Role Que has ruined overwatch

2-2-2 was there to get rid of goats not for comp

GOATs was dead…
Got killed by a multi DPS comp

I"m talking about OWL

I know, did you not hear about the Shanghai Dragons?

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instead of role queue they should’ve limited the amount of each role able to be present on a team

I don’t like role queue so I play classic quickplay like most folk do. Nobody like long queue times. But I still hate role queue for the nerfs it did to heroes. Tanks now barely feel like tanks. They already barely fulfilled their role but with the shield they are so difficult to play now.

They easily could’ve let shield health be affected by how many tanks are on your team. No other tanks? Orisa shield is 900. Another Tank is on your team? Now 600. So on and so on. But no. The multi billion dollar company can’t think of a way for the game to be fun without having to play competitive. Cuz let’s face it. All Blizz cares about is their E-sports. Not the regular player.

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Is this still about achievements? I mean seriously, you have a mode you can do that is identical except for 2-2-2 and achievements. But here’s the thing - you have it. For the 90+% average I just wanna pew-pew-pew mentality, QPC is fine and does what its intended to do. Its not meant to be “equivalent” to full on QP under 2-2-2. These “differences” are frankly irrelevant to 90+% of the playerbase.


until you see a reddit lucio and a dps zen :smiley:

I know of no valid data to support the claim of 90%

While Achievements arent the only difference between pre222 qp and classic qp, they are more important (in some cases, far more important) to some than to others

What other differences are there?

It was bad before 2-2-2. It’s bad after 2-2-2. The problem has always been solo queue. Not the modes format. There are so many players who don’t care about playing a team game that you can get 50% of the team or more who just play whatever in whatever way they want. This makes it frustrating for the rest who are trying to play properly.

I really don’t know the solution except to come up with compelling modes that siphon off the selfish solo-que players from the normal game.

The Hammond comp wasn’t around for long enough to be clear on what would happen. It could possibly have been countered by someone swapping to Sombra if necessary. It might have been able to break GOATS, but we can’t be extremely sure about that.

It worked and that is what matters. People would have most likely started replicating the team comp instead of playing GOATs because people will copy what works as it is the path of least resistance.

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Again, it’s entirely possible that a single easy swap could have neutered that 1-3-2 comp. It’s more likely that someone would try running Sombra or Mei than everyone just sees a comp that does well against GOATS and gives up.

Ah yes the “I know of no valid data” nonsense again :roll_eyes:

No one cares about this question of “other differences” except like you and two other people here bro.

I dont know what you mean by this, right now this is the most hero variety we have seen till date. Can you backup your arguement instead of using “experience” since it is so subjective.

Sorry, but no. The moment in time where we had the most diverse meta in the game was during the peak of Moth Mercy. The only absolutely required piece was Mercy herself. Everything else was viable.

Right now we have Rein and Mei as mandatory pieces, and still have a bunch of heroes like Symmetra, Bastion, Sombra and Orisa that are basically irrelevant.

You have to consider the upcoming update that will make it literally impossible to play the most played heroes of the weak before. Regardless of mei and rein being the most played you cant claim that they are mandatory many teams in OWL have not only run other heroes but has had arguably the same amount of success without mei and rein. we still have seen more comps such as dive come back. I will admit however that even though we have seen many hereoes be played symmetra, bastion and orisa have been irrelevent but then again hero pools will force the variety to a further extent. Sombra isnt irrelevent though because she has been run many times in OWL 2020, she doesnt have a lot of play time but has had a respectable amount of attention.

I think it will flop. But I’ll be happy to be wrong on this.

Not that it matters much, I stopped playing OW since role queue arrived, and only play during events to earn the new skins. I’m coming back for OW2 because I like co-op PvE games, and love the OW lore. But the PvP mode? It’s dead for me unless they either remove role queue (unlikely) or allow us to earn achievements in QPC.

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Well if you stopped playing OW your not in the position to argue over variety. I also was scepticle about role queue at first because I am a widow main/ hitscan player but then I saw her low pickrate which made me happy but on top of that she got nerfed so her pick rate now is virtually nothing. Regardless of my preferences I think hero pools will work out due to the variety it will enforce and due to the way heroes will be banned based of the last weeks pick rates.