Role Queue Update

the besides the point part was that I improved, the beta sr is based of a small sample size, and is therefore inaccurate. My S17 fin of 3900+ is accurate however, and i got that because I performed well, not because i was carried.

My whole point is that in small samples SR is inacurate, but its not designed to be accurate over 5-10 games, its near perfect over 100-150 games.

for context i played 5 games of dps in beta season, and ~400 games of ranked in S17

They’ve been tracking your role based SR for the past 2-3 Seasons.

It’s only a problem for roles you haven’t been playing in that time. He literally spells that out, it’s why they can get away with only 5 placements in most cases.

I play all 3 roles, not equally, but sufficiently enough, that I felt my placements were pretty close; I climbed a bit with Support as I expected I might, but I’ve barely been given the games because I queue all three and for the most part I end up Tanking as usual.

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I have no problem with people playing their off roles. What I have a problem with, is people playing their off roles in an SR that certain things are expected from them (because I have seen how those specific roles are played under normal circumstances) and then those people failing to perform at that level.
They shouldn’t have based the starting SR of all 3 roles on what SR you finished Season 17, because it certainly seemed like that.

Lucky for me I am on console so can freely have as many alt accounts as I want.

what a mass of ridicoulus excuses

OW is the only one competitive game have this kind of problems and no one cares to fix it.

Ty Blizzy, u were a great company, now u’re just a clown

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Wish that were me, but after the placements screwed me on every role I can’t be bothered to climb.

There is the issue of having a smurf in every game - maybe 9/10 games on my alt I have a smurf. I’m not very interested in playing comp because I never have a good experience, but QP (with RQ) and arcade I can do.

I like the idea of role queue… but I’ve experienced the worst competitive games of any season during the role queue beta. Me and the people I play competitive with have stopped bothering with role queue because the experience has been so negative.

After many aimless blowouts I actually ended up falling into gold as DPS… when I haven’t played a non-diamond game in over a year or two. This system is going to have A LOT of growing pains if the first season of role queue is anything like the role queue beta.

I’m one of those. Not to the extent of 400SR as you mention, but certainly my DPS has dropped since placement. I’ve played a decent number of games, and between placement and now:

2274 - 2278 tank
2199 - 2081 DPS
2669 - 2651 support

So it looks like my support placement was pretty accurate (it’s my main role, although in S17 I finished only 2352).

As a tank I’m mostly losing when I play shield, and most winning when I play Zarya. So overall again I’m treading water.

With DPS though, I’m definitely not performing very well. That’s not unexpected though - there’s a reason this old man plays support… :smiley: I’ve been in plenty of games where I’ve had gold awards for damage and elims on Zarya, so I don’t think it’s just me. Not in gold, anyway.

I have met diamond players drop down all the way to silver.
There are only 3 results from continually adjust into 3 results:
Result 1: lose SR, drop rank, not because you did badly but your team did badly and some times maybe we’re at fault.

Result 2: gain SR, up rank the best scenario.

Result 3: + and - all the time remain stagnant or decrease as losing punishes more than winning matches. Lose SR more than you gain from winning.

I can see that your team is doing the best of what they can come up with but I think it is good to enforce the default joining team voice chat.
Playing in American server for 17 seasons + this beta the problem with this is that you get match up with Thai, viet and korean players who do not speak.

This is another issue that you guys have to fix for the SEA region players since the Korean players do not like to play in their server and some times our latency spiked to 100 ~200ms in some games. This occurred almost every single match during the PTR role queue beta. On the live server, not an issue for latency but language barrier. Please do something about it.

I have met many players with Korean names, be it they are actually Korean or not that actually performs badly in their rank and then they started blaming others and swearing in Korean language in voice chat that we had to mute them.

This portion has to be improved too other than the SR matching and adjustments.

The tank and support SR gain/loss does not seem to justify from the amount from stats contribution. Be it amount of damage blocked, amount of healing done. Of course, the other assist factors also counts to the SR gain/loss but I feel that playing as a tank and support does not feel rewarding at all.

Loot boxes/coins gained via queuing as these two roles just does not cut it. We need better incentive, else we will continue to see a decline in tank and support roles when everyone will continue to agree that “Climbing as a DPS is much easier”.

Of course I’m gonna blame my Junkrat if the enemy one always gets Multikills with his Ult but mine 0… ;_;

Then why do you even play Junkrat if you can’t get any kills all Game??? Switch? No he won’t! ;_;

Maybe your team is standing together while they are low and not checking Junkrat whereas the enemy team is not. You cannot really blame your rat just because their team is better. Das not fair.

Of course it’s fair it’s clear he can’t get kills all game but never tried another hero never even once.

Does not matter what the team does, if I play bad my support hero and I can’t protect my teammates I try to switch!

To be completely fair, what hero do you want a Hunk main to swap to? Lol… I am keeping that autocorrect.

You are simply wrong…

However, beta season stats will only be available for a limited time and will not count toward a player’s permanent Competitive Season stats.

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Maybe it’s time to learn how to communicate to the audiences, because it seems the majority was under the impression that the statistics created during this season wouldn’t have an impact.


Thanks for taking the time to actually provide the rationale behind your thinking with this system, Scott. I hope this is the beginning of a new approach by the team.

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Sigma’s legality in this Beta season has inextricably cost a large number of players a significant amount of SR. I hope that, going forward, Blizz will not include such complex heroes in competitive modes that affect MMR right out of the floodgate.

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Can you even read??

By stats the dev means the actual page in the career Profile … Like you get one Page for every season to Look up your stats … that is meant by this answer …

And If you really think you can troll around in ranked without any consequences then too Bad that your mmr is now worse than usual.

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If the stats are being used to change our MMR, why not let us see them? People are saying it doesn’t make sense that they wouldn’t keep the MMR, but this doesn’t make sense to me either.