before role queue I played DPS about 75% of the time, and now I have to wait to play DPS. All the while, I couldn’t care less if there were 6 DPS on my team.
I think they should have invested more in LFG. but maybe it was cheaper to develop role queue
The wait time is a symptom of a larger issue, not enough variety in the tank/support roles. Sure, DPS is always going to be favored, but I literally cannot tolerate tank/support as they exist. It’s a chore, and I already have my fill of those.
75% of people played DPS before role queue, so…role queue happened.
Now those players are having to wait.
We tend to only care about things when affected by them directly. 5 and 6 DPS comps were complained about a lot, but we aren’t bother by them anymore because they don’t exist.
although I think I got spoiled by the insta-queues in the months leading up to role queue.
I think it was 3-4 minute queues around last February.
I think this is only part of the solution. I think eventually 222 will go away, but we need upwards of 50 heroes on the roster first.
I mean who wants to play Mercy, she’s just not fun…unless you have 5 of your friends. I would main Mercy if I could verify who my teammates were, and had some say in strategy.
Who wants to play Rein when you’re not sure if you’re team is will to follow up on the battlefield/tactical commitments you’ve made.
I dont think variety is the the reason. Its role desing. Blizzard failed to teach the players base how they should play all roles from start. Now with role q its too late for that. They gave too much freedom with hero picking.
I think most of my queue times before RQ were anywhere between 10 seconds to 3 minutes. My shortest DPS queue since RQ has been just over 7 minutes, with the longest exceeding 20 when I just cancelled and went to bed.
I get that I live in a smaller region and it’s a 3 year old game, but RQ was a complete downgrade in quality for my experience. Diving and already divided community just didn’t do many favors for the game IMO, as much as it helps them balance high-end play.
I don’t think it’s a matter of not knowing how to play the roles, it’s a matter of a fact that they’re boring to play to most people. Tanking and supporting is work if done correctly, and nobody comes home from school or work to do more work unless they just like punishment (and some people do).
It’s the same as it was pre-RQ. No one in low ranks counterpicks, every game has infighting even if your side wins the round, and no one swaps off when they’re countered. And forget synergy like in high rank games. You’ll routinely have fist/sym vs Pharmercy, in addition to a hard carry that’s absolutely uncountered. And forget retreating, since no one watches the killfeed. 4v6? normal. 3v6? all the time. Ask for pulling back a bit on VC? Ignored.
RQ isn’t the problem. Nearly every game in GM has 222, and had 222 pre-RQ. The problem is the playerbase. It always has been. It always will be.
if she’s shooting at pharah she’s not healing, she has to tilt up and down
Moria is different, she can heal and damage on the ground back and forth
lucio can heal and shoot
Ana is the best support for pharah, but still not a good enough counter like solider.
if I queue for support, I should be able to force my DPS to go soldier if we see a pharah, because before role queue, I could’ve always picked soldier myself
I don’t mind queue times being longer for DPS, that’s fine. What I don’t like is waiting 8-10m for a queue and having the match be cancelled. So I need to go wait 8-10m more for another match.
Extremely true, but for better or for worse, 2/2/2 role - lock is here, the majority of the player base really enjoys it and it won’t in any way be reverted…
The only advice I can give you is to try and queue along with a Tank/Healer player… It will certainly lower your DPS queue
I can see how role queue is better for some heroes that are more effective against squishies (sombra, tracer for example). With triple or quad tank they can really only build ults.
The problem is they are putting stacks against solo q’ers (probably to lessen queue times). So to avoid backlash they removed the option to see who is grouped. This puts all solo players at a disadvange. It lessens the chance of winning and also MMR is different. (MMR in the first place should be seperated into single/grouped up mmr)
I know you were just kidding, but sometimes I feel that the only way to convince more people to heal and tank is for them to do it without noticing, with passives.
I can deal with Pharah as Baptiste or Ana. Ive even gotten good at killing her with Zen. Tanks on the other hand? Nope. Just Hog if she’s bad.
Those are actually very very low queue times relatively speaking.
That doesn’t change the fact that it obviously is annoying your circumstances, whatever they may be.
I think however your opinion is among the minorities in this case. Many people have queue times that can breach 40 minutes, and many would be glad to take your times. Also, you may find that an overwhelming majority of the player base would rather have longer queue times for a decent game, then sub-5 minutes for a crappy 6 DPS game.
Unfortunately, the game cannot please everyone. They must compromise so that at least most people are at least happy with it. Blizzard is hopefully working on solution to shorten DPS queue though.
I think the match quality is only slightly better. And not better enough to justify not running crazy comps. Or being able to counter Pharah with Soldier when I originally picked Lucio. I actually like No Limits to come back. How to Perfectly Balance the Game
10 minutes here. Hell of a long time, especially when u get into a game and u get a leaver or a thrower.
A game like this any time 5 minutes is an extremely long time already. hard to climb with such little amount of games, and difficult to keep up the practice as the cooldown between games can really wreck your concentration.