So basically you’re doing the exact opposite of what you informed the public you were going to beforehand…thanks for lying err I mean being transparent.
Most of my bad games in Role Queue were due to bad/misplaced tanks, checked their profile, Low Diamond last season, often even maining Tanks. What is a Low Diamond tank doing in Low Master, as tank?
Wrong. I climbed from 2750 to 3000 on a 50% winstreak.
I like role queue much but I’m so confused!
Lord Kaplan himself in the Developer update refers to this competitive season as pilot season and talks something about PTR and console players. Then Blizzard make a 2 weeks season. Blizzard calls it “beta”. On forums it’s called “test season that do not matter” and no-one from Developer team corrects this till now. Blizzard put Sigma to the competitive game right after release. I mean no-one will play him well, people just try him, Sigma players can screw over matches to them and their team because it’s a NEW hero. Devs could make some Arcade mode with Role queue and Sigma and leave competitive without new hero. But they did not do that. Like it was a test season after all. Just why?
It does not look like some misunderstanding. It looks like Devs changed their minds about this season and call it a “misunderstanding”. And I cannot like that.
People were not taking this season seriously at some times. It do not mean much, because after some time SR will adjust, we just need to put our precious time into that.
ROFL Dude, I am sure you don’t know what a constant is but hey, as you said, let me take you by the hand:
NOTHING that is random is a constant. A constant is by definition not random.
Even so, the fact that you can queue with a friend makes the number of random people on your team 4 instead of 5, so no, having 5 random people in your team is not a constant.
I’m gonna finish this here because i’m positive you’re trolling by now
Those times are for solo-queue.
If you’re both queueing for support you should expect higher queue times. It’s a simple logic: it’s harder to find a match where there are 2 support spots open on the same team than any one open support spot.
This is quite possibly the dumbest thing I’ve ever read in my history of trying to understand Overwatch…
Good lord you people. The constant is the amount of people on your team. The random factor is their skill level. Tomorrow WILL be a new day. There are constantly new days, every day, until the world stops spinning. The randomness is what the weather is going to be. How many more simplified examples do you people need to reach the one molecule you have left for a brain?
Yeah, as I said, trolling.
Keep trying to explain to a literal actual scientist what a constant and a random variable is.
Even better, please enlighten me as to how the number of people in your team is the constant that’s holding you back. As you stated, there will be always 5 other people on your team. Tell me how that’s bad. It should be amusing
Sure thing, go find us a real actual scientist and have them explain, captain big brain.
You have nerve calling me a troll when anyone in their right mind can tell you there will always be 5 other people on your team (Constant) but their skill level is not defined and will always differ (Random).
Do you somehow really think that random variables can’t apply to a constant? So therefor every apple tree will always grow the same amount of apples, the same exact apples,each and every time? You are literally delusional and I am telling you to seek mental help not as a joke.
Is it possible that the Role Queue Beta stats can be retained on our list of available statistics, please?
Given it’s my first “season” playing Sigma, I’d like to retain those stats so that I can then compare them with the upcoming new Comp season’s stats.
I appreciate you being more clear. I think 2 -2 -2 is great. But hard counters is a terrible mechanic that promotes toxicity. Making a game of soft counters is a far better game choice. Let the most skilled players win. Not the player that switches and suddenly he auto wins a match up.
Now that the game is always structured as 2-2-2. I find there’s hope for this game. But right now it’s a glorify game of rock paper scissors.
Your always going to have toxicity because some people hate playing certain heroes. By telling them they have to switch or lose your asking them to treat the game like a job. No one comes home to work more.
Please don’t make hard counters. It’s ruining overwatch.
Add mei you got quad shields
I know, right? I love how I literally provided proof in the form of a link, and he’s just like ‘NUH-UH’.
Like, I provided evidence to back up my statement and he’s just sticking his fingers in his ears like a kindergartner.
I end up going back to quick play because I often find im playing with a healer that is only interested in dealing damage, at least in quick play they can use a hero that can deal damage
Blizzard, you guys remind me of out of touch parents. At the least parents who don’t relate to their kids much. It’s like you guys are trying to paint this picturesque view of everything we’ve played thru this beta and not really directly address the root of some issues.
This idea that teamwork overcomes everything isn’t true when it’s pretty easy to tell if it’s the dps’s fault when tanks and healers are out damaging them. It was like this pre role que with dps but at least other good players could switch to dps to at least give the team a chance(sorry, you dont win without killing people in your game). You should maybe have just said “this is beta, we put in rewards for playing some roles, so the amount of awful players in every role now isn’t going to be this bad in the future.” At least you would have been more to the point about it, instead of this Rudy ‘teamwork’ reply of ‘try your hardest because it’s the teams fault if you lose, not a individuals’. Trying your hardest as a pure support shielder or healer isn’t going to kill people in your barrier heavy game right now. The expectation thanks to role que and ‘playing as a team’ directive you seemed to have forced all of us into to a fault puts many tanks and healers into shield and heal purely support roles. And players now are hypersensitive to offensive tanks and healers thanks to your teamwork mantra basis that we’re now being forced to do 100% of the time in game in our roles. At this point you might as well take out Roadhog and Hamster because they really aren’t team players. And will you nerf Moiria’s offensive abilities now that many aren’t healing with her? I wonder how far you’re going to push tank/healer into these pure support roles ‘for the team’.
I also have issues with how you word things like it’s this unanimous consensus to everyone the prior system was so awful. The freedom of choices to play different roles and tactically adjust to the other team, and many times make that difference with switches to help your team win games can’t be understated. You make it sound like this 222 is so perfectly better in every way but it’s not, and this is where you’re that out of touch parent not being honest with their kids. Just painting these positive messages that aren’t exactly realistic.
The other thing you have to know is that there are twice the amount of choices in DPS compared to Tank/Healer, and i was expecting you to mention this when you talked about the DPS que. It’s interesting to me you have not, or did not, since I would think it’s a factor in the high DPS role que times.
I think your overall plan makes a lot of sense in theory. Ideally, it should make most games better for everyone if they want good, competitive games. I am curious how you guys can address high rated players who have a very limited pool of players to play with in this system. I think there are quite a few issues with your system you’re not being honest about with us, and your statement here is very sunshine oriented, in relation to the things many of the players have voiced about the flaws/issues in your role que system.
This is a massive fallback that should have been addressed 2 weeks ago when the entire community believed it meant otherwise.
“we know the SR system for the beta was garbage, and people were placed low and unable to climb, but don’t worry, you have two weeks to dread your next placements because we decided your MMR from this garbage beta counts for next season”
I mean they’ll be able to climb over time a bit more easily than before, tbh, given no risk of comps as bad as before (I’m aware there are plenty of terrible comps in 222 but yeah…)
Honestly glad this doesn’t affect me as I only placed one account and it was about right, for the most part.
You were lucky. I placed about 200sr lower in all roles. I am a pretty salty b**** right about now.