Role Queue Update

I wholeheartedly agree with this. I’m also in favor of a full MMR reset, since the entire system of competitive overwatch is moving to a new format, I think skill rating should do the same, but at the very least the beta season shouldn’t be used for MMR.


Nah, there’s a couple of others. I’ve had issues with another one who just constantly gives out incorrect technical advice and, unfortunately, same deal - because they have that tag, people believe them. They end up this way because of quantity, not quality of posts.

Blizzard don’t really do anything to stem misinformation being given out - even if it’s by forum members they’ve tagged. But you absolutely can’t call them out on it, as users get banned over doing so.

Do not use the ELO gained/lost for season 18 placements. This is a huge mistake. Your placement algorithms were horrible in beta. These players do not deserve to be in high elo, yet you’re about to use a flawed algorithm to place them there?

If you’re fine with this, you should be fine with hard resetting SR for anyone above 3000. Because as it stands, games are going to be absolutely horrible for all of season 18 for anyone half-way decent at the game.

Gotcha – I don’t look at the tech support forums much so I wouldn’t know. I just see his posts because of the OWL updates.

They also have a habit of just repeating everything other people already said. /shrug

I like WM and all, but they don’t work for Blizzard. I’m glad they’re around to help people out with answers and tech support stuff, but they’re not an authority figure.

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I’m sure Blizzard will be deeply saddened if they successfully frustrate you, your friends and many more into giving them more money by purchasing new copies of the game.

Oh, wait. They wont be! This is why Comp has been trash for the longest time. To try and frustrate you into buying smurf accounts! It’s basically like a subscription fee for WoW. That’s also why they made seasons shorter.

You play an account for a Season or two, then the meta changes, or they pull a stunt like this, a certain percentage suffer from SR loss greater than 500, and a certain portion of that will be frustrated enough to buy a new copy of Overwatch.

Can you explain how people place with ~600 lower than they should on their Main Role?


Oh, I absolutely agree, and I know this too. But you would not believe the number of people who linked to WMs post specifically as evidence that Beta-SR wouldn’t be used - in particular on /r/ow and the associated discord. Like they were literally quoting WM directly as an authority of the topic, and it was getting frustrating refuting it, and that just because he was an ‘MVP’ doesn’t mean he has inside info or speaks for Blizzard - and there’s a massive problem that people assume (incorrectly) that he does.

They didn’t dupe anyone. You misread what was clearly spelled out in plain English. People just chose to mis-interpret it so they could later claim “but you said I could faff around and it wouldn’t count!”



Sorry for being petty, maybe on the third time you’ll spell it correctly :stuck_out_tongue:

They are doing this to try and frustrate you into buying a new copy of the game. That’s why they would never do a hard SR or MMR reset.

I mean the dead giveaway should be that their posts are GREEN… not BLUE or ORANGE.

But what even is logic?

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On the topic of the stats from the beta season counting in the calculations for season 18, this goes against what was said previously. It’s very upsetting to see you change your stance on this, regardless of how it would affect me personally. I think that since it was said that the beta season would not count at the start of the season and people have played under that assumption, it should remain that way.


You misquoted me. It appears I said something, that another user said :*(

I never read the damned thing. I was pretty sure all the stats from the beta will be used for matchmaking purposes.

Ah, it’s a nested quote. When expanded it shows as being a quote within a quote, but in preview mode it shows you as the top-level author. Fixed, BTW.

You’re just as much to blame in your scenario if the enemy has multiple shields and your DPS choose characters that don’t have shield break. You need to be able to adjust heroes based on what the team needs as well, not just point fingers at others for not playing the comp you want. If the enemy has 2 shields and your DPS are flankers, go Dive tanks. If they’re hitscan with poor shield break, go Ball and cause chaos to try and help your DPS get picks.

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so BTC was correct. There actually are anchor stats.


I’ve noticed that the higher my endorsement rating (4), the more I get coupled with people that have 1 and 2 endorsements. Is this part of balancing that has been implemented? I started this season with 2750ish rating and was paired up with people who have terrible rating. As a result, my dps rating has dropped to 2400, my tank is at 2200 and my healing is at 2100. The role queue is great as there is less stress with idiots, but now I seem to be coupled up with insufferable muppets who refuse to counter pick or even play as part of a team. Why are people who get gold medals and endorsements at the end of a game not getting higher ratings for a win, and lower loss’ for a lose? The system simply seems to ignore people based on their participation as a team player and they are punished as a result of toxic team members. It’s simply not fair. I know everybody assumes they are better than they actaully are, but if there is a constant where you put out 15k+ heals with an awful team you should not get punished for a loss.

These are tweaks your statistic team should be making - if im honest, it looks like there’s a team of Blizzard employee’s making big money for doing an absolutely terrible job with rating. Very poor over all.

As a former flex and now non-player, Role Queue has made me inherently dislike the game. I want to decide what role I’m playing and who I’m playing when I’m in the game and able to communicate with other people.

It’s also really, really disheartening that your advice to players to help mitigate DPS queue times is legit “Find a person that doesn’t play DPS.”

I kinda wish you guys would offer refunds on everything in exchange for account wipes. I want to disengage from Overwatch and leave it behind for good.


Okay, i am gonna do that politly because i know you people are just humans and mistakes afterall and *** happens right.

First of all as you already said the Blogpost was compltly misleading something like this should never happen again. Because if i whould have known this what you just wrote here i whould have skipped the complete “Beta Season”

Second if stats counting forward(and with stats i mean my SR and my MMR that are the important ones for me) Why the Heck was Sigame thrown into Ranked when he got released, and the best thing i Qoute from Twitter, its because beta season.

i had the Worst Games in my Life since this Role Lock is out the Worst since i played Overwatch, i dont want DPS players in my Games that are playing Tank or Sup just because the Que is faster or they get a Lootbox, and i have met a alot of such people countless, and not just dps its tank players playing dps or sup for the first time all that Stuff. Its annyoing, i know this eventually will sort out in the end. But srsly guys. i mean my friend never played dps lost all 5 matches never got a medal and got Placed Plat xD i mean sure he whould derank if whould play dps in ranked but thats whould be alot of fun for 5 other people

So now i got this off my chest i hope you guys do changes in the future with scapell instead of chainsaw

Two issues i ahve i just put this here

Rewards needs to be moved out of Ranked into QP there should be no reward for choosing a role, you should play this role because you know how to play this role, i know the Lootbox thingi wont affect longstanding players that much but still it feels out of place

And Second as you may have guessed i have a real Problem with splittet Sr it need to go, there is no Point in having it, its confusing in quing in a group, and well people tend to play diffrent when there are not on their Mainrole, and well each role plays diffrently and someone already said that you cant transform this

And well DPS Players shouldnt be complaining at all after all you get the most benefit out of this system :slight_smile:

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Please don’t carry over roleq sr there are so man boosted players and roles. My dps and support role myself are way higher than they should be please don’t do this.

You are doing god’s work (if only I believed in a god). My only disagreement is your comment on QP. I’m convinced they use performance in QP to have some influence over ranked matchmaking. I don’t know they weight they give it, but I play both modes quite a bit and I can sense differences in ranked matchmaking after playing QP exclusively for a few days.

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For the next 5-10 seasons comp is going to be garbage.