Role Queue is a DISASTER!

Hello guys,
I am new here to these forums but i thought i would create a topic to express my feelings towards role queue and hopefully most of you will agree with me so we can at least make our voices heard.
Ever since the stupid role queue thing started, it has ruined competitive mode for me, role queue has killed the find group option for competitive, killed strategies used by teams lile goat etc… for example and on top of that the horrid wait for dps role is just something none of us loves to go through, plus the ability to adapt and change roles during a match ( which i consider a skill by itself ) is also gone.
So please if there is a way to make our voices heard and return things the way they were before this horrible queue idea, let’s not waste time plzzz.

I’ve been an overwatch player ever since the game came out in 2016 and i am a huge fan but frankly role queue has completely RUINED the game for me and im seriously thinking of quitting.



Hate to disappoint you but the overall community reaction has been positive and the Overwatch development team stated during BlizzCon that it intends to continue to push forward with role queue and work to improve and refine it (such as the upcoming skirmish modes coming to the PTR very soon).


Do they plan to move forward by actually balancing the game for 222 or nah


What’s the problem? You don’t like being shunted into a role? Not a fan of the 10+ minute waits only to have a leaver, then repeat the process? Not into having 2 players in a role that outright refuse to play it properly?

I mean cmon, Ralph. What’s your problem?


So much lies, Role queue is destroying the game, such a shame… OW devs destroyed what made overwatch amazing which was freedom.


What about, specifically, role queue is bad. Queue times are bad, but that’s only tangentially related to role queue. That problem can likely be fixed without removing role lock. Leavers happened prior to role queue. Meta was bad before role queue. What about role queue is the problem?


The lack of foresight baffles me. Half the characters in the game are dps but you can still only have 2 on a team. 222 also lets the devs hide the rampant balance problems.


Where did you see this information?

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Why is that a foresight problem? They planned, specifically, never to have 2-2-2. Initially, there were 4 hero categories. Things changed. 2-2-2 is currently helping fix balance problems.


How do you think the time problem can be solved? The demand on dps role is much much higher than the other 2 roles so that will be hugely difficult to solve especially in a locked system like in role queue, and speaking of dps role, do u know how horrible it is to wait 12-15mins to get a match and then someone leaves the match??


How about elaborating on this?

And by the way, he’s not lying, as the devs themselves have made it clear in official statements that the majority of the game’s player base actually really enjoys 2/2/2 role - lock:

You can still find your ““freedom”” in Quick Play Classic… :man_facepalming::man_facepalming:


unfortunately, QP Classic is not equivalent to pre-222 qp in multiple respects


burnz :smiley:

I’ll be one to say I’m not taking anyone’s word that overall community reaction has been positive when I see certain things like people leaving. However, I’m not going to make a big argument against it, either since…I don’t know every little thing and…I don’t care.

Whether role queue is for people or not is just a personal thing, and if people think it’s awful enough, they will and should leave.

The part about balancing though…gotta say, I’ve never been impressed about this. Not from day 1. Now…I haven’t left the game, because as a totally uncompetitive, non-esport friendly game, this game is pretty great casual burn time. It’s also why bad balance hasn’t had me leave the game. But the changes need to be not just balanced, but fun.

Changes to Brig, for example were needed, but she’s dull to play now and I’m trying. Tanks in general are beastly dull. DPS is the best role in this game and either Tanks and support should just be ignored from here on in if that’s the way it’s going to continue to be, or something really badly has to be done about tank choices, balance, and making them most importantly, fun.

More D.Va and Wrecking Ball, with balance. Less hurr durr Orissa, and slow hit point/barrier sponges in general. Nobody ever said tanks have to be lumbering walls, not in a fictional video game.

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You’ve been throwing this “argument” of your all over around the Forums lately and haven’t once stopped and explained what you mean. :man_shrugging:


I don’t know why the role queue system hates me but i only win 1 out of 5 games on every role when i used to win much more without role queue, last season i was diamond this season, I’m gold???, most games i feel like i have a braindead team, we’re always just getting spawncamped idk whats wrong (playing support)

How are the going to improve the influx of leavers more so now than ever? How are they going to improve healers focusing on dpsing vs healing? How are they going to improve tank throwers or 2 dive tanks solo diving non stop? How are they going to improve throwers? How are they going to improve dps who never switch, especially Genji’s who do nothing helpful?

At least without role queue, people could say “f-it” and go from dps to heals or tank or heals to dps or tank etc.

edit: please don’t say, “Report it and they will take action” because more times than not they don’t unless a person gets A LOT of reports.


How do you know the overall community reaction has been positive also? Because Blizzard said so? Of course they would. I bet they are getting great positive reactions about hiding people who are grouped in matches to the other team too huh? So for all you know you are going up against a 3-6 groups while your team is all solos.

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The DPS waits are long, cause a lot of bad DPS players. Sorry law of averages says so. Tanks and support are so much less of the overall player base. They play in more often than not, games below or above their SR. Again, law of averages says this is true due to the extremely high numbers of DPS players.

The fix, stop playing DPS! More of you need to get better at DPS, or play as a tank or support. That would help the issue.

But 90% of the game wants to DPS onry! So it’s not the games fault, it’s the players


Increase the timers for all roles.Only dedicated players of that say role will wait 10 mins + to play it.

in my opinion best way to make competitve for cvompetitve players only.You need to prove it.

I’ll be glad if they were to increase the timers for dps to 30mins.I don’t mind waiting.In the meantime i’ll be in training room or deathmatch practicing.

heck make it 40 mins i don’t mind.