Role queue KILLED the game

Not in Blizzard games. WoW makes so antisocial players, that it even went into memes.

Then it would be mostly empty. Which is why it has other incentives, like gold guns.

I get the distinct impression that you enjoy just being a contrarian.

Overwatch specifically attracted a lot of gamers who had never touched a Blizzard game.

I’ve cited examples that prove this to be untrue. We already have examples of POPPING competitive scenes with premades only. You honestly think that the millions of people who were hyped for competitive would NOT find people to play competitive with?

Yes, because hype quickly dies.

TF2 tried to make competitive queue, like Overwatch, and it mostly failed - people simply didn’t join.

And then scared them off. It mainly attracted players, that never played FPS - which, surprisingly, were majorly Blizzard players from their other games. It’s clearly not competitiveness, that attracted that kind of folk.

Role queue being added was clearly good for the health of the game. If it wasn’t good people wouldn’t play it more than open queue

You underestimate simple laziness.

What do you mean by that?

The key here is “like overwatch”.

They followed overwatch’s example. Meaning no premade requirements. Which is why it failed and the PREMADE grassroots UGC continued to work.

You are literally making my point for me.

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If there is big button labeled “Play”, how many people would skip it to dig through menu? Not a lot, because players tend to be lazy in that, and just want to play, rather than search through menus to find out, how to play game in different way.

Yeah I think this is just trolling at this point. Queueing for tank at any time for pretty much any MMR/SR will yield very quick queue times.

There it is

Nope, no one expected you to do anything apart from play the game. YOU are the one that chose heals. But do not blame others for your choice.

But you will argue black and blue that you had no choice due to the composition of the team, to that I will say, that’s on you and your way of thinking.

people one trick because they can = simple fact.
Playing only one hero all the time is not against ToS.
Playing any hero is not against the ToS.
Playing any hero another person or a team does not like will get a report, but playing any hero that a team doesn’t want is not against the ToS.
What is against the ToS is false reporting but we all know how this works, it doesn’t.


DvaDiff being based 24/7 :based:

I started playing with role queue and tried multiple times the open queue flavors of comp and qp: rq is so much better. (if you don’t count players who instalock Lucio with a Zen like my friend Abdullah does T_T)

Yeah, selecting tank leads almost every time to a <1 min queue, especially if you duo.

It’s completely normal situation.

However, with role queue games are lost at hero selection as well. Except this time, there is no fixing it during game itself.

Why are you directing that at me?

That’s not role-queue.

It is because there is like 30 people playing the game. Everyone had moved on. Let’s hope we all come back for OV2. If that releases when I’m still alive…

Sorry to burst your bubble mate, but the game was dying long before role queue. Role queue was an attempt to salvage it.

You said it yourself, you quit in 2019.

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Gonna call BS, me and a friend at 3am cst, both only queue dps with pass and it takes 10 mins on NA.

and it’s consistently like 8-10 mins

I wouldn’t say RQ itself “killed” the game. I think it’s played a part in it though.

RQ could have worked a lot better if the balance team managed to actually balance the game better. Especially the tank role.

Of course nowadays the complete lack of content + balance changes don’t help at all. But the fact that you need priority passes a lot of the time to even play the game often tells you a lot.

Queue times are awful. The only reason I stopped bothering and still don’t both to learn DPS is because I don’t wanna sit in a 10-20 minute queue to play it. Even with priority passes sometimes. Even support queues with priority passes can sometimes take 10+ minutes for me. Even when it supposedly says it will take around less than 4 :roll_eyes:

But in summary - if Blizzard could balance the roles better RQ wouldn’t have been nowhere near as problematic as it has been.

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There are times when I really wish we had downvotes on this forum.


Everyone who knows about open queue and prefers it can easily play it, yet role queue is more popular. So I’m not sure how you can argue open queue is more popular when it literally isn’t