Role queue KILLED the game

The only people that like role queue are the people that hard raged at the sight of more than 2 dps on their team, mentally marked it as a loss and played like trash or intentionally threw the game cause of it, when the reality was that high dps comps were never throw comps and were very winnable if people worked together. Anyone who was around pre role lock had several games they lost to 4-6 dps teams.

Open queue gave shorter queue times, far more dynamic and interesting gameplay, and allowed for smart players to spot the win condition and switch accordingly. With role lock if one role is bad it’s gg and there’s nothing you can do about it. In open queue you could switch to fill in the role underperforming. It gave individuals more carry potential and rewarded intelligence.


We were flex players. True flex players. And the game is absolutely not lost without 1 of each. I’ve seen 5 dps comps beat 222 comps in OQ, I’ve seen 141 comps roll 222 comps in OQ, I’ve also seen the opposite. The beauty of this game is that what truly matters is the players behind the heroes.


Yeah because getting on a comp team having 4 Mercy mains in it was so much better :rofl: :thinking: :upside_down_face:


it killed some of the heroes for sure…

You can still defend with a 1600 barrier, especially considering Reinhardt isn’t moving at a turtles speed while holding it like he used to. Shocking, I know.

Pretty damn good buff. Non-crittable during fortify for a couple hundred HP less on her barrier. She can take more than a couple hundred extra damage her way due to that compensation buff, and she herself is more effective because of it. Just a quick example, fortify used to cut Cassidy’s damage in half to 35 but he could still crit her for 70 & she has a pretty big critbox, now Fortify cuts Cassidy’s damage down to 42 per shot but he can’t crit to deal 70 damage per shot anymore. That’s a difference of 28 less damage per shot, that’s huge.

Tanks are not being made more fun for DPS players they’re being made more fun in general. You are in the minority if you want to play tank to be a bullet sponge, most people want a durable damage dealer. Tanks are not blue walls, they’re durable damage dealers, always have been.

And all you can see is quickplay…which is 20% of my playtime. The other 80% is competitive which has Orisa as my highest SR tank in GM, Reinhardt as my most played tank, and Dva nowhere close to being in my top 2. You’re proving my point. I am not a “Hog/Dva player”

Doomfist Mei & Sym were all nerfed because they were too strong. They are not heroes that should be meta, they are specialist heroes. They are obnoxious to play against when too strong because of their cheesy kits. If they are meta they are OP

Overall she’s stronger if you’re just looking at her shield & fortify. A couple hundred barrier HP in exchange for being noncrittable during fortify is a net buff. It’s her halt radius being cut in half that you could argue made her weaker, but that gigantic AoE needed to go.

10 years is a bit of an exaggeration. Not to mention Overwatch is still a good game that’s fun to play if you like hero shooters & you don’t just play like 5 heroes out of 32

If you aren’t careful there will be a fallacy named after you.

Mists of Pandaria’s Release date was the end of 2012, so yes 10 years is pretty accurate.

I’d rather have the 300 more hp and 8 second CD shield again… You were able to do much more than just hide back then.

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You haven’t played a single good game since 2012??

You were hiding behind a shield back then because once it popped your fortify wasn’t nearly as strong as it is now. Now you have less of a shield to hide behind but are more durable once it does. It’s a trade I’m happy with. If anything hurt her it was halts changes, but I think those were necessary. If people think Flashbangs AoE is big they need to look at Halt’s old AoE :rofl:

Yeah, role que sucks. Bring back GOATS please.

:gorilla: :wine_glass:

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Her shield actually existed back then and didn’t just disappear before she’d finish saying “For your own safety”. Her fortify was more than adequate to last until the next shield was ready, or to run to cover.

Thanks for your opinion, I’d say it’s pretty moot considering you’re a Rein / Hog / Dva main though.

Yes the halt changes made her alot less fun too.

Literally all I wanna do is solo heal. I love that challenge, I play so much better. It’s really fun for me. I can’t speak for tanks because I don’t play tank anymore though, but I didn’t mind it back in the day before RQ so long as my team played well around me and the support was solid.


Except the numbers suggest the exact opposite.
Fewer LFG, fewer bnet lists, longer queues, bribes to make 2/3 of the role work, much lower skillcap, overall dedgaem.

Lockdown literally ruined the game by every objective measure, so your opinion is troll. How can any1 defend those figures? Bro the product sucks and your quarterly earnings are bye bye stop telling us it was good.


I’m mixed on it
On one hand it somewhat fixed the “team of dps” issue

But on the other…

  1. It caused massive queue times for dps AND supports
  2. It removed a ton of flexibility from the game (less pick options)
  3. It removed the possibility of swapping roles to have more effective team output
  4. It increased the impact trolls and throwers have on the match (if a player is throwing you can’t make up for it with a swap to a different role)

It didn’t cause any new balance issues however, no, balance was a mess even before that.

So yeah role queue is a mess even if I’m not for or completely against it. I was a flex player if you’re wondering.

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Jeff in the interview with Frann or Emong said 222 was the most played composition.

The 5 DPS meme is only something that happened 3/10 games in QP. So if you’re going with that you’re saying they balanced the game around QP(LOL) while also actively ignoring what was happening in OWL and high-level ranked play for over a year.

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No. The massive influx of smurfs did. Who wants to play against someone in top500 while you’re in silver?

What is with forum users going off of inaccurate data? :rofl:

Orisa is my highest SR tank… I hit around 4100 with her… just because she isn’t my most played in quickplay doesn’t mean I don’t play her. 80% of my playtime is in comp

The fact that Dva is even shown in my top 3 shows how off you are… Zarya is probably my 3rd most played tank behind Rein & Hog

You’re quite literally proving my point for me. Thanks.

How so? If I have 100 hours on Orisa is that not enough to make a qualified judgement just because I have 101 on Zarya, 102 on Hog & 103 on Rein?

I don’t need to be an Orisa one trick or Orisa main to have a qualified perspective… she’s my highest SR tank at 4100…

You didn’t type anything. I don’t know what your point is