Role Queue Update

Great post, only one thing: Judging by the queue times for DPS now, Top 500 has a lot more DPS players than Tanks and Supports, yet when you watched any stream you almost always had a balanced teamcomp, which often meant enough Tanks and Supports. The only way that could work, as far as I know, is if a lot of DPS players flexed to Tank and Support. So, in the old system, people probably faced Tanks and Supports a lot, that don’t main them. Someone who does on that level though, is still likely to be better. In the old system it was enough to play tank that way, I’m pretty sure it won’t any more soon. Not to mention that Top 500s have great gamesense, I think their realisation of when they’re feeding is better than the data Blizzard has, considering my first point and that stats don’t mean much at all in OW anyway, of course I don’t know how exactly the stats look. I’ve also had heavily misplaced players in my own games.