organization, team positioning, tank play…

Also, there are a lot of counter plays to pharah thay doesn’t involve ber being dead. That’s, again, a team organization problem.

Use role queue as an opportunity and play dps only for a season or 2 and you’ll realize how often it is you’re doing the best with what you have and people want you to miraculously get kills.


Thanks for the update and for the great work. Role queue has been very enjoyable for me so far.

I was wondering if you could clarify the following. One of the major selling points of role queue is improved balance. Did the introduction of role queue and the subsequent data from the beta affect how the Blizzard team perceives hero balance, and is there any plan for a major balance patch in the foreseeable future?


Eh, the extra damage that one dps puts outs should not be more than an entire extra player that you’re now missing. Either way, even if my suggestions isn’t the answer, the game is broken for me right now. 50% or so of my games have had leavers and the inability to swap roles at that point puts the nail in the coffin. I like the idea of role queue. For teams that are established and taking it seriously it is a godsend. Around low SR levels it is garbage. Nobody cares, nobody takes it seriously, people just leave when they lose one fight. Sure, you could argue that eventually those players will lose their SR and I won’t have to deal with them anymore. That is going to take months, maybe even years for everyone to even out and end up where they deserves. Is that okay for some people? Maybe. Not for me. If they don’t tweak this next season to be less harsh on teams that have a leaver I will be out.

This isn’t a nerf to sym because she is strong, this is a fix because her dps is a lot higher than intended after they fixed the tracking bug.

If she falls out of the meta completely after this nerf they can buff her again. But to be honest, I did the math and it doesn’t look like it’s gonna be that bad.

I do agree double shield is obnoxious to deal with and I’m sure they’re already looking atbit internally


If someone could set the matchmaking so that my games in Gold/Plat don’t look like this I’d stress less.
My Team --> gold, gold, gold, plat, gold, SILVER
Enemy -----> gold, gold, PLAT, PLAT, gold, gold

Theres someone 2 ranks up or down every 2-5 games and it couldn’t be more ridiculous the level in skill, especially when you’re obvious 2 or 3 stacks. It doesn’t feel FAIR it feels RIGGED.

The only other thing would be to add minimum three more avoid slots.


Hi, Can you do something about leavers in comp games. And obviously you can’t have a fill-in role, but the lock has to break, if you lose the key component to your comp it no longer works. on a side note, if people leave 10 matches in 50 games, besides suspension from comp, can you put them on their own server with other leavers. I’m sick of having a tough game… and having a leaver on either side. Yes, it’s an easy win when it’s the other team… but it still is less fun. Also would help the que times IMO.


3300 dps main. In the beta my support is placed 3200.

And again, do you think Surefour sucks at dps? Because the quote “dps is the hardest role to carry” is not mine, is his. But hey, keep that mentality if you want. Good luck climbing with it

You heard the man, stop blaming your teammates, learn new characters, improve and you’ll climb.


I agree it is an issue. My tank play has already dropped about 400 SR from where I was last season and is about 700 below my dps (main)

Now imagine how worse would it be with SR reset and it kinda makes me happy they didn’t do it. But hey, that’s why the beta is here right?

I love the new system and the new Brigitte,
I moved from gold to master :wink:

nice we have diamonds s17 in GM keep up the good work :DDDD

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Yeah yesterday I had a match where a Diamond Widowmaker was somehow put into our predominantly Gold+low-Platinum match and, to the surprise of nobody, they absolutely dominated the match and made it entirely one-sided.

And that wasn’t the kind of stomp that can be chalked up to luck or that wasn’t foreseen by the system. The majority of people on both teams were playing with rank logos, so most of us had done our placements as our roles. The system knew that player was well above the ability of the majority of others in the match. A Diamond player shouldn’t be in matches with any Gold players, and a few Platinum players to ‘bridge the gap’ doesn’t even anything out. (I’m Diamond in healing and I’d be furious if I had to babysit a Gold tank or DPS.)

It was so bad that even the Diamond player themselves agreed it sucked. No sarcastic “gg wp” or the typical “ez”. It was boring for them to stomp, it was boring for their team to be carried, and it was boring for us to get mullered by someone we clearly were never going to beat.

And this isn’t a slam at Gold players particularly. If I were in Gold and I had a match where one Platinum player got to dominate a bunch of Silvers, I’d be annoyed to. Regardless of which rank you talk about, no game should mix more than two ranks. A Diamond in a match of otherwise high-Platinum players? Sure, okay. I bet if a GM player gets matched into a Masters game it probably doesn’t upset the balance much. 6 Golds vs 5 Golds and a high-Silver probably isn’t going to be a noticeable mismatch, either.

But why I’m watching as a Diamond player splatters the head off three Gold players in a row, I’ve no idea.

This should happen regardless of role queue. Even in Mystery Heroes and No Limits, there are so many intolerable goons around that I could fill twenty Avoid slots in an hour.