Role Que has ruined overwatch

I can point that during Moth meta every single hero was viable, and we only had one mandatory hero.

Every hero was viable though for the wrong reasons. Since Mercy was so op then she enabled every hero to an extreme level. The problem with that variety was having one hero so broken none of the other heroes mattered, because if you made a mistake well she had to instant revives, you are about to die because of a mistake let me inject you with a metric crap ton of healing, oh the enemy is pushing in and your hero cant dish out enough damage let me damage boost you and the entire team. You see the problem?

I’d like to add one more to that list.

“Ah, nobody on my team’s getting picks? Ana. NANO ME. I’m going VALK”

Ah yes the classic, lol :joy:

Mercy was OP and deserved to be nerfed. Or reverted, since pre Valkyrie Mercy never attained the power level of Moth at its peak.

I’m just pointing out that this was the period where we had the most diverse cast of viable heroes in OW history, and the only way to surpass that is if they somehow made every single hero viable while NOT having any must pick hero.

Yeah but thats impossible with how complex each character is. So perfect variety isnt reasonable but near perfect is what we aiming for. Hero pools will be that solution. Pre valk mercy though was broken because an enemy team has to use a lot of resources to win a fight, then mercy just flies in presses q now your team has resources and the enemy team doesnt since they already used theirs. Pre valk mercy was more broken.

It’s known data that Mercy was a C-tier hero during mass rez time.

She was not even close to be broken. Maybe frustrating for the enemy team, but then

I never had any teammate complaining that they got rezzed. Mass rez was Mercy’s moment of glory. It was taken from her, turning her from a hero to a sidekick.

It’s no surprise Mercy mains left the game in frustration over that.

Nothing says catastrophic failure like trying to double down on a controversial feature with an even more controversial change to it.

I don’t personally mind 1-3-2 in principle, it depends how the changes to the off tanks go through with it; I would prefer they pushed them into DPS but we’ll see what they got later.

That doesn’t mean Ive changed my view that role lock was a bad idea from day one.

Yes, they destroyed the game by doing this, and they won’t admit it.
The second worst thing that has been added to the game is Tracer’s Lightning skin.

Firstly where did you get c- tier from is there a source our did you make that up. Secondly no one ever in any game would complain about gettin rezzed your not getting my point. My point is so you and the enemy fight and the enemy wins, everyone agrees that in order to win a lot of resources are required to be used in an intelligent and clever manner to come out on top. After the enemy wins they have no resources left, if the opposing side gets revived they will have all their cooldowns and will have ult charge from the last fight they lost. This almost nearly grants a guaranteed win from just one button press of the mercy. Also I dont understand why you included the quote from the discussion of hero bans it, because hero bans is never going to be a thing. The difference between hero bans and hero pools are that in hero bans the 2 team choose what characters will not be played in that match, which is a problem since there will most likely be the same heroes banned game after game. Hero pools bans 1 hero in tank and support and 2 in dps based off of the last weeks most played hero in each role.

Why is role lock bad, I am curious why people think this but every single person I asked has failed to provide any reasonable argument. A majority of the community supports it anyways the goal is to appease as many people as possible not get 100% of player to support it because that is not practical.

Captain Planet’s tier analysis, which alongside Winston’s Lab was the most used tier list for Overwatch first year.

Here is a random link from one of his reports. Feel free to go back in time and check all the timeline between launch and Mercy rework. She had some presence during the very early days of launch, when we only had 3 healers and Zen was a throw pick (and double LĂșcio was a thing). As soon as Zen got 200 HP she dropped out of sight and only returned as the 100% pick monster after Valkyrie.

And you are not getting mine. I used to be a Sym/Torb main, and despite winning most of the matches I played them, my team would still complain all the time about my picks.

Mercy, on the other hand, was usually the enemy team complaining, not Mercy teammates. That’s why I quoted Jeff being blunt that “you don’t like playing against this hero” is not a good argument for balance changes.

One of the best aspects of the mass rez era was because, despite ults being charged a lot faster than today, they were less relevant in ensuring a team fight victory because Mercy was the insurance against “just spam all ults and lol win”.

Since her rework, people complain that smart teams just do dry pushes until they get 4+ ults and spam them all at the same time to win. Which was exactly the kind of thing Mercy prevented.

Plus, it’s not like mass rez didn’t had counterplay. You could kill Mercy first, you could pace out your ults, you could Deadeye or Self Destruct the freshly-rezzed enemies when they have no chance to move out of the way, and you can have a Mercy of your own that would respond a rez with a rez for your team as well.

I explained a lot while it was coming and in the weeks after it went live, I won’t go through it again, because I can’t be bothered, all those reasons were variously handwaved, and I rarely play anymore, certainly not competitive because I don’t like those consequences.

Suffice to say a lot of the reasons people gave for having it never really amounted to anything. Reinforced metas got worse, balance certainly became no better, and the community didn’t improve, neither did match quality.

I don’t like it, I stopped playing in those rules. If and when I do play, it’s QPC.

As a mid-rank tank main?

Stop talking before it gets worse.

You’re support, you shouldn’t be handling the enemy hitscan, you should be supporting. If you have a feeding pharah for example, she should be the one that switches to say, doomfist to pick the enemy soldier in one combo, and you as a support, should just work on healing everyone or discording or whatever character you play.

Roll queue and countering exist mutually. Roll queue is not ruining the game for you, stubborn players are what ruin the game for you.

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Well its either this or go back to 4 instant lock dps wannabe’s again.

Even though I love Role Queu because I can play a normal game again
 right now by release Echo and calling her a Flex I would really love to be able to play her in DPS queu as hybrid healer/dmg without the cancerous queue times.

And if there was no role queue, then what else would have prevented them from playing tank/support if they wanted too?