Role Queue Update

I am curious how you knew it would count. Considering that the term Beta implies a testing phase and not necessarily anything that is permanent. That temporary nature was enforced with the blog post that stats would not count to a player’s permanent Competitive Season Stats. Yes, you could certainly argue that MMR/SR are not stats, but then again they are just a numerical estimation of your skill, which is just a stat. Further, Sigma was introduced with the beta, which furthered a not official season, not supposed to count narrative.

As soon as there was any sort of notion that “beta role queue doesn’t matter” there should have been a clarification of the blog post. They stated in this post that they are making adjustments to the formulas based on live data, which was what my assumption of the beta role queue was for, was to put it out into the wild, get more data and refine the algorithms.

I just want good matches, so I do not like that there is additional variance introduced to the system because at least some portion of the playerbase didn’t think the Role Queue Beta mattered, which means there is likely to be even more volatility in season 18 with using the data from the beta. The communication is also lacking, as it isn’t the players fault that Blizzard was unclear, as they could easily have made a statement that they will (or have the discretion to) use the MMR data for Season 18.

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“up to 20-30 mins” Hah, I’ve seen that time reached regularly on streams, and on quite a few occasions, gone to and beyond the hour mark, only for a leaver because it’s Paris. Back to the hour-long queue!

The big sign that 2/2/2 is not working in practice is how many streamers are either A: playing other games, or B: Playing other games while queueing (watching Danteh get chased on Minecraft was funny). I’m waiting for when they finally add forced 2/2/2 into Quickplay, because I can see the player count taking a significant dip. I guess we’ll find out in a few months when the figures get released.

this is worrisome…how do you do this without making the matchmaker more lenient and therefore less accurately matching people against others of their skill level…

the larger the allowed SR window/discrepancy the lower the quality of matches

Thanks for all the info! Always nice to see direct insight to how these systems are being handled behind the scenes.

I just wanna say this probably bears repeating.

One sided games doesn’t necessarily mean the system is borked. Sometimes teams just don’t mesh quite as well as the enemy’s, or one side just has a good day while the other doesn’t.

Simple. The system itself isn’t permanent and needs fine tuning, but the data it does give back is still useful for a general baseline. It’s better to have an idea of where you are when you start the real thing as opposed to just closing your eyes and jumping in. The devs would be dumb to gather weeks of data like that just to throw it out and hope their new and potentially improved algorithm can suddenly handle it all from scratch.

I agree that Blizzard definitely could have been more clear on it, but I was more shocked that people legitimately thought none of this beta season matters.

The issue is that not a lot of people think for themselves. If it does not come from the horses mouth… It is worthless. In this case, they only have themselves to blame… Tsk Tsk.

Groups my friend. You don’t see them but they are still there. If you have a game with one silver, one gold and one plat, you can be sure that it’s a group. Otherwise like you said, if you’re close to the limit between two ranks, it’s normal to see both ranks. But then there’s no reason to be discouraged. But I do agree that if possible the matchmaking should provide a unity of matchups. Like same rank and role on both teams and if there’s a plat player on one side of a mid gold game, it should be on the same role and not, one side DPS and the other Support or Tank which could be a problem. But I guess there are not enough players and groups to organize that properly…

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So they are basically telling you to buy another copy of the game to reset your SR. Im sure theyve planned for that.

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If you’re stuck in a rank that’s usually an indicator you belong

Means there’s a gold+dia duo on one team

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why don’t compare his performance at non-dps roles with support/tank mains ? Or dps main could underperform on other roles, I don’t get it.

GM players have brains, they know how the game works. Im sure their SR is still high in other roles. 75% of games in under 3000 SR have zero communication and very little teamwork.

Woah… they said they were going to reset and people have been screwing around for weeks playing off-roles or throwing games. I dropped two ranks. Now they are deciding to keep ranks after saying it would reset? That’s pretty cruel.

If we can’t reset… can we just go with the season high? Please?

Btc the guy was spread this I formation that this season doesn’t count so you can try new heroes hahaha he was so wrong

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Your plat and silver is likely in a duo and the enemy plat is likely in a duo with a super low near silver gold

But if someones playing their off role it’s not throwing
It’s not their fault if blizzard placed them unfairly high :confused:

Stats as in career profile stats.

Woah that’s a lot of panic in this thread.

Don’t stress so much about this season even if it is affecting your MMR. 3 parts to consider:

  1. Your MMR is based off more than just the last season:
  1. The Beta design was to check their assumptions against reality (and use that data to fine tune the system):
  1. More data is better than less data. You will get to where you belong faster with more data.

If your complaint is that Blizzard was terrible at telling us what they were doing, I completely side with you.

If your complaint is that you are starting lower because you threw games, I am completely satisfied that you are getting what you deserve.


No they’re telling you there’s no point in an MMR reset because the system tends to get it right the first time.

If that’s not telling you there’s not a point to buying a new account, I don’t know what else would.

Not once was it ever said that the MMR would be reset.

Yet again, that was purely an assumption the community made.

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Even if gold would play with plat, they still should not meet diamonds then. Lock ranked to play only with people one rank up, 2 ranks up is to much difference.