Role Queue is a DISASTER!

10 minutes. 30. 40. What do I care? I don’t play this game anymore. I keep an ear out to see if they ever bother to fix the issues with low ranks. Until then, I’ll never play another game of Overwatch, and enjoy other games that are just plain better.

RQ. No RQ. Meh. I got sick of the nonsense this game forces players to deal with. So I won’t be dealing with any of it anymore.


I don’t believe these posts FROM Blizz or the mods claiming that the response to role queue has been just great! Fine and dandy!

I was part of a show once that changed hands, and they made all kinds of changes to it. Killed the show. The Producer was assuring us that the ratings were better than ever! Never seen such success! Canceled a week later.

The point is. They LIE.

If the players, the employees themselves, think it’s been a failure, then it’s reputation will be part of the reason it dies even faster. So, everything always has to be fine and dandy.

But sure. 8 min queues. Players playing 3 games a night instead of 10. No actual improvement in game quality. Worse matchmaking than ever. So few players they’re having to stretch for bronze players in a gold game? Never seen that in 4 years. “The response has been extremely positive!” takes a look around the forums

Yeeeeeah, right.


The DPS waits are long, cause the game has 8/16/7 for heroes yet forces 2/2/2.

Fixed it for ya.

The only major issue with role q is the dps q times which are ridiculous. If they decide to fix that then it will be complete

The system itself is much better than the previous one

  • all roles not countering other teams picks on purpose (effectively soft throwing) knowingly or not.
  • throwing, of course
  • general bad matchmaking, as it has been for YEARS
  • not being punished for one tricking, and now enabling one tricking.
  • no voice comms required or needed due to roleq
  • toxicity has increased to the point that its now normal, and now nobody joins voice chat due to it.
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Picking off-meta heroes/comps happened before role queue. That’s not new. None of your points are specifically related to role queue at all other than the “no voice comms required or needed” which I don’t really understand. First of all, there are people in GM that don’t comm at all (disable chat, disable voice, just play). It’s not throwing to not comm. Not doing the most optimal thing at all times isn’t the same as throwing.

One tricking isn’t something that is, or should be, bannable. Avoid people who one trick. Otherwise play around them. If they got to whatever rating they’re in, then they’ve probably won a lot of games. Bad comps win against good comps all the time.

Again, what does any of this have to do with role queue?

I like 2.2.2. even if i have to wait 10 minutes for dps. I like not being the only one healer or the only tank.

you’re probably just playing different heroes.

I dropped to gold briefly for the first time in over a year when I can win with 80% win rate in upper plat and maintain diamond normally…all because I decided I would try sigma on one of my other accounts. So it seems with little practice I can’t maintain above 2600-2700 as sigma at best, and will drop to gold if I zone out any.

before role lock people could throw games by playing whatever they wanted and it was so random that you wouldn’t get punished. now even if you’re rated 2800 on one tank but can only play other tanks at a 2600 level you will drop when you insist on flexing for the team.

flexing is good long-term for your growth, but not very kind to your sr

Just because you get 2 tanks and 2 support doesn’t actually mean they will actually play the role as it is intended. So don’t whine and cry and file false reports against them.

before roleq if our sym one trick decided not to counter the phara, widow, doomfist, mei etc for whatever reason i could pick around them. now im literally locked in this cage spitting angry at my teamates because they REFUSE to counter the enemy.

Now there is zero point to comms other than berating people for things that you literally cannot change. dps refuse to counter doomfist while your getting rolled as a healer? too bad, get on comms and complain to them or yell at them, probably isnt going to fix it. If they refuse to counter in the first place, they arent going to counter when you cuss at them.

onetricking is the source of the issue. Oh you got two offtank mains? how about two sym main dps’s? well i guess you just lose against this rein/phara combo.


Who said anything of reporting them??? Id didnt say anything

I don’t think anyone is actually complaining about goats not being in the game.

I stopped playing with rolequeue. Game was great before role queue. 7 accounts I bought.

Theres absolutely nothing that interests me with this new competitive mode.

The idea of being a flex player and find win conditions was the core experience for me. I’m 37 years old and I managed to work my way from a season one rank 43ish (I guess it would be laters seasons equivalent of silver(?)) up to 3850 master as a high just learning the game and what heroes work in certain situations. It was a fun aspect of overwatch, to be versatile and able to rank up even without any prior FPS skills to talk about.

Now though? Play one or two of the meta heroes for the role and learn that. Wtf? Overwatch was supposed to be a game with about 45 heroes which a player could play at any.given time. Now it’s like “ok bro this is your hero, play it”

I loved going into a game not knowing what I would play.


Strongly disagree , the only large issue with role que is tanks being unbalanced and not as fun/ rewarding as the other roles, otherwise it has vastly improved the game

There are swaps you can make on tank and on support that have the ability to deal with those heroes. Ana Bap and Zen all have the potential to deal with a Pharah. Dva and Sigma both deal with Pharah. Doomfist can be dealt with by Orisa and Sigma (and sometimes Hog). Moira can get away from Doomfist, and Ana or Bap can kill Doomfist.

Figure out how to excel in your role instead of abandoning it.

IF YOU DO THIS, YOU WILL LOSE GAMES. Don’t use comms to complain. Complaining is a great way to make people NOT play the game. Nobody wins games by complaining on comms. Many many many people lose games by complaining on comms.

Onetricking is annoying, but it’s on the players that do it, not the game. And anyway, onetricks don’t make games impossible to win. Hell, I saw mL7 win a game on Eichenwalde with Zarya+Hog against double barrier. It’s certainly not impossible. Like I said before, if the onetrick is in your game, then they won enough games as that hero to get there. Obviously they CAN win games.

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Make Overwatch Fun Again

I’ve been an Overwatch player ever since the game came out in 2016 and I am a huge fan and frankly role queue has completely SAVED the game for me and I’m seriously thinking of playing more again.

They announced it at BlizzCon. PTR on Tuesday will have it.

I love waiting 20+ minutes for a game that averages a whole tier below me.

The best part is how Blizzard is radio silent on the entire thing. The only thing I’ve read on it is how ‘Everyone likes it. The game is better because of RQ.’ Heh. Is that so?

I know it was the final nail in the coffin of me throwing in the towel. Thank good god I don’t play this game anymore.

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