Role Q does not belong in quickplay

Really? So no 2-2-2 lock for QP? It’s worse news I was expecting for the game right now… I was waiting for the lock since season 2.

Role Queue is coming for Quick Play is coming on September 1st. Remember the Competitive beta season is coming in preparation for this (both Quick Play and Competitive). Sorry for not specifying this earlier as I was having to respond to dozens of posts earlier yesterday.

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Superb! Thanks for the fast replay!

Considering how much better life is playing a support when you have two confirmed tanks or playing a tank with two confirmed healers, I think this may bring back a lot of flex players, healers, and tanks.

This is called the self-sampling hypothesis. The notion that a person always thinks of themselves as representative of the general population.

I won’t claim to represent everyone either. I can only speak for myself and say that I do not want to play only DPS in Quickplay.


It does because people have a bad attitude about trying in QP. While it shouldn’t be taken as seriously as comp, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t care about winning at all and put in throw comps.

I’m endorsing 2-2-2 everywhere. Literally loving all the posts supporting 2-2-2. Best thing that happened to this game.

If you want chaos and fun, go to Arcade. People should understand that QP is at least semi-serious. It is not a place to kill and be killed with zero strategy.

Like, I don’t know why people insist on keeping QP in this insane state when they always had the option to click on “Arcade”.

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I think your mixed up. QP is the mode with rule set closest to competitive play. Mostly because comp was modeled after this mode as mentioned earlier. All changes to core mechanics have been applied to QP and Comp.

Enter the arcade. Wild rulesets, rotating game modes, ability to make custom games, and now a tool to make your own modes. Seems like arcade was the mode that was designed for

100% behind role queue in QP.

You know what else is not fun? Solo healing for 5 DPS or dying every second you leave spawn because the enemy has 4 snipers and you don’t have a tank.

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This made me really sad today. I finally had amazing good balanced matches last night during Quickplay. It was fun, engaging and challenging to find ways to beat the enemy.

Soon my friend is 25 and we can finally move to Comp and will go there till sept 1st when it’s back in QP.

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Hence I said majority, not everyone. And relax, i’m not trying to make fun of anyone here. Just speak from experience. If you are not new to the forum, you would see that half of complains were about instalock dps, 4,5 dps comp. Even the dev with hard data also said they are trying for us to not having 15 mins long dps queue.

So no, it s not self sampling, it s just question.

How the new players will learn to play if there is no role q in quickplay?

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Role queue is in QP for a reason. How is anyone going to learn to play a new hero when their options are: (1) learn in comp without any practice, and (2) learn in QP where the team makeup is not anything close to a comp match?

I’ve had like 5 or 6 people in the past couple days randomly complain about how role queue is horrible at the beginning of a match because now they have to wait 6 min to play their beloved DPS. Those of us who NEVER got to play DPS because we flexed so the game wouldn’t be a complete disaster are grateful for the opportunity. The people complaining about this are the REASON we have role queue in the first place, and the fact that the wait is so long tells anyone who thinks about it everything they need to know about the state of the game. These people are just selfish and ought to expect the same amount of sympathy that they gave to their teams every time they locked 3rd DPS and refused to swap.

And ofc the people who do this, when their profile isn’t private, have no supports or tanks in their play history. Gah. (No, I’m not salty about any of this <<)

The mode where 80% of the playerbase wants to play 1 class should have role queue?