Role Queue Update

I’m main support (mercy and moira) but, i got more ranked points with damage role (symmetra and bastion <3), I’m even impressed with that.

For me is fine the new Role Queue system, i never see ranked matches too balanced like this before, but we have a problem, and the problem is when someone quit from game (for example at middle of match) you have unbalanced team, roles and/or heroes, and we can’t do nothing around that. It’s a big problem.

  • Before they could meet characters of various functions, it was good because it left the choice of the team the best balance, but as we all know, there was always a troll player who took such a character and practically only hinder the game.

  • Now, once you select the role, go play with it until the end of the game, it’s great the game can fit characters of various levels, experience and functions, on the one hand is good because there will always be that role on the team, on the other hand It’s bad because if a player decides to leave in the middle of the game, and for example it is the two team supporters, besides being prevented from playing for a few minutes, that team that was there playing without the supporters may or may not win the match. leaves very unbalanced, this week even though I was playing, the enemy team practically all left the game, there was only one support, one tank and one damage in the game, maybe five versus three was impossible for them to win, lost competitive points because of the rest team that simply decided to leave.

I think there should be an exception, or whatever, to apply a more severe punishment to anyone who simply left the game for no reason, simply because they wanted to.

I think over time, developers can further improve the role queue system, only time will tell.

This is another way of saying “You’re not as smart as you think you are” or within the context of Overwatch “You’re not as good at the game as you may think you are”.

This is the same level of arrogance displayed by Jay Wilson, who was claiming, that people don’t adequately remember the previous Diablo games, when in reality he was the one remembering things wrong and sometimes he was outright fabricating lies.

It’s also similar to the infamous “You think you do, but you don’t” by J. Allen Brack.

I’m pretty sure if you guys were to adequately display MMR for each player on a team, as well as how personal performance affects MMR and SR gains/losses at the end of a match, with us currently having the ability to watch replays, players would be able to spot irregularities with the system that are so stupid, that you bringing the Dunning-Kruger effect would end up just as ironic as the above mentioned statements.


It also averages SR—the plats on the other team could be 2501 while the golds on your team are all 2499 making your teams average SR right around the same as the others

It’s not like all the enemy teams plats are 2999 and golds 2499 while all your golds are 2001 and your silvers 1500

The fact that the data is going to carry over to the next season is just terrible, especially since the placements have actually been straight up trash. I’ve seen GM DPS players on tank getting placed GM when they have the tank game sense of a diamond player. In my own case I play DPS and Tank and never touch support. I’ve come out of the placements on support with a career high (Which I do not deserve). Then on Tank I won 3 games out of 5 and lost 500 SR and I’m still losing 50 SR a game. On DPS I’ve placed 250 SR below my last season whilst winning going 4-1 in my placements.

I’m fine with grinding ranks and getting back to where I should be but this needs to be done correctly and a full MMR/SR reset needs to happen. The half assed reset has broken SR on both sides.

Some things still seems weird to me.
Overwatch is a team game, as you say it, so you need everyone to win.

If you can solo carry, then you have a rank incerdibly too low for your actual skill.

But if you are doing really good but you can’t carry a game, then you ll lose points, just like the rest of your team ? I didn’t see a lot stats going on how your points are counted.

If I took some of my stats, I had for my DPS something like that :
2871 (What I got after my placements)
2844 -27 0V-1L
2817 -27 0V-2L
2793 -24 0V-3L
2767 -26 0V-4L
2784 +17 1V-4L
2805 +21 2V-4L
2828 +23 3V-4L
2851 +23 4V-4L
2872 +21 5V-4L
2893 +21 6V-4L
2918 +25 7V-4L
2943 +25 8V-4L

This shows that after my placement, the game feels like I’m too high, because I need to win 5 games if I loose 4 to stay at the same level (difference of just 1).
It means that if I have 50% of my winrate (indicate that I’m at my perfect level), I ll decrease.

I have a weird effect on all my win/loose because at some point I stopped to play 100% in ranked to train and play in custom games with a team versus teams.
I ended up growing a lot, and we went against Masters without having problems to wins half of our games. I was support for my team at this point.

Now the system didn’t seems to know that growing, and he put me gold in my healer. Stats seems pretty good (I don’t feel I’m good, I’m just looking at stats and compare it with people arround me or some website to see where I am comparing to people who goes on this websites), but I can’t up.

Why ? Because it’s a team game. If I don’t heal enough, mu DPS and Tank who might be under their actual rank will be screwed. If a tank don’t go forward or create space for our DPS, it doesn’t matter how much healing I deal, or how much are DPS try to kill, because they’ll end up focused and truned down pretty quickly. Same thing if we create space for a DPS, and keep everyone alive for a long time, if the DPS don’t do much, we’ll screwed.

So it seems that it doesn’t matter how good you are (to a certain extand, you can hard carry alone if you do a bronze smurf), your points are in the hand of luck. The winning team is the one with more better players, or with the less poor skilled players, it’s a point of view.

I don’t like to feel this way. Whatever someone is trying, no matter how he performe, if the team doesn’t follow he’s screwed.

I saw that on my team but on the ennemy too. A incredible heal that keeps alive the team for so long, but end up loosing because his DPS was going alone, not synchro with his team, and get killed instantly. I feel sad because it happens to me as well, and no matter how hard you try to communicate, to write politely in the chat, the guy don’t want to try.

So basically, he’ll decrease in ranked, but he just made you lost one game. Then you win one, and then you find yourself again with people who don’t want to try to work as a team. And what you got in front of you ? Just people that are not in position, so you sleep them as a punition, but they got awaken but not killed. So you purple them, but they don’t get killed, and you heal your team, but then, they got killed cuz the team know how to focus.

I even end up in a game where I feel like everyone seems pretty much at the same level. I just lost because we were more desync than them. Just because no one in either team wait for the others, and were more split.

The way the devs are commenting, they think everyone is at a place that he diserve. I believe that people who train on the side might be something to rare to be an issue, but feels incredibly wrong when you do your best, but team doesn’t want to listen.

Is it possible to have a system that just calcul how much you performed on the game ? Like these kind of exemple :
% of damage your team gets that you restored >> This allowed to perform without needing his team to take a lot of dmg. If you heal 7500 of 10000 dmg or 750 of 1000, it should not be far away in term of points.

How fast your ult is charged

How is your ratio Headshot/bodyshot (as precision means nothing with the pre-shots and all the shot in nothing at the beginning to entertain yourself)
How many target do touch with a nade (in case of purpling ennemies)

How much bonus heal grant the nade (in case of healing team) >> This could be a great one, the more allies you touch, the greater become your potential bonus. If you nade a Hog and an Orisa, and they are both low, then hog will heal himself (and grant you point over the bonus the nade gave him) and you ll earn points over recovering the Orisa.
This means that if you nade a whole team and lucio boost heal, it will give you points even if you don’t heal, because you contribute.

This will allow people who perfomed well (not who think they performed well) to be not sinked by their team performance.

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I, personally, could have overlooked Blizzard not clarifying it after people thought the stats would vanish. What I cannot let slide is the fact that not only did they allow misinformation to be spread, but Blizzard allowed a brand new hero, Sigma, to be played in the competitive environment.

As things keep moving forward, more and more information is surfacing as to Blizzard’s original intent. That intent was to wipe away all stats, in all forms, from the Beta season. As I have stated and will continue to state, many players would have opted out of the Beta season if we would have known even one stat would have been kept. Completely unacceptable of Blizzard not to have been clear from the beginning.


The shortest I’ve had (platinum level on ps4 EU) is about 7mins, most games are 10mins+ with about 15mins being quite normal, and the longest was 25mins which has happened a few times. Just to let you know! :slight_smile:

I don’t really get why the queue says that it will take 6mins sometimes, but it is always longer in my experience. I don’t see a point to giving any estimate if it’s going to be so far off, but I understand why the queue times are longer…

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You guys seriously thought they would not count the beta towards MMR? Even when people tried to tell me “it doesn’t count” I did not believe them. I guess I was right.

Even if it didn’t count, you shouldn’t be throwing your games. If you are, you are part of the problem.


So…do I lose my wonderful stat of my 34,9k healing game again? :sob:

For those of us who weren’t throwing, but had people throw in our games, I guess we were just fodder for the data collection am I right?

Food for thought

Blizzard’s original intent;

“However, beta season stats will only be available for a limited time and will not count toward a player’s permanent Competitive Season stats.”


So, lets break it down shall we.


noun, plural in form but singular or plural in construction

sta·​tis·​tics | \ stə-ˈti-stiks


Definition of statistics

1 : a branch of mathematics dealing with the collection, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of masses of numerical data

2 : a collection of quantitative data



rat·​ing | \ ˈrā-tiŋ


Definition of rating

1 : a classification according to grade specifically : a military or naval specialist classification

2 chiefly British : a naval enlisted man

3a : relative estimate or evaluation : [standing](Standing Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster) the school has a good academic rating

b : an estimate of an individual’s or business’s credit and responsibility

c : an estimate of the percentage of the public listening to or viewing a particular radio or television program

4 : a stated operating limit of a machine expressible in power units (such as kilowatts of a direct-current generator) or in characteristics (such as voltage)

MMR is a stat by the very definition. Blizzard acknowledged that “will not count toward a player’s permanent Competitive Season stats”. They did not specify what stats would be kept and which one’s wouldn’t.


Same here, EU ps4 and on average it’s 10mins+, even if it says to expect a game in under 6mins (which is also the shortest estimate I’ve seen before you queue)

I mean, I agree aside from that I think the original info that stats were to be wiped were pretty clear. Beta would be beta and not matter aside from testing their system. They didn’t care about Sigma because they were testing him too.

It wasn’t that they were unclear, but that they are contradicting past remarks. I’m just interested to know what made them change their minds.

I am a very cautious player. I would have waited, like many, many others for the Beta season to be over. I, just me, may have waited until both the Beta season and season 18 were over before going back into the competitive environment.

Blizzard had to know this. If they did, which I guarentee, then it is reasonable to come out and tell people that the “stats”, by which I linked the definition of both stats and rating, were to not carry over after the Beta season. Only to come out, after the data collection was complete, and tell everyone “Psyyyyyk, gotcha, all dis here counts.”

Every new hero had a learning period in Quick Play before being released into competitive. In Quick Play the stats you accumulate do not carry over to your SR. Why is it so hard to assume that because Blizzard allowed the new hero in competitive that the same rules that all new heroes have, no fault stat collection period, would be different for this short Beta season?

Or teammates that aren’t on comms

I’ve had people complaining about pharah and hammond, keep hacking them, nobody follows up because in one game nobody’s on comms, in the other, only the healer was.

Would that count as the entire team throwing?

In teams that are like this, i’d have switched to Orisa.

So it makes no difference, role queue, even before it existed, many matches were the same, players who supposedly “risked” ruining the game of others, and most of those times were troll players who didn’t even want to play …

As for blizzard, they just did what the community complained about asking to do.

Yeah Im gonna still blame the winston diving into the reaper when we are all back at spawn grouped up waiting to push

So like this is a permanent thing?..

Zarya SHOULD always get gold, thats not crazy…zaryas are meant to

I have an account where I won all placement matches and I still got placed considerably below what my usually sr range is, 200/300 sr below. I had 4.73 average eliminations per life, i played really well on all matches and still that happened, how does that make sense with what this post says?
If I usually play in middle diamond but I let the account de-rank to 3000 by the end of the season do you honestly take me as a 3000 player? But anyways I still got 2900 which doesn’t make sense.

This was an interesting attempt to fix things but I don’t think it did anything. It’s pretty much killing the fun of the game.

The first thing I noticed me is that the number of drop outs has nearly doubled.

The next thing is that when a match turns into a train wreak all we can do is watch and try not to get tilted while you watch SR drop.

My worst class is suddenly my best SR? That don’t even make sense.

With all the barriers now you can’t even tell what map your on. It’s all blue and red squares with ice blocks and walls.

Wait times for all matches is up but worst of all is the average 10 min wait for DPS. Some I’ve talked to actually miss the match because waiting so long they aren’t there when it starts.

One sided domination has gone up too.

Player toxicity and/or spamming of the voice lines has gone up. This includes inactive players that just sit there or run off to emote without actually playing.

I’m missing something still but all in all I my impression of this change is that it’s results are worse than any of the meta you’ve tried to “fix”.

Oh that’s right I noticed that everyone’s approval rating is dropping. Briefly I started to see 5’s now the average is 3’s. I’ve not changed how I play. I still try my best even when I’m watching the train wreak.

Hopefully that doesn’t sound tilted. It’s just supposed to be my observations in game.