Role Queue Update

And Partner please don’t forget, the feedback to the new system has been “Mostly” positive. :rofl:
Well, I’m glad we got to play during these years. I only feel bad for the newer players who bought copies of the game thinking it was the “Freedom” inspiring large hero roster game that they thought it was… only to be confined to 10 minute plus que times as I take it “MOSTLY” everyone plays Damage.

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10 minute queues? But Rambo, most players have queue times between 3-6 minutes?

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Uh oh, my bad Partner. “3-6 Minutes” Three to six minutes it is. :joy:

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You have absolutely no way of knowing who does or does not work for Blizzard.

I hope so. These awful metas have absolutely ruined high elo because unlike lower elos, they’re a must pick so whether the meta is bad or not, you’re playing it all the time. I just miss Rein Zarya/dive. Double shield feels like I’m getting epilepsy

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I used to be a flex player, mostly playing Support and Tank. BY playing Support and Tank I reached 3800+ SR and I never considered my DPS play to be on this level.

However, after the beta season placement my DPS SR is about 500-600 SR higher than my tank and support SR :confused:. It feels weird

I literally just linked you a post where WM says they don’t work for Blizzard.

Man I am done with you, your cognitive dissonance is just unbearable to an extreme.


why was sigma playable in COMP straight out of PTR? There is always a 2 week waiting period post hero release from PTR.

you guys also called it a “beta season”

You guys told us this season wouldn’t affect MMR

These 3 things led everyone to believe the season would’t count.

I feel very cheated here, and i feel like the devs dont care about our feelings on this matter.

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It’s almost like 2-2-2 promotes you to play different roles due to how the SR systems works now. Who would’ve thunk.

I can. He has a green name. Not a blue one. There you go.

I feel betrayed by this and very disappointed as a player in general…


Hmm so… players placed in GM or Masters thanks to their main role performance will be placed there again because there is no MMR soft reset (I’m not asking for a hard reset).

So what I really understand is: “Do not play first role-lock competitive season, wait until everyone is placed where they sholud be”. IMO, nice design =) Kapp

Yes and lots were also throwing, trolling and leaving matches :rofl::joy:
Everyone who had played blizzard games for more then a few months would have known they would use this beta data too.

I dont feel bad for any of then.
Does not matter if it beta QP or something else. You should not ruin games for others in a multi player team based game.

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So now we cant even see if we getting matched as a soloq team against a full premade. They just keep hiding stuff from us.

I don’t like that. Hiding win rate,hiding profiles ,hiding premades. Wondering whats going to be next…

30min wait here at 3600sr for days in a row. After 17min on Sunday I closed the game, After 25min 4 hours later, i closed the game. How is this fun.

I’m forced to wait and get 1 game per hour, which is stress full when you are close to getting all time high SR values, but you are on the unlucky team.

Please remove SR emblems and values so that no one knows their SR until after the season. Also, dont allow for 17season support mains get in my 3500-3700sr games locking DPS. The same for tanks and heals. The difference is too noticeable, and I dont want to have my SR adjusted based off a new player that will tank the team.

Que time is now approaching 35min. I am going to go install another game.

Quick question: how do you know they’re not?

Every game i had was at least with one player who did not belong at that rating.
Almost every game i had was very one sided
So the current system does the same, creating lots of bad games because people are ranked badly.

What we need is:
SR is based on the role you played the most in previous season
The more you played on a certain role the more the SR you have is based of that role. So for a dps one trick, or dps only player. The SR is 100% accurate for the dps role, but 0% for the support and tank role.

For a flex player who played like 40% dps, 30% tank and 30% support, the account SR is based on 3 mixed role SRs. That could be where he would always drop hard/lost when playing DPS, won when playing tank and on support he won and lost halve of his games. So the data is to less to calculate any of the roles starting SR.

For a flex player who was mainly dps but would fill when needed to support. Who has played +75% on dps. There is enough data to say his old SR can be used as starting point for the dps role.

So if the old SR is based mainly on one role the old SR can be used as starting SR.
For all other roles SR is reset, but MMR isn’t They start at 2350 SR but during and after there placement the SR will change drastically because of the MMR.

Above will result in much better games after placements. And much faster and better placing into the rank where they belong.

Just want to come on here and say I’ve been playing since launch and role queue has seriously made me quit overwatch.

I get off work late and only play DPS, and I get at the very least 20 minute wait times. The toxicity is through the roof, and I now play against Orisa sigma, who’s shields take any enjoyment out of this game.

I have accounts on both ps4/PC and I’ve always defended this game but I’m done.

Others will say: we’ll just play different roles for faster queue? Well guess what, players in OWL play certain roles. I want to just play DPS, but if the team needed it, I would always switch to flex. But I mained DPS generally, but if we have 2 DPS of course I fill as I love ana as well. This role queue takes any enjoyment out of the game and I’ve been met with so many more leavers, where once that happens we are completely screwed. Miss this game when ana was the newest character, I cannot understand why shields need to be so prominent and completely ruin the flow of the game. Back when rein was the only shield it worked because he wasn’t able to fire. Now we have Orisa/sigma just setting up shield after shield.

So yeah, I get to wait 20 minutes for that and not have fun, or play something else. GG

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Game has changed a lot with 2-2-2. It has lots more structure and is less chaotic, even in lower brackets.
Where you used to need to hard carry a lot on dps and ignore your team (especially in lower ranks) to climb. You know are a lot more vulnerable and useless when not playing with your team.

So lots of dps learned to play there role different then is needed now.
So probable(i already seen some posts of dps players hating the 2-2-2 system) we will have lots of dps players who already noticed, when they played like normal, they loosing/getting killed /playing worse a lot more now during beta. Since they learned to play their hero’s differently then is needed now.

So lots of dps players will drop the first season until they get used to the new play style.

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Whatever magic data you use to determine “skill” completely takes the actual humanity out of the decision making and all it cares about is numbers. A working system would actual care about your individual performance. So the guy that gets 50 elims that game but who played with 5 other potatoes and still couldn’t get a win actually deserves to be boosted in MMR, but no, it seems all your silly data cares about is whether someone was on a winning or losing team. Your system is trash.


Well its fun watching people cry about this.

If you deserve to be at a rank, you will get there, eventually.

My only issue with the game ATM is Orisa/Sigma tank meta, and I believe the dev team should make that their priority, if it isn’t already.
