Role Queue Update

Are you guys killing this game on purpose? like for real??? this is the worst thing I have ever read in a forum my god


That be actually nice, since the team has one less player.

In any case, I don’t think that’s happening because there’s always the chance the guy just DCed and will return to the game, and you can’t just put him back in if someone else is in their role.

I think they should just not give the loss to the people that stay in the match.


That was a HUGE blunder in communication on your part. So many people were operating on the assumption that SR gains/loss didn’t matter for beta and were most certainly trying things out of their comfort zone as a result.


I’m sorry but your “response” has so many assumptions it can hardly be referred to as a response.

First, you blew through the context of what this person wrote. You didn’t pickup on the fact that it’s possible he may be referring to a person who wasn’t a GM brig but rose through the ranks as a Brig main.

Second, this person was referring to the skills it takes to be a good brig player is not a 1:1 translation for widow skills. I don’t see how you argue with this at all…

Third, you’re arguing about something you obviously don’t know about and you’re reaching. You’re taking things you’ve heard on forums and other things people have said and you’re taking it as gospel.

Blizzard is heavy handed when it comes to putting together matches. Don’t let this forum response fool you in thinking that it’s straightforward and hands off. They don’t just take 6 random players in queue and put them against 6 other random players in queue.

No. If by the time they hit lvl 25, by playing QP, the matchmaker knows they’re bronze, match them with other bronze players. Don’t bring them to the average player SR where most of the playerbase is. 17 seasons and 1 role queue beta season in and you still haven’t done anything about this, absolutely ridiculous.

If the matchmaker doesn’t know much about their SR by lvl 25, raise the competitive entry level to 50 or higher. Everybody has been asking for this for a long time now.

What does this mean? What is “historic baseline SR”? The SR someone spent his most time in? How many seasons does it take into account?

Cool beans bro, thanks for lying/not clarifying soon enough. Now my SR is going to be inaccurate because a lot of people found it fun to queue for their off roles, which they didn’t care much about, resulting in the destruction of my matches and SR.

It’s been exactly 3 years since you decided to scrap Season 1 and went with what we still have now, in Season 2.
You had ONE chance to do a fresh start for everyone, meaning full SR reset, which has been asked extensively since Season 4, but you messed it up even more. You legit have no contact with reality, the playerbase, the feedback, you name it. Absolutely disgusting.


Fix leavers. it sucks when a support rage quits and no one else can switch

or worse, when they both leave


A game like Heroes of the Storm allows us to provide feedback in-game as to the quality of the match, allies and so on. Why don’t you guys have this in Overwatch, and instead rely on feedback from forums and social media?

Uhm… no. You are completely disregarding all the negative feedback.

2 tanks, 2 healers and 2 damage dealers in no way guarantees a balanced composition, not with the current meta anyways. With a 2 barrier meta in place, when your damage dealers refuse to pick characters, that can deal with the barriers, the game is just as “fun and engaging” as trying to heal 5 damage dealers as a solo healer…

Again, 2-2-2 does not mean you have a balanced or adequate composition.
With current meta, the enemy tanks determine what characters the damage dealers must pick. And when the enemy has two barriers, but your damage dealers pick characters, that can’t handle those barriers in any way, a tank or support can do very little to change the outcome, despite performing to the fullest. That’s why damage dealers are being blamed, and rightfully so.

This post is absolutely laughable. Blizzard patting themselves on the back, while disregarding or strawmanning the real criticism.


There are a lot of assertions here that don’t seem to be supported beyond anything besides “trust us”. One of which being that the initial placement system was accurate to begin with. While I believe it’s common for people to see themselves in a better standing with any given subject than they actually may be, I don’t think it’s fair to assert that this makes up for the bulk of the distaste for Role Queue. I’ve seen many arguments from people complaining that they’ve been placed above where they feel their appropriate skill level is.

I feel like this post is just supposed to make us feel better about what’s happening to pacify the general distaste for the changes made. Of course, some supporting data to any of the above would render my response null and void.


Actually maybe if the player comes back.

The player takes over the character that swapped to his role, and the person who swapped respawns and is locked back into their original role.

This is so lazy. It’s also blame deflecting. You’ve taken away any ability to identify what is wrong with my game. You’ve given the player base nothing but vapors to actually correct the mistakes they make.

You’ve taken away our ability to view our progress against others by making profiles private by default. So we can’t use third party sites anymore.

You refuse to give us in game statistics so we can see on the team if I was the cause of the problem or if someone else was. Like you said it is a team game. Which means it might not be me. Nice word jujitsu that has the whole community saying the same things. And of course we can’t check if its true because you refuse to give us any measurable metrics other than a gold medal. Guess what, no one in the community gives these medals any sort of credit anymore. So we truly have no idea what’s going on. But yeah… blame the player because you can and it fits a plausible idea.

Lastly, a lot of this is your fault. You are not ranking people correctly. There’s no way to verify this since you’ve made all profiles private essentially. In games where I have been lucky enough to see someones profile, 1900 gold players are, over the course of 2 seasons, becoming master level dps? So you either messed up their original placement or they magically found the role of dps and it was a heavenly miracle that they found the mechanical skills they didn’t have 2 seasons ago. Overnight sensation. Muchw0w.jpg


And what do you do about ult charges?
What happens if it’s overtime and you lose the fight because someone who was attacking B in volskaya is now all the way back in the spawn?
What do you do if you’re a mccree ulting and the reinhardt that was shielding you just goes to spawn because the original tank came back?

It wouldn’t work. They should just disregard the loss from the players who stayed.

At this point we all know 1 less player is a HUGE disadvantage and no one should ever expect a team with only 5 players to play remotely close to a team with 6, so just don’t give them the loss.

Hi Scott,

Can you answer me this quick question:

So lets say player A is at 4000 SR Season 17
During beta, Player A went to 3500 SR playing DPS.

Does that now mean Season 18, he is likely to be placed at 3500 for that role?

Appreciate your time, thanks.

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They basically take over the character completely.
(Hero, Role, Location, HP, status effects, Ult charge, cooldown timers, direction they are aiming, everything.)

To use a console analogy.
It’s kind of like handing the returning player the controller, and plugging in a new controller for yourself.

The MMR data will be used. So while it might not literally start at 3500, it is not going to start at 4000 either. It likely depends on your personal performance to see which end of the spectrum it prefers.

wow, thank you for asking that instead of freaking out like everyone else.

I assume they will only use the data from the other roles, so if said player A played the beta and its tank play got him/her to place at 3500, he/she will be placed at 3500 for tanks, but for the dps will be something around 3900.

Again, I just assume this

I highly doubt Blizzard will share the exact math with you – but you’re most likely to place somewhere in between the two assuming your placements are on par. This is just an assumption based on what they’ve done in the past, I don’t have any inside information or anything.

you don’t know that. Scott didn’t specify how the data from the beta will be weighted against data from previous seasons

Please, add priority queue for people their matches get canceled.
MMR is also adapting really bad - we got replays we see it with our own eyes. You’re trying to fill the main tank role by giving free lootboxes. When you have 1 actual tank main for 2 people that lootbox-flex in the mid ranks, just cause they played hog before the reality is that it will never get adjusted.

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And he literally never will. Not in a “because Blizzard does not communicate” way. But they are not going to tell us how it works and they basically confirmed that multiple times. If you tainted your SR or climbed, you will notice the difference, he confirmed as much. It is just my assumption that they will use pp. But, like, what else is there? He even asserted that is more or less how they handled discrepencies recently. It is a very educated guess with no reasonable alternative other than… Pretending as though this season was the last season. The issue with that assumption is he likely would have just confirmed that. But he specifically said they would use what they gathered. But yeah, flip a coin, I guess.

except you have no idea whats going on nor what’s on screen when I hand you the controller and might have to react instantly to something withou having any knowledge about it.

Think about the reinhardt example I used: How would the new player know to keep holding the shield for the mccree? Even worse, what if the tank he/she was playing was hammond, how would he know he/she was about to take over a reinhardt?

Not to mention networking issues, which would be a nightmare on its own.

Sorry, I just can’t see it working.