Role Q does not belong in quickplay

Role queue should not be in qp, not in a month, not today, not ever. Do not implement this.


Counter argument: Yes it does.


But OP. Quick play is designed to be a practice ground for competitive. How can I practice for competitive in quick play unless quickplay is set up like competitive?


Debate of the century right here. We should sell tickets.


Actually, Quick Play was not at all designed to be a practice ground for Competitive Play. Competitive Play did not exist when Overwatch was released. In fact, Quick Play was the original Overwatch mode.


go play ptr 222qp on there is great. why it wasnt fully added i dont know


My guess is that Blizzard isn’t fully confident yet in their numbers for the new SR and MMR. It sucks for now but it will be a better implementation when it launches for real.

yes, QP with 2-2-2 is hilarious, QP is not about win and it is not even close to comp, there is you just having fun in all ways possible, 2-2-2 in QP is not fun, it is for competitive and too serious players


ptr is working great. i dont want 2 weeks of limbo. they should atlest add sigma to comp so you dont have to play stale orisa hog meta in a fake beta comp.

Role queue should be in qp, not in a month, but today. Do implement this ASAP.


Preaching to the choir my friend. I’m just guessing at their motivation.

Speak for yourself bro. Quickplay is ONLY about the win for lots of us.


Winning is fun. I’d prefer full role queue now. Hopefully this half implemented role lock system is taken out until then.

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Role limits without Role Queue is a confirmed bug… hang on for updates:

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I fully support role Q but i do not think it shoudl be in QP.
Prob because I don’t give a f3ck if I win or lose in QP

Done playing until this (in QP) gets fixed. It’s apparently a bug. But still, no point.

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I wonder how long is the wait in QP once the role queue is implemented. I’m sure majority of us always want to play dps in QP

Take that sweat to comp. Thats what the mode for you.

No. I will stay in QP, thank you very much.


Thanks Blizzard for implementing 2-2-2 lock everywhere, right now we have BEST OW ever!