i quitted overwatch in 2019 and today i reinstalled to play arcade mode and quick match with my friend, got 10 minutes on queue to enter the game, in group list there was only 5 groups to enter, i will not wait 6 to 10 minutes to enter a quick match, thanks blizzard, you just ruined the game!!!
Actually the Opposite.
Role Que was one of the BEST updates we have received in so long.
I’m so glad it’s a thing.
And also, you don’t even have to play Role Que. There’s open queue for quickplay and competitive, so I don’t see the need for complaining about something that is optional
Is optional ok, but i tried normal queue too and waited 10 minutes…
Well, maybe because your Role might be overloaded with tons of players and like 5 tanks players?
Maybe try flex que and get priority passes. That’s why it was added. For DPS players to get into a faster queue.
At this point this is a nuclear take mate, because it is proven that RQ created MORE problems than it solved.
Special mention to those “Quick” play matches, which unironically, are slower than any Aarcade match or even comp (yes, Ive queued in Comp and in QP with RQ and even my Comp queue was shorter lol ).
nope one tricks killed the game specifically
I was with him and we tried every single role and we got 10 min straight
The real issue is that they have been dumpstering tanks into being fat DPS and well, it didnt work.
DPS players still dont want to play tanks, much less correctly, and most of the former tank playerbase straight up left.
Role queue just came after they finished a year and half of nerfs to tanks and supports.
That’s because, Blizzard was unaware that 2-2-2 would cause Balance issues.
The Concept of 2-2-2 is good, but they suck at balancing which is one of the reasons people put on “Nostalgia” glasses.
Open queue sucked; nobody wants 4 dps 1 tank and 1 support.
Played flex too, i play since the launch in old times i just needed 10 seconds - 1 minute to enter a game.
Tank role doesn’t take 10 minutes to get into too.
Unless your oceania.
we are in South america
Looks at queue times
Yeah no tank queue in SA is 2 minutes at most even at 3 am.
It didnt.
You are talking about a player problem not a game problem
LFG was there. You could literally create a 222 whenever you wanted and play it but people are lazy and want it all in one button so … here we are.
On an almost dead game.
And RQ is not keeping the game alive at all. In fact since it splits the players in other queues, it makes it worse. The lack of content creates lack of players and the lack of players affects way way way way way more the MM on RQ matches.
The only problem created is longer queue times. That’s Blizzards fault for refusing to make tank more fun and was a problem way before RQ.
There are half a dozen reasons why OW is dying but role queue is at best dead last and its mainly a symptom.
Yes and? This player base needed a reminder this is a team game and not deathmatch of duty.
Role queue saved the game.
The playerbase was gouged because of 3-4 DPS per game and Goats/Brig era comps that weren’t 2-2-2 making playing solo tank/healer extremely frustrating
OW2 launching with role queue will solidify a long term playerbase
This. Unlike almost every other patch ever implemented, Role queue is not a patch that created more problems than it solved.
It just made it impossible to ignore the fact that there’s been a mass exodus of tank mains from the game.
RQ didn’t do anything that LFG hadn’t already done….
LOCKED 222 however……