Role lock without role queue?!

Who on the planet Earth thought this was a good idea!!!


Fastest players pick the reaction time based heroes, I like it


I’m assuming it is a bug… because it is stupid.


It is a bug. In bug report there is a post about it Ewww role queue QP is a role pick race without choice - #24 by Kaedi-11739
and wyomingmyst believes it’s not supposed to happen.


I have not confirmed it, but I do believe this is not intended. I am doing everything in my power to find out though.

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How am I supposed to play Sigma on live without role queue? Now I have to compete with 5 other players to instalock him, instead of competing with just one.

That’s not how it was on PTR. It’s a bug or configuration issue.

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I do believe No Limits mode is available in the arcade right now.

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the people complaining on the forums about qp having role queue?

You mean the people with the better SSDs?


No. We are complaining about NOT having role queue, dummy.

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don’t call me dummy when you can’t understand what i wrote

so again:


on ptr qp had role queue, people complained here on the forums about it, blizzard removed it.

You’re both dummy THICCCCCCC.

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More like “No SSD = tank main 24/7”.

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But…I have 2 SSD’s and I play tanks, and have for a while.

Well, I guess you’ll get the guy with the spinning platter for your off tank. Regardless of what he wants to, or can play. Enjoy!

Hey everyone, I did get some confirmation that this is being investigated. Not yet sure what will come of this, but I am hopeful things will get corrected soon.

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It is hard for me to have an in depth conversation at the moment. I can’t stop laughing at all this business. Most comical thing I have seen in this game, ever.

“They took my jerb” has a whole new meaning lol.

I mean, role queue isn’t perfect, but fastest load time wins is probably the worst possible way to implement 2-2-2.

And I say that as someone with a very good pc who generally can pick first.

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You’re doing that weird thing where people jump to conclusions and mistake it as facts.

Read the green text, hombre.

Edit: Isn’t it weird this thread got moved to Bug Report?