Role Queue Update

I’m very happy to hear this after the WOW Classic release. I won’t ever touch OW again. After saying role q beta don’T carry over it does now? Awesome. After getting 3800 DPS players on Tank who got lucky in their placements and started on 4100 but had no clue what the are doing, and that with pretty much every role. LOL goodbye ow

did you switch to ana or zen metronome? To help deal with pharah? If not please humble yourself. :smiley:

What a crappy perspective. I doubt the majority of people who are complaining were throwing on purpose. What i’m sure a lot of them WERE doing, myself included, was playing off meta heroes because they thought the games wouldn’t affect our SR or MMR. If I knew these games would count, i’d likely end up playing Mei every game.


If anything, they have historically been against it, even if I feel their logic is pretty trash.

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OK, “reset” was the wrong wording, I’ll admit. What they said was that the Beta wouldn’t matter or effect ranking at all. The general point I made still stands, that they gave a ruling that influenced ranked-play for the worse and then told people after-the-fact that the rankings would matter, less than a week before the end of the beta round.

Probably played a lot of Sigma but hadn’t touched him in any other mode before too?

Sorry to be the one who lets you know, but you threw games.

Im 3900 and some idiot widow on my team wouldnt switch from widow when he killed literally nothing all throughout the game. My team kept asking him to switch and he said, lol imagine trying in beta season. He didnt switch all game and i had gold damage and elims as orisa. We lost. I love that the beta system meant something lol. May he fall down lol.

Thank you for this post, and thank you for Role Que it’s been a god send and I know despite how bad the forums may look in my actual games I can safely say 97% of the players love this new system in comparison.

Keep up the amazing work blizz I know we got some rough edges to whittle down but you guys are getting there so pls keep things up <3

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Yeah, and everyone who threw has to climb back up and ruin another set of games as they get back to an SR they belong (and the reverse for those who are too high now).

Blizzard was intentionally vague so they could have it either way, they said nothing so they could say “Yes the system is working correctly and we are keeping the data for your MMR” or “No we found a massive flaw in the algorithm with more varied data, so we are discarding your MMR, it was beta after all”. They also get more data (but not necessarily the best data) when people aren’t worried about a new system screwing them. Just annoying that they couldn’t clarify that earlier on.

Again, they didn’t.

Here’s what they said.

However, beta season stats will only be available for a limited time and will not count toward a player’s permanent Competitive Season stats

People assumed the term “stats” meant MMR. But they simply meant the literal statistics on our profile page. Which makes sense if you think about it. Why would they have this entire “beta season” if they were just going to throw out all the data anyways? Sure, it’s not an official season, so things such as hours or winrate aren’t added to your season averages, but you’re still playing as you, so of course the matchmaker is going to keep an eye on you to make sure you still get to play proper games.

I agree that things could have been worded better, but people read too much into it, and now they’re getting burned from their own decisions. Blizzard isn’t backpedalling on anything here. Not to mention, no one forced you to purposely toss those games out the window.

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Contrary the example with your friend is why we need role sr.
I’m a gold-plat tank/DPS but diamond-masters support.
If I went tank in masters I’d be hard throwing.

I’m pretty sure I said the diamond and gold was in a group
One of your plats was probably near diamond
Alternatively the diamond is in high plat but hasn’t lost 5 games yet, so still has the diamond badge.

Welp, i saw solo diamonds there so thats not a case.

Given how much variance there is right now, this would be actually quite negligible for how many games they ruin. Also they’ll be placed off their baseline MMR/SR so the affect might not even be evident at all.


And to further your point, if the data was good then there was no need to hold onto it for each individual, just retain it as metadata for verification that the system worked.

You can’t see who is grouped in role queue

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Wait they removed option to see that? Didnt noticed that so far, thanks for info.

Still before rq i was plaing agains masters (im plat myself), and i dont think they changes how game look for players for match base on sr since then? I might be wrong

Because of Role Queue the hero order on the Hero Select Screen and Scoreboard Screen is displayed as 2 tanks, 2 damage, and 2 supports. Because of this, the group brackets cannot be displayed.

Haha I can see why you wouldn’t see, I wouldn’t have cared to notice myself but I’ve been stacking on an alt a lot this season.
The only indicator you’re in a group yourself is green names, the lines are gone for both sides.

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No, I only queued for DPS and Support

Lol well said.

The problem is that a new account can immediately rank higher than an older account that is ‘stuck’ below this threshold - roughly gold or lower. There is no financial incentive for Bliz to reset MMR.

Also, maintaining a rank is much easier than climbing ranks. GMs have demonstrated that a GM player can climb out of Bronze/Silver using DPS/Tanks but that doesn’t mean a Gold player can do the same thing, especially as Support.

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