Role Queue Update

having hard stuck diamonds in gm is healthy and they totally improved 600+ sr overnight and their teammates are bad and that’s the only reason they were that rank :slight_smile:

Yes, can you?

“Stats or rank” - get it now?
Also, this was written by a reddit moderator, not a dev. They themselves have confirmed they were under the false impression SR/MMR would not be affected and have since changed this answer accordingly. But apparently you are so good at reading that you have a better idea what they meant than they do themselves… :grinning:


This is getting silly, to try and argue that some stats count as “stats” and other stats obviously weren’t meant when they said “stats.”

And you do realize that many people were trying to play the game normally but the abundance of other people testing characters and roles or throwing games for lulz existed in large quantities because of how we were told Beta stats wouldn’t carry over into the next live season, right?


Amen. I had this exact scenario in one of my games, our Sym/Reaper combo didn’t switch the entire game. I had to stop healing & kill the Pharah myself TWICE as Moira.

R.I.P. OW, you even launched Sigma in mm, clearly showing everyone that this is just a beta season, and it does not affect anything, idiots work in Blizzard.


It’s a game. They tried to make it as fair as it can be without taking freedom away from players. You will have terrible games like the one you described but there’s nothing you can do it’s just the way it is you gotta just keep moving

Great job Blizzard!

You’ve done well to help stabilize competitive by adding role queue. So what’s next? A beta season? Yeah, that’s awesome! Oh no, I’m a high masters support player but I’m not as good at tank or dps. No worries though, Blizzard is going to reset the MMR before the next season so players can be in their respective ranks for the role, even if it’s there off role.

What? You’re telling me Blizzard decided against this? Why would they do something that stupid? Is this their way of allowing soft-throwing in competitive? That would be stupid.

Congratulations, Blizzard. You are officially the dumbest FPS developers of 2019! I don’t know how you did it, competing with Fortnite must’ve been difficult, but you pulled it off.


This is pretty disappointing to hear. Not that I was intentionally throwing, but I was certainly taking some liberties in my damage roles just testing out any character, including ones I knew I wasn’t great at. I was under the impression that it would not count. Had I known I probably would have stuck with my regular go-to damage picks.


I’m curious how the current all-roles QP MMR has been related to the individual role MMR that they’ve been tracking…?

Also, if the (hidden) MMR is still used to balance competitive matches? e.g. in a past example the devs talked about when the matchmaker effectively gives a ‘smurf’ to a team to compensate for a bigger group stack on the the other side. And which MMR stat (role/overall) has been used for these kind of tweaks in beta comp?

Also, what kind of adjustments they are making to their formulas? (Of course this will be their secret source…)

We used their smurf data to calculate their new role SR

fabulous job…

I mean, least you could do is read my post before saying I’m wrong. At least then you’d see I literally quoted the exact same thing, so your post is pointless at best.


I tried to respond to you and another user, but I guess it only linked to one post, this was my response to that part:

This is getting silly, to try and argue that some stats count as “stats” and other stats obviously weren’t meant when they said “stats.”

And why have the beta test if they are going to throw out personal data? To beta test the system itself really

Right, so how come you’re practically forcing high ranked players to stick to their main role or risk throwing/ruining games for others?

Ex. I’m a support player in high masters, it’s by far my best role. Although sometimes I want to play tank or damage. By forcing me to play high masters damage when I’m more of a plat damage dealer, I’m soft throwing because the developers decided to allow this. So no, you don’t care about quality of matches. You just want to enforce the most even comp possible in terms of role distribution.

tl;dr bliz got lazy, and is letting everyone soft or hard throw.


I main support. I can play all the supports and I do adjust if needed.
In the Pharah scenario, I do go Zen, discord her and shoot at her.
I can also fulfill my role in Dive. It’s not a new comp, that I need to learn.

You’re assumptions about me are not correct. Also, the notion, that “it’s always your fault when you lose”.


If I knew this was the case, and wasn’t purposefully misled (yes because that’s exactly how it feels and looks like) I would’ve never played the beta on my main account. It does feel like we were duped. So all I can say, bye bye overwatch. I’ve had enough of blizzard and if I do decide to play against my better judgment, I think I just might smurf /throw as hard as I can on all my roles just to eff up their system, because I am petty and vindictive like that.

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Agreed, they effed us over on purpose. This is low.

Nah man, they used you to purposefully spread false information. Paying attention to forums my hiney. They let it spread and heck, I actually helped them do it, by trying to help people. We - I have every damn reason to be pissed at blizzard.

Most of my teams barely bothered because they treated it like it wouldn’t matter, since they were under the impression it’s only a beta.

I don’t think it was on purpose. The Original Beta rankings were kept for those who participated when the game went live, and that was well known. They should have been much quicker to clarify things though when people started posting that ‘stats wouldn’t be kept’, and ‘only beta’, and so forth.

I never for a moment thought they wouldn’t carry over. It made no sense not to.

You might want to give them the benefit of the doubt, I don’t. The very fact that they should have and didn’t is bad enough. But not only did they fail to clarify this when introducing role queue, but also purposefully made misleading statements about it


  1. They failed to inform once people started asking questions, opting to stay silent on it.
  2. Once their MVP spread false information, failed to correct him - even after they said they’re keeping eyes on the forums.
  3. Continued to watch forums, and did nothing to timely correct our misconception.

Yeah, I will blame them. This is a low blow.

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