Role Queue is a DISASTER!

Meanwhile, Im queuing for a diamond match. A normal Role Queue match.

PS Its 16 minutes now

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This is fake news…

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To be fair, the devs DID warn players of this when everyone and his mother was screaming and begging for role q. Everyone said “don’t care, I want better games even if it takes 20 mins”
Other than that you can queue with a tank/support to halve your q times.

QP was unplayable before 222, comp was a complete gamble.

if dps queue times were 40 mins instead of 10, it would probably role q would probably still be worth it imho.

I don’t know what servers you play on, but on EU when I want to play dps I queue with a tank and it takes 5-6 mins tops

The majority of people that queue for tank and support, especially tank, play those roles like they are DPS because they don’t want to wait the 10 minutes for DPS queue. It ends up being the same as before role queue, except with restricted hero pools. Players locked into DPS can’t even flex to tank or support to compensate. It also makes it even easier for throwers to throw on their selected role. And no, throwers don’t get banned. Never had, never will.

Where’s your proof it’s fake?

games on maintain mode with the announcement of OW2

i wouldn’t expect blizz to release any improvements going forward

I fully agree…

RQ is awesome
I get to play dps without being guilted into switching or forced to play 5 dps 1 tank.

I pay for it by waiting 5 minutes.

If i want instant i play tank

Freedom to do whatever was a illusion.

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no ur just losing and salty

Which happened rarely. Best overhaul the entire game and drive away the playerbase for a rarity occurring.

“But the playerbase is as big as ever!!!”

Which is why you’ve players 500+ sr one way or the other tossed into a game together. :stuck_out_tongue:

“rarely happened” i could barely play my role in diamond cus everyone was trying to play dps

And yet I hardly ever ran across the mystical 5 dps and 1 tank or healer.

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Role queue is the best thing to happen to competitive. Play non role lock quickplay if you want to swap roles


Same. I was seeing decent comps because most people wanted to win. The difference was that i could swap to any role to help out with what we needed. Now, i can’t. And it’s extremely limiting and frustrating.

This role queue season has been the worst, by 100 miles. Not even close. I hate it with a passion.


I play 5 games per day roughly.
5dps 1 tank/support happened at least 2 of those 5 games.
Thats not rarely from my experience

perhaps something to consider…with 222. this game is a little more niche and not for everyone. But it needed to instill a fundamental game designed which was cohesive team work. you may have not seen the problems arising pre 222…but they were there. games where almost everyone played dps and few had incentive to win the game or climb the ladder. so structure was needed…just as when they introduced hero limits in season 2.

If you don’t like it, then this game may no longer be for you. But for many, it was a desired change. and by many…the majority.

it all depends on what server you are on. korean server was definitely average 4. US server didn’t seem to have 2 dps about 70% of the time and 3dps the rest.

… So if you’re not in the majority, oh well so sad too bad?

As a low ELO player (high silver) RQ has meant a dramatic increase in game quality. Even if you could talk the team into a decent comp like 3dps, 1tank 2 healer, that meant 2 people were pissed off already when the doors opened. When I wanted to DPS (my role of choice), I had to instapick. The flaming about picks always started about 5s into the game.

That was the opposite of fun.

After the game progressed and it wasn’t a stomp, after 2 lost fights we had 4dps. Continued to lose fights because of no heals or if we won, the enemy did the same.

At the end it was a chaotic deathmatch.

So I’m super happy about RQ. I can talk with my team about what’s are the right picks and mood is almost always great when the doors open.


Blizzard doesn’t give a crap what you think, they never have. They only care about what game critics on websites think. The game is getting progressively worse, but they will never change it.

Hope you like longer and longer queues as people leave the game.