Role Queue Beta DPS Pickrates are in!

Since Overbuff has stopped giving data for 2-2-2, I thought I’d collect pick rates of my own. To do this, I looked at the most played heroes at the DPS T500 leaderboard, then based pick rates upon which heroes were being used the most. So here’s the DPS in order from most picked to least picked in T500:

  1. Hanzo (306)

  2. Widowmaker (229)

  3. Doomfist (177)

  4. McCree (166)

  5. Genji (130)

  6. Mei (96)

  7. Tracer (70)

  8. Ashe (57)

  9. Symmetra (53)

  10. Reaper (47)

  11. Sombra (22)

  12. Torbjörn (18)

  13. Junkrat (17)

  14. Pharah (16)

  15. Soldier: 76 (7)

  16. Bastion (4)


OK, nothing about this is surprising


Pharah should be so much higher on the list.

Especially with all these sym reaper mains.

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Pretty much what i predicted.

With the double sniper meta, playing pharah is like playing Dark Souls III


I still test the waters till I see 2 hitscans. :stuck_out_tongue:

Blizz: “Lemme take this mid tier hero and gut them because they dared to become viable pick once in their lifetime in a meta that super heavily favours them”

Blizz: “Hanzo, widow and doomfist are cool tho, we just love ohkos that you can’t do anything about, we really do”


Pharah is not higher because you need Mercy mains for her to be useful.


Wait so what are you counting? A person’s most played? Their top 3 at equal weighting?

This proves that McCree is broken! Nerf him and then nerf him again, nerf him until he can no longer wear his hat. NERF

So? This is not surprising.

The heroes with the highest skill to reward payoffs are the most picked at the highest ranks. This is logical. In order to win the high end games, people are going to play the heroes they can get the highest return with.

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One of the greatest games of all time though!

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Damn. 1 through 5 are miles ahead of everyone else, but Hanzo and Widow remain the gods of OW I see.

I really wish overbuff come faster

i think the most interesting part is the margin between the first and second spots. hanzo’s more picked than widow by a lot more compared to every other window.

Widow, Hanzo and Doom ohko meta?

Better nerf symmetra

Weird that i knew what the list was going to be like.

Weird right? Knowing what chars are actually op and meta and all that jazz.

Not that blizz wants to nerf the Op and overused chars. :’)

I would rather change armor into an anti-burst mechanic then just another nerf.