Role Queue Killed OW

Anything over 5 mins is unacceptable, regardless of role


I like role q. Role q didn’t kill the game. The fanbase killed the game. Role q is essential to make this game even tolerable for me.

The double shield meta is what’s awful about this game currently. Makes 90 percent of the dps roster unplayable. with a zero skill tank duo with shields to prevent a majority of their mistakes with minimal effort.

I think part of the reason why people are reporting awful games is that a lot of dps players can’t stand to wait ~10 minutes for a game, so they queue as support or tank and play moira (badly) or zarya/hog (irrespective of tank comp) instead. A couple of people have admitted as much in games, and people who are challenged on their lack of supporting/tanking return fire with “but I have gold elims!” as if that’s what you want, primarily, from those roles.

RQ has also offered people the opportunity to troll in the roles that they’d never select, because it doesn’t affect SR in the role that they care about (normally DPS, I guess).

Completely agree with the guy above that the shield meta is a particularly dreadful one.

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No, really, I remember several evenings after work where I played for 3 or so hours straight, and several weekends where I binged the game for a good 8-12 hours and around 80%+ of the games were triple/quad dps atleast throughout the whole session.

It was truly exasperating. It was un-tolerable. It was frustrating and stressful.

Now it’s 2-2-2 it’s enjoyable in my opinion.

The only thing I would agree on is that at the moment, the double shield META is making 90% of the dps picks almost throw picks, because they just can’t impact the game at all against double shield.

I mean, I’d like to see someone trying to rank up using Soldier for example in the current META, seems nigh on impossible to me lol.


The mayority of the problems in the game, is not the game itself, its the player behavior… the quality of your matches its arround 50% for each team, and wins the team who makes less mistakes, its simple, if you lose, means you and your team underperform… this is not like other games, “carrying” is extremely difficult, other team games, are really no team based games, where a single but skilled player can make a difference, in overwatch that can happen but not very often.

This makes the problem worse, not better, for the pros on their alt accounts.

2350 is the best place to start everyone because statistically, that’s where the highest percentage of new accounts actually belong.

I think they need a different gateway to competitive than being level 25. I think they should have a vs AI / vs Scenario type placement system for new accounts that evaluates a bunch of different forms of skill and readiness without putting them in with other players.

Unfortunately, it’s very very hard to prevent trolls and griefers from manipulating the system. So many people who are genuinely trying have inconsistent performance.

Everyone acts like it’s trivial to create a system that rewards legitimate behavior and punishes bad behavior. Unfortunately, that’s not true at all. It’s practically a never ending arms race, where you deal with X troll / griefer behavior over here, and it has negative consequences for legitimate behavior, so you have to scale it back… This leads to all the secrecy for MMR calculation, and current values so that the bad actors cannot game the system.

This is where we move from very very unlikely (5dps or whatever) to just flat out lying without a care in the world.

You people gross me out honestly. Queue time was under a minute every game silver to diamond for like half a year. It’s too bad you never streamed these impossible circumstances.

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Metro did it and so did Gale lol must of been a horrible experience though. Both made it to gm.

Hit the nail on the head. MM and SR has been broken since after season 1.

As for the role queue, I honestly thought it might help the game but WOW was I wrong. Just when you think comp get any worse this makes it wayyy worse. Why this was put live after all the negative feedback in beta is beyond me. Only reason I can think for this is because they did it strictly for their OWL to try something new and since it is there it has to be in comp mode.

Can’t wait to see how much different OW 2 will be heh.

Because they received a bunch of positive feedback, and it is much better for balance of the game. As a Tank, 2-2-2 is dramatically better because I know I’ll always have another tank and 2 healers with me. Same as a Healer. Before role queue, 5 dps games weren’t at all uncommon.

Role lock is definitely better for the game, even if there is pain right now.

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Niether do 90% of players in comp.

They need to just move gold guns to QP rewards… Move Competitive Points to QP (rename them too), throw away seasons, and just make SR the only thing that happens in Competitive. People should only want to play competitive to win games and raise their SR.

Man, I’m right there with you, but having now played a very small handful of matches in the post role queue OW world I’m quite comfortable uninstalling again.

It doesn’t seem to matter what you queue as, there’s more throwers than ever before.


Agreed, OP. I hate being negative, and I truly want OW to be fun for everybody, but this system just kills it for me.


Fanbase are just gamers looking to play a good game. If the game sucks, and allows players to troll, throw, smurf, leave, and ruin your rank… then of course over time the fanbase will not be happy playing that game.

It’s not like a bunch of jerks all made a pact to ruin Overwatch. No, the devs did that themselves. Players attitudes are a REACTION to the game.

I’d say OW is a great game at it’s core, it’s hooked a lot of people, but the devs themselves have ruined it. So players are not happy. Players feel helpless. Players stopped trying.

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I literally want to quit. The queue’s lie to you saying 5-6 mins and then I end up waiting 12mins and resetting the queue.
How did we go from instant queue’s to this hell? Even for support the wait is longer. EVERYONE is waiting longer! Everyone loses!


Role queue system not a problem
Poor and not interesting tanks/healers gameplay is.


Honestly, this. Character imbalance has always been a major problem, and role queue could only ever be a stopgap measure for this.

If tanks and support were more fun and interesting to play, people would gravitate to them. The player base is not wrong in what was the most fun, overall to play. Tanks are boring, and I can say that as a tank player.

The question now is if Blizzard is going to finally do the hard work of balancing their characters well. From the looks of things, it’s not promising. I think people will have moved on before, and if, they ever do set things right. But for starters, there aren’t even nearly as many choices for tank and support each as there are for DPS.

And its not like we need more shields either. Or more weird ways to heal people. It has to do with the entertainment of the character overall. Being a hitpoint sandbar for an enemy or a healing vending machine is fundamentally not fun. The characters have to be able to do other things that make them fun. Namely have offensive capability.

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OverWatch is now boring with this silly Role lock .


Tank Queues are 30 seconds :slight_smile: